Status - Normal
Mood - Happy
Life - Not Normal
Hi Everybody! Well, it turns out
that it's FRIDAY!!! YAY!!! But that means that I have to work on my project over
the weekend so that's a downside. Meanwhile, I'm writing my Scarred and Naruto
High School fan fiction and I'm really busy over the weekend so you guys might
not hear from me. I'm sorry. T.T
So anyway, weird things keep
happening at school. Joey and Kevin went to charm school, or a school that
teaches them how to flirt and guess what? JOEY'S DAD WAS WATCHING!!! XD. It was
so embarrassing for him, but Joey's dad just laughed. And during recess the
teacher's brought us back inside because of the shooting threats at Edison High.
We saw the police car come by. There was also another threat at New Brunswick
High and other schools around our area. Just copycats of the VA Tech incident.
Still, I do hope everything turns out okay.
Anyway, I'm sure you guys will
need this recap before I get the new chapter out. It's all sporty and stuff,
because this Arc is called the Showdown! Konoha High vs. Sound Village High. Get
ready for some action, drama and YAOI!!! Weird....enjoy the recap.
Naruto High School
Chapter Seven - The Tryouts
"Naruto, what are you
trying out for?" Kiba asked. The Inuzuka stuffed a protesting Akamaru in his
locker. You weren't supposed to bring pets to school.
"Baseball, basketball, and CHEERLEADING!" Naruto announced boldly. When the
hallway filled with snickers, Naruto rolled his eyes and exclaimed. "I joined so
i get to hang out with the ladies."
"...Okay. Whatever floats your boat," Sasuke muttered, putting his books in his
Naruto shot the Uchiha a death glare. "You know, not all of us are chick
magnets, Pretty Boy."
Sasuke sighed. "I told you to stop calling me that. It's not like i want all
this attention."
"Right," said Kiba. "Anyways, soccer tryouts are soon. Sasuke, we'd better get
Naruto waved good-bye and said, "Good luck," before running into the field for
Neji sighed. "Lee, you are not going to make it to all of the tryouts. It's
everyone else's laughter.
Should've known, Neji thought. Gai had to tell him that. "Listen, Lee, I know
you're determined to beat me and all, but you can't make it to all the tryouts.
It's just not possible."
Lee gave Neji a look that said, 'Just-watch-me.'
Tenten sighed. This is going to be a long day.
Naruto saw Chouji huff and puff (and blow the school down! Nah, I’m just
kidding). He definitely was having trouble and the Baseball coach sent him to
the nurse.
Lee zipped into the doors and right past Naruto, knocking the coach over.
"If we're not having anymore distractions, let's get started," the battered and
bruised coach exclaimed.
Lee made several homeruns and the coach was impressed. "Nice work, Lee. You can
take a break now."
"Good. That gives me enough time to tryout for football," and right after that,
he just ran into the door.
"I'm okay!" Lee announced before running into the building.
"...This weird," Naruto muttered before stepping onto the plate.
Sakura spiked the ball right to the ground, finishing up the game.
Hinata smirked. "Is it me, or is our coach WAY too hyper."
Sakura laughed. "It's just you."
Chouji tripped over the soccer ball. The ball flew and Kiba bounced it off his
head while Sasuke kicked it right above the goalie's head.
"GOAL!!!!" Lee screamed.
Kakashi smiled. "That's great team. You can all take a break!"
Lee stood up and jogged in place. "Great. That gives me enough time to tryout
out for cheerleading. Adios!"
"Cheerleading?" Sasuke and Kiba looked at each other.
Needless to say, Naruto and Lee were sent to the nurse after trying to do a
"Ouch, that looked like it hurt...." Ino said.
"Ya think?" one girl said.
"Sometimes," Ino replied.
After the tryouts.....
The Fourth posted the Final Cuts.
"Are you ready?" Kiba asked Naruto.
Naruto and Lee were on crutches after the split problem. Both injured boys
"Yes!" Kiba said. "I'm co-captain of the soccer team!"
Sasuke shot his fist into the air. "I made basketball and soccer! As captain!"
"I thought so," Kiba groaned. "I knew that if i was co-captain, you just HAD to
be captain."
"Really?" Sasuke asked.
"Yeah, we REALLY, don't care. Out of my way," Ino said. "Yup. I made
Sakura rolled her eyes. "I made captain of the volleyball team."
"So?" Ino said. "I could break a nail playing volleyball."
Sakura threw Ino a death glare.
"Congrats, girls," Naruto and Sasuke said.
Hinata smiled. "I made volleyball, too. What about you, Naruto?"
"Both Baseball and Basketball," Naruto said.
Chouji squeezed (and by squeezed, i mean squished people) through the crowd.
"I..." he began to cry. "I didn't make it!!!!"
"That's because you were sent to the hospital," Naruto said.
"Not helping," Kiba commented.
"I made..... EVERYTHING!!!" Lee said. "HA! I DID BEAT NEJI!"
Neji, who made Basketball too, sighed. "So what? How are you going to manage all
that stuff."
Lee stopped cheering. "I dunno. How?"
Tenten banged her head on the locker. Stupid boys. (No offense to boys around
"So let me get this straight...." Itachi said.
Naruto: Baseball, Basketball
Sasuke: Soccer, Basketball
Chouji: Nothing
Shikamaru: Nothing
Ino: Cheerleading
Sakura: Volleyball
Hinata: Volleyball
Kiba: Soccer
Shino: Nothing
"That's right!" Naruto said.
Itachi smirked. "Congrats! Now, where was I? Oh yes, here's your homework
assignment, or should I say, assignments." He pulled a string and a bunch of
papers fell on top of the class.
"Good luck!"
Well, sorry about that. Naruto High School Part 27 will come out when I can fix
it up. In the mean time, it's time for the Random Questions!!
1) my new theme will be Bleach. Any objections with that?
2) What is your favorite pairing in Naruto (Yaoi or Yuri is accpetable)?
3) Favorite pairing in Bleach? (Yaoi or Yuri is acceptable)?
4) Read the new Naruto manga?
5) Aren't you glad it's Friday?
6) CHERRY!!! (again.)
Naruto Manga Summery
Chapter 351 is out
now in Saiyan. While Sasuke and Karin fight of Juugo, Suigetsu finds his way
toward the group. Sasuke tries to stop Juugo and talk to him, but the man's out
on a killing rampage. Suigetsu pops up and blocks Juugo's attack at him. Sasuke
miraculously stops the two men from killing each other and by his own power and
murderous intent, manages to destroy Juugo's urge to kill. Juugo retreats into
his cell begging and pleading not to kill anymore lives.

Well, that's
just about it. I do hope you have a great Friday. Sorry for the long post. See