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Kunoichi Girl
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Writer, Manga Artist, other things.....
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#1 Smartest Girl in my class.
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Uh.... Ever!
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Naruto, Bleach, Prince of Tennis, .hack//Roots, .hack//Legend of Twilight, Scrapped Princess, School Rumble, Yugioh GX, DNAngel, Loveless
To become a manga artist, or a scientist
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Talking Fast, Playing Piano
| Kunoichi Warrior
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Tuesday, June 5, 2007
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Yeah...I'm bored right now, with nothing to do but study for a Social Studies test that I don't feel like studying for. And we also have to work on this Musical thingy for our soon-to-be retired teacher. I actually never had her as a teacher, but according to some kids, if you had a messy desk, she'd dump it all out onto the ground and actually CHUCK IT across the classroom. And her jaw moves funny when she's mad...heh. XD
Over all, though, I think she was nice.
Anyway, we danced all night last night. It was fun, but now I feel sore all over from too much dancing. But at the end of the dance, the DJ asked if anybody wanted to be in the Dunk Tank at the Carnival this year. Greg volunteered and got to be in it. I'm so spending all my money there, just to dunk that pervert into the water!
Math test - probably got an F, or an A...which one sounds better?
We got our Terra Nova test scores back. My total score - I scored higher than 96% of children in the country. ...I did better in 5th grade: I scored 99% higher than all the kids in the country.
Still didn't get our IQ tests back though...I know what mine would say.
"You are an Idiot. Nothing more."
Closing and Random Questions
Well, let's I reached 700 hits, so I have to thank you all for that. I seriously didn't know that was possible.
Sorry for the long/short post.
And no, my braces don't hurt.
1) Do you play any musical instruments?
2) Do you like running around like a manic?
3) To animals (including some crazy people) attack you?
4) Hear of the anime .hack/Legend of Twilight? And if so...should I watch it?
Well...Guess that's it!
Ja ne!
Kunoichi Warrior/Yakumo-chan
Comments (4) |
Monday, June 4, 2007
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Yeah, I know I was absent for a couple of days, but I generally don't post on the weekends. I'm back now, so...yeah.
Anyway, I have to hurry, because the school dance is tonight and my Math teacher just decided that the last test of the year would be tomorrow. Why the hell did she do that if she knew about the dance tonight!?
Cause she's evil, that's all. And I'd probably die next year if she ends up our homeroom teacher (which the chances are about 95%).
Sigh...anyway, Field Day is coming up, and that's a bunch of athletic competitions. We separated the glass into two teams. I have to run the 75 meter and the 200 meter relay. That sucks. At least I'm running against slow people, though. XD
Braces are okay, now, if you were wondering why I haven't been complaining about them in the beginning of this post.
Well, have a great day everybody!
Closing and Random Questions
1) Well, what's up?
2) I'm bored...*sigh*
3) Paris Hilton went to jail. XD
That's about it.
Short post...Sorry!
Ja ne!
Kunoichi Warrior/Yakumo-chan
Comments (5) |
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
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What's up? Yeah, my braces still hurt. My friends tell me it'll get better by the third day, but today is the second so...yeah.
I have a band concert tomorrow, and I have to present my oral report (which was miraculously put of for one week) tomorrow as well. The last Science test is on Friday and I can seem to study because of my teeth. So today seems to be quite awful.
Well, I finally found DNAngel! Yay! And I'm actually watching the anime! Yay!
Naruto High School soon.
Sorry about drabbling.
Closing and Random Questions
1) Yeah...I'm really tired, so I can't think of any questions...
2) Bah...Ja ne!
Well, Short post. Pointless. You didn't need to read it!
Well, Ja ne!
Kunoichi Warrior
Comments (4) |
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
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Yeah, Yeah, Yeah...I know I shouldn't be complaining. But they hurt! I just got them this morning, and I can't talk, chew, smile, laugh or do anything with my mouth. I feel asleep in science class because of a headache!
And that's just basically my life. XD. My friends tried to cheer me up, but if I laugh, they hurt, so yeah.....XD
Even the principal was sympathetic. I didn't know she had any emotions other than anger...and more anger.
So I really hope you enjoyed that last chapter! You could find it in my archives, cause I to lazy to post it on another site for easy reading. The next chapter I have no clue when it's gonna come out, so bear with me.
Yay! I'm gonna watch Tsubasa and DNAngel! Yay! My mom's getting the discs from Netflix! I feel so happy...and yet my teeth hurt. Sorry about that.
Well, I have about 678 hits and 95 guestbook signings. Thank you all for being my friends! I love you all! ^.^
Closing and Questions! (after a long time!)
1) So any ideas for my next chapter?
2) *yawn* Are you sleepy?
3) Do you like eating popcorn?
4) ...Jell-O. XD That's my new favorite snack, cause I don't have to chew.
Well, I hope you all have a great day!
Ja ne!
Kunoichi Warrior
Hosted By
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Monday, May 28, 2007
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And It came a little bit early! Who cares? Well, I hope you like it! ^.^
Anyways, life, normal. No school today, and I guess everything is alright. I'm gonna get my braces tomorrow (ouch) and I have a Vocab test, too.
Well, enough of that. I promised you Naruto High School and you're gonna get Naruto High School! So Yay for you! ^.^
Have a great day!
PS - Thank you GIDRA, again! How much do I owe you?
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Chapter Twenty-Eight - Struggle
“And so far...” the VP standing at the podium announced to the audience. “...Konoha has 4 games in the competition and Otogakure has 6. The last 10 games decide it all! Please take your lunch break and enjoy your day. The competition will continue in two hours.” Naruto’s father walked solemnly off the stage, disappointed.
Naruto, now becoming a nervous wreck turned to his friends. “W-what are we supposed to do now!? We’re losing, big time!”
“I know! Geez...don’t need to rub it in our faces!” Sasuke yelled. He sighed and crossed his arms. “I wonder were Nii-san is. He should be back by now...”
“Worrying about it isn’t going to help,” Naruto said.
Chouji sighed. “Why don’t we just get some lunch?”
“It’s always food about you,” Shikamaru groaned. “But I found out that someone switched the labels in the Science Competition, and that’s why we were losing.”
Lee blinked at the lazy dude for a few moments and tilted his head slightly. “Hey, wait a minute! There was some weird glass thingy on the basketball hoop. I couldn’t get a single ball in, no matter how hard I tried!”
“Same thing about the goal in soccer!” Sasuke added.
“Hm.....” Naruto put his finger to his chin and sat in a thinking position for several silent minutes.
“...Aw well,” Naruto smiled and sauntered off to the cafeteria.
The group sighed and followed him.
An hour passed and Itachi’s disappearance was becoming apparent, and Sasuke was beginning to act like a whiny worry wart.
“I’m telling you, he won’t pick up! ARGH!” Sasuke threw his cell phone onto the ground and was about to pound it until Naruto picked it up.
“Dude! This is a Sidekick! Those things are cool!” Naruto said. “If you don’t want it, you could give it to me.”
The younger Uchiha groaned. “Trust me. You don’t want it. Whenever it rings, it vibrates like nasty.”
“Yeah ri-AH!” Naruto dropped the ringing and vibrating phone onto the ground and it smashed his foot, causing him to bump against the locker door. The door swung open and a video camera fell out. Sasuke picked up the phone and the camera.
“Hey...this is Nii-san’s camera,” Sasuke said.
Naruto, still nursing his injured foot, peered over Sasuke’s shoulder. “Really?”
“Yeah, there’s his initials. Why is it in my locker?”
Shikamaru picked up the phone and took the camera. “There’s a text message from your brother.”
PS ... - SAVE ME!!!!
“Sasu-kin?” Everybody said.
Sasuke had his head down, embarrassed. “He just had to go and use that stupid pet name, didn’t he? ARGH! WHY WAS I WORRIED ABOUT HIM AGAIN?!”
“Doesn’t matter. Just watch the tape!” Naruto yelled.
Kiba fumbled with the camera a little before finding the ON button (“Dude, why is this thing so complex? It’s one of the expensive one’s isn’t it? Dude...You’re brother’s sounds like a spoiled brat!”). Everybody huddled onto the screen, which showed the days events.
“OMG!” Sakura exclaimed, covering her mouth. “He’s cheating!”
“W-we’ve gotta show this tape to Tsunade-sama!” Naruto said.
The team nodded and began to move, only to be interrupted by a loud BANG coming from the door labeled “JANITOR’S CLOSET” which was crossed out and in it’s place, written in messy handwriting was “KISAME’S KORNER.”
The knocking continued. Naruto hid behind Sasuke. “It’s for you.”
Sasuke gulped and tried to turn the door knob. It was locked. Sakura threw the Uchiha a bobby pin and Sasuke picked the lock until it was opened. Itachi, acting in haste, stabbed Sasuke right in the crotch with a mop.
“Take that, you Gay Freak!”
“That’s gonna leave a mark...” Sasuke muttered, fainting.
Itachi blinked for a few seconds and slapped his forehead. “Mom’s so gonna kill me....Wait. She’s dead...then she’s soo gonna haunt me.”
“OOHHH! You’re in trouble!” Naruto jeered.
Kiba glanced at the clock and quickly turned to his comrades. “Never mind that! We have to get this tape in less than an 10 minutes or it’ll be too late!”
“Then let’s go then,” Itachi said. The group left, leaving the knocked out Sasuke on the floor.
Tsunade paced back and forth, wondering what the hell was going on with her students. They were playing worse than ever! The had never lost a single game to the Otogakure Academy. Something must be up....
Her suspicions were confirmed when Naruto, Shikamaru, and Kiba came up the stairs towards her, a flashy and expensive looking camera held in their waving hands.
“What are you guys doing? How are you able to afford that thing with your dumb allowances that you could only get through chores?”
“Never mind that. Just watch the tape! It shows proof that the Sound has been cheating!”
Tsunade burst into laughter. “That’s IMPOSSIBLE! Orochimaru claimed himself that he didn’t cheat. You guys are all being sore losers.”
“But we have a teacher to vouch for us!” the kids protested, pushing Itachi up.
“If I get fired, this is SO your fault.”
Tsunade raised an eyebrow. “But he signed a contract. He said that he wasn’t going to cheat!”
Itachi crossed his arms. “He also said he wasn’t gay or a rapist and that didn’t turn out so well.”
Everybody looked at him and then turned to the camera. Tsunade watched the tape carefully. She gasped.
“’s true then.”
Orochimaru then sauntered up the stairs, meeting up with they rest of the crew. “What’s up? Why are you all looking at me like that?”
“You cheated!” Tsunade accused.
“You kidnapped our teacher!” Naruto said.
“And you tried to rape me while I was in college...okay, maybe I shouldn’t have said that,” Itachi said, smiling as innocently as possible to the people who immediately shot him weird glances.
Orochimaru smirked. “What makes you think that?”
Tsunade showed the camera. The Snake-like man’s jaw dropped. He growled in frustration. “Who taped that?”
“Itachi-sensei did!” Naruto exclaimed.
Itachi blinked. “NO I DIDN’T....okay, maybe...”
Orochimaru growled and again and stomped off the stage, followed by his students. “I’ll get you next time, Itachi. And you’re little Class, too.” The Otogakure Academy left the building.
Tsunade started a round of applause for the group. Naruto smiled and Kiba shot a triumphant fist in the air.
“Well, what do you know? Effort does do something...” Shikamaru said.
“...You’re not gonna be lazy and skip on your class work anymore?” VP asked.
Shikamaru yawned. “Don’t push it.”
Tsunade smiled at the group. “I owe you one. If there’s anything you need, just ask.”
Itachi winked. “How ‘bout a raise?
“Don’t push it.”
“So close.
Naruto, Sakura, Kiba, and Shikamaru sat outside on the steps of their school. Kakashi and Itachi were talking as the silver haired man locked the door.
“That was a cool day,” Naruto stretched and stood up. “Well, I guess we’ll have to go home...”
Itachi sighed. “I can’t help but feel like I’m forgetting something....”
Kisame was busy cleaning up the mess that was left from the Showdown. He saw Sasuke unconscious on the ground in front of his janitor’s closet.
“Hey, kid, wake up...”
No answer.
Kisame sighed and lifted the boy up, threw him into the closet, and Sasuke shot up, awake.
“See you Monday,” Kisame said, shutting the door.
“EH?! W-”
Well, I hope you like it! Comments are always welcome!
Ja ne!
Kunoichi Warrior
Comments (9) |
Friday, May 25, 2007
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Well, considering how late I'm actually posting...ah never mind XD. At least we have an extended weekend, so you enjoy that! ^.^
Turns out, I finished the next chapter of Naruto High School! But I'm not giving it to you tonight, cause I can't. Sorry, folks. Wait till Monday! ^.^
Anyway, we did a prayer service today, I can't sing or read cause my teeth hurt. And Kevin was acting like an idiot...again. My music teacher got mad at me for missing the Choir Concert, and Joey and Julian were...well, idiots. XD
And I'm sitting here, bored outta my wits, cause nothing new happened.
Except for a debate between my Social Studies Teacher and my classmates because half of the class got a 41 or lower. It stupid, because she clearly said everything we needed to know on the test and wrote it on the board. I was the only one who got a perfect 100+3. I mean she told us everything, but they barely ever take the time to actually pay attention and it's driving me nuts.
Also, during recess, they started this thing called "Charm School" where they teach the three idiots how to 'charm' girls. No hope, but somehow they were allowed to graduate and the ceremony was held after lunch. It was quite hilarious actually. XD
Well, enough about that. Have a great day!
Naruto Manga!
Wow...that' was weird. Poor Itachi, everything's converging on him. I wonder who Deidara found?
Well, you could always check the manga out on Saiyan! It's really great! I can't wait to see what happens next!
Sorry, I'm too tired to think of questions. Are you okay with that? (Wait...that's a question!)
Well, Have a Great Extended Memorial Weekend!
Ja ne!
~Kunoichi Warrior~
Comments (4) |
Thursday, May 24, 2007
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Yeah, yeah, yeah. NO Naruto High School today. What? I gave you one two posts in a row. Don't you think I deserve a break.
Well, the next chapter is almost done, so don't you worry!
Anyway, school was normal. About have the class had to present their oral reports today, and luckily, that half didn't include me. But that means I have to go tomorrow...maybe I'll just call in sick. XD
During recess, Amber (one of my friends) was trying to flirt with Kevin just to freak him out. It was HILARIOUS! If you ask me, Kevin deserves it. You all know that HE freaks ME out.
Anyway, I had an orthodontist appointment today and the girl just put separators in my mouth (something that looks like rubber bands) and they HURT! My teeth feel sore...I have to keep them on for a couple of days, though...*sigh*
Anyway, enough about that. Naruto High School shall be out soon! Just you wait!
Website and Stuff...
Yeah...Yeah....I reached 661 hits and 94 guestbook signings today, so thank you so much! And thank you Blane Hoshi (I hope I spelled that right) for being my 94th guestbook signer! *throws confetti*
Well, now's the discussion for a new theme, so have any ideas?
Closing and Random Questions
1) Have any ideas for a new theme? (Get ready GIDRA! New request on the way!)
2) ...I'm bored.
3) My teeth hurt. Do yours....?
4) No. Really. Do your teeth hurt.
5) ...Don't answer the previous questions.
6) Writing anything right now?
Well, I guess that's just about it!
See you next time!
Ja ne!
~Kunoichi Warrior~
Comments (7) |
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
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*dodges all the knives that were thrown at me* So you want the next chapter huh? Well, lucky for you, I finished it! Along with other things for my project. But I'll only give it to you if you promise that you'll be patient for the next one! (which should come out Friday or Monday).
Our projects were due today, and I guess my teacher was impressed by mine, so that's good. And we had a test and all that junk. *sigh*
Anyways, back to the story and stuff. I hope you enjoy this chapter! ^.^
I'm gonna post my fanfiction on so you could go find them there (but not yet!)
And it turns out that my favorite teacher (who retired) came here today to look at the projects! (she's a judge) I missed her. She was the best and made the year fun!
Alright, time for less depressing things....Enjoy the story! ^.^
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Chapter Twenty-Seven - Let the Games Begin
As soon as Itachi-sensei threw the door open, Naruto and crew were amazed at the crowd. Thousands of parents came to cheer their kids on and the Otogakure Academy Students sat in the bleachers above them, eyes cold with passion, but burning with the determination to win.
“Suddenly,” Sakura said, fiddling with her hands. “I’m not so hungry anymore....”
Naruto turned to Itachi. “Dude. You’re a genius, right? Is there anything you know of about the Sound?”
“Well,” Itachi said, crossing his arms. “I heard that their Headmaster, Orochimaru, is gay.”
The trio fell on the ground and Sasuke shot back up and pointed his finger at him. “You....You...You...I’m to young to say what I wanna say, but I’m doing it any way. F- -”
Itachi covered his mouth. “Now, now, Little Brother. You’re too young to be using profanity.”
“And you’re to stupid to be my older brother. Now shut up!” Sasuke barked.
Itachi lifted up both palms. “Oh. Touchy, touchy.”
Kakashi appeared behind them, his droopy eye looking more droopy and his head band and hair a little more disheveled (not that it usually wasn’t) then it used to be. “Why wouldn’t we be? Otogakure Academy looks...tough.”
“They can’t be that tough,” Itachi shrugged indifferently and took his seat on the bleachers.
Naruto bit his nails in anticipation and Sakura was quickly going over the volleyball techniques that Anko had taught them last week.
After a couple of minutes, Tsunade and Orochimaru approached the podiums set upon the large stage. The woman cleared her throat, and there was automatic silence in the crowd. Tsunade opened her mouth to speak.
“Welcome, everybody, to our wonderful Konohagakure High School,” her voice bellowed across the auditorium. “As you all know, this is the annual Showdown between Konohagakure and Otogakure. All that we ask of you, is that you play your best and don’t embarrass yourselves.” She smiled and let Orochimaru take the podium.
Sasuke wanted to scream when he heard the sinuous headmaster speak and Naruto covered his ears. Itachi just examined his fingernails, and Ino bit her lip from laughing at Orochimaru’s lack of fashion sense.
“Thank you very much, Tsunade-sama,” the man hissed (no, literally). “And thank you for welcoming us to your prestigious school. Now, I would like to agree with her for you to try your best, and for my students, to try their best also. There’s nothing more fun than a challenge; that’s my motto.” And as he said that, he gave a quick wink at his students, and Kabuto, his right hand man turned to face the teachers and whispered something in hushed tones.
Itachi, who was the only person calm enough in the room, raised an eyebrow curiously. “Hey, Sasuke.”
“Shut up. I’m trying to study math here!”
The elder Uchiha blinked. “Sure, you study for a competition, but not for class.” He covered Sasuke’s mouth to stop his stream of curses and turned to continue observing the Otogakure’s staff.
The VP Uzumaki walked up and took the microphone off the raised platform. “Well, now that you’ve heard those words of encouragement, I think it’s time to let the games begin. Don’t you agree?”
“NO!” yelled the Konoha freshmen, unsure of what they were supposed to do.
Orochimaru and Kabuto snickered a little and the Otogakure Academy Students smirked and cheered a sinuous “Yes.”
“Well then...Let the games begin!”
“This is awful!” Kiba said. “We’re losing!”
Sasuke nodded and picked up the soccer ball sitting in the field. “I should get in. There seems to be something weird about the opponent’s goalie, but I don’t get what.”
Kiba bit his lip. “I hope you can turn the tides around.”
“Me too.”
Sakura and Shikamaru (who was amazingly putting effort this time around) checked their bottles of chemicals.
“Hey...someone switched the labels!” Shikamaru exclaimed.
Sakura bit her lip again. “That’s why we’re losing. Something’s definitely wrong....”
Shikamaru sighed heavily. “What a drag!”
Itachi pressed his ear to the door. There was something suspicious going on, and although the rest of the staff was ignorant about it, he knew Orochimaru enough to know that after losing almost every year, that he was going to do something about it.
“Just what are you up to?” he muttered.
There were hushed mumbles, but Itachi could hear clearly enough what they were saying.
“So, the goalie’s got that done and the competitors in the Science Competition switched the labels. And the basket ball hoops have a snapping contraption installed in them, correct?” Orochimaru asked.
Kabuto nodded. “Yes. Everything is going according to plan.”
“Excellent!” a sinister smile crept across the Snake man’s face. “For once, Konoha will lose in embarrassment!” In his excitement, Orochimaru threw his coffee cup toward the door and broke the window, raining glass upon the spying Uchiha.
“Ouch....” Itachi muttered. Great. And I washed my hair this morning, too.
“Who’s there?!”
Crap! Gotta hide the camera! Itachi fumbled the tape out and shoved it in Sasuke’s locker. He was about to run away until Sakon and Jiroubou stepped behind him and Tayuya and Kidoumaru in front.
“Uh...hi?” Itachi said.
“Were you spying?” Tayuya asked bluntly.
The four of them nodded to each other, and the next thing Itachi knew, he was trapped in a closet, tied up and gagged.
Shit...You’d better pull through, Sasuke.
~Kunoichi wARRIOR~
Comments (6) |
Monday, May 21, 2007
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Well, how are you all doing on this fine day? Anyways, weekends were boring and I finished my project, so Yay! ^.^ Also, no questions for the day, cause I can't think of any.
But I do have good news for you. Yesterday, I finished the twenty-sixth chapter of Naruto High School! Yay! I'm posting it right here today, but I'm also probably gonna post it on Fanfiction or some other web thingy, that way it's easier to go look back on the chapters you missed.
Well, anyway. Enjoy the story! ^.^
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alt="Text Box: Chapter Twenty-six - Fight, our Heroes! Fight! Anticipation for the Showdown!
Yells could be heard from the front yard of the High School. A rock flew into Itachi’s classroom, bonking the tired teacher on the head. “Goddammit! It’s Monday! Kid’s are never active on Monday...” The Uchiha took an ice pack from his desk drawer (being prepared never hurts!) and walked to the window. “WTF do you kids think you’re doing?”
Naruto poked his head in through the window, the same old stupid jeering look on his mashed up face. “Protesting.”
Itachi crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. “Against what?”
“DOWN WITH THE SOUND! DOWN WITH THE SOUND!!!!” Kiba yelled raising the sign up and down and crashing the window. “WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTT!!!”
“What’s going on? And you’re gonna have to pay for that,” Itachi said.
Lee jumped into the window, kicking the unsuspecting teacher down. “WOOOT!!! DOWN WITH THE SOUND!!! WE’RE GONNA PWN THEM!!!”
“Meh...” Itachi pushed Lee off of him. “Wait...this is the annual Konoha vs. Sound thingy?”
Naruto burst into the classroom. “Yup! And since we’re freshmen, we have to really work it out!” The blonde plopped his books onto his desk and sat down, feet up.
Sasuke came into the room with a bunch of books in his hands. “Woops...please move,” he said, pushing Naruto outta the way. After placing the load down, he sighed and leaned against his own desk. “So, we’re playing against the sound in Academics and Athletics, huh?”
“Hm...” Itachi sipped on his morning coffee, sat down on the comfy blue teacher’s seat and sighed. “I wonder...since you’re all a bunch of idiots and klutzes...if you’re actually gonna win this time...”
“Konoha has one all 45 times!” Naruto yelled. “We’re sure gonna win this time and continue the legacy!”
Itachi sighed again and flipped through a bunch of papers. “Yeah....that’s not gonna happen.”
Sasuke sent stabbing death glares at his brother. “At least support us a bit, Nii-san. To tell you guys the truth...I’m really nervous about this. I heard the Sound Village was tough this year.”
“Says who?” demanded Naruto.
“Says everybody,” Itachi muttered calmly. “You know, Anko, the Girls Volleyball Team coach used to work there. She got fired and now she holds a big grudge.”
Naruto placed his hand under his chin in a thinking position. “I wonder....”
“Wonder what?” Sasuke asked.
“If she’s leaking information to the Sound!”
Sasuke bashed the idiot on the head. “What?! Are you stupid or something...?”
“Do I really have to answer that?” Naruto asked.
“Anko-sempai is a very responsible women...although she acts stupid, retarded, annoying and you guys,” Itachi said.
Someone tapped the young man’s broad shoulders. “Ahem...” a voice said. Female, strong, and obviously annoyed. “Um...Itachi-kun...who exactly are you talking about?”
“Hehe...Anko-sempai!” Itachi turned around with a cheesy smile on his face. “How are you today?”
“Fine...until I heard an idiot rambling on about someone...” the woman said. She had her hair tied back in a spiky pony tail and wore a charming but scary smile on her face.
“Well...I wonder who that might be...” Itachi muttered, wiping the sweat off his brow.
Anko cocked one of her hips and crossed her arms. “You’re lucky that you’re faster than me...cause I’m only giving you five seconds to run.”
“Sasuke, you’re in charge of the class, “ said Itachi bluntly before dashing for his life away from a very quick and disturbing woman.
The class was actually quiet, and Itachi was beginning to wonder what the hell was wrong. Many of the teens were biting their nails, or lips in anticipation of the school bell. At that signal, the entire student body would move into the auditorium where Principal Tsunade, VP Uzumaki, and the Principal of the Otogakure Academy would then speak.
“ everything alright?”
“NO!” The whole class yelped and then snapped their mouths shut.
Itachi sighed and looked at the papers down on his desk. There’s now way these kids would ever win. I mean, look at their grades! The Uchiha smiled to himself and looked up to see Sasuke towering over him.
“You were smiling.”
“Is that a problem?”
Sasuke rolled his eyes and Naruto explained. “When you smile, there means that there’s torture coming up.”
“Well, yeah...” Itachi shrugged. “I was just thinking about the tournament....” he paused on minute to stop himself from laughing out loud because he doesn’t usually laugh out loud. “...and about how you guys are gonna get beat up so badly.”
Naruto rolled his eyes and Sasuke crossed his arms. “Great. Even our own teachers are doubting us.”
“I know...I know...” Itachi glanced at the clock. “It’s pop quiz time!’
“B-but...” Sakura stuttered, fiddling with her pencil until it finally broke in her hand. She winced and continued, “Yesterday, you said we’d have a review!”
Itachi threw the class his famous evil smirk. “I lied. You should know by now, that we Uchihas are mean by nature.”
“Speak for yourself,” Sasuke muttered while Naruto leaned over to Kiba who agreed with the evil sensei.
Itachi crossed his arms and sat at the corner of his desk. “What? You’ve got a problem with that?”
“Yes, you big jerk,” the younger boy stood up.
The elder Uchiha raised and eyebrow and pointed at the door. “Principal’s Office. Now.”
“Make me.”
The class ‘ooohed’ and ‘ahhed’ and muttered ‘he’s gonna get it now’ to each other. Some even pulled out cell phones which were supposed to be kept off to record what was happening. Akamaru barked, and Kiba stuffed him into his back pack with a muzzle, hoping that Itachi wouldn’t notice, because rule number one - NO PETS, KIBA! (yes, it included his name).
“You’re in big trouble,” Itachi grunted.
Sasuke smirked. “Not as much trouble as you’ll be when I show the pictures of that surprise B-day party Mom threw me when I was five!”
Itachi opened his mouth to say something, but slammed it shut, eyes wide with surprise. “Y-you’re kidding! Not that one!”
“Yes, the one with the cats...and the bubbles!”
Itachi mumbled something about sneaking into Sasuke’s room and burning the pictures. He turned around and sighed. “Okay. You won this round. But mark my words, foolish little brother. You’re gonna pay.”
“You’ve got nothing on me!”
It was Itachi’s time to smirk. “Riiiiiiggggggghht.”
Sasuke opened his mouth to protest, but the bell rang, a long with the announcement of “Please move to the Auditorium. The Showdown’s About to Begin.”
Naruto, Sasuke, and Kiba glanced at each other and gulped. Itachi walked to the door and opened it.
“Well, what are you waiting for?”
Naruto nodded and the group followed their teacher down the hall.
Well, I hope you Enjoyed the Story! ^.^
Comments are always welcome!
Have a great day everybody!
Ja ne!
~Kunoichi Warrior~
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Saturday, May 19, 2007

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