Spirits - High
Status - Alive (Somewhat)
Life - Normal...as it can get.
Yippie! No school today because we don't have
water! Yay! But it turns out that the water turned on RIGHT AFTER we were told
that we had no school so...YAY! AGAIN!!! Ah...and no gym which means no running
a mile (I know...I'm a lazy bum but you just have to deal with it!)
Weekend...*sigh* You go by too fast...
Okay, sorry I haven't gotten around to
anybody's sites yesterday or the day before that...I think. Most people are able
to do things over the weekend but me...I'm the total opposite...XD. Well, over
the weekend I had to work on my project and stuff so sorry about that. But the
model of the house is almost finished, then all I have to do is the written
report and I'm done. Yay!
Theme Problems
Anyway...I asked some of my friends and they
voted on what my next theme would be...and it's a tie between Bleach
(RukiaXIchigo) and Uchihacest....(don't ask!). So I'm gonna decide with a coin
flip...If I can flip the coin with out hurting my self.
So anyway...I'm still working on
my fan fiction and it looks like I'll give you a preview of the next part
tomorrow...so that'll be good and the real deal will probably come out Friday.
Sorry for the long delay ^^'
Anyway, for my project, my mom got
me these special scissors that cut in crazy shapes and you can change the blade.
So I tried to change the blade and it wouldn't work and then I cut my finger and
my sister started laughing at me. After about ten minutes I realized...I was
trying to put the blades in the wrong way. Chalk up another weakness for
me...I'm slow, I'm a klutz, and I can't help but laugh at myself (no self
The post really has no point to
it...but the only reason I'm typing this is to keep you posted and tell you that
Well, have a great day and thank
you for 535 hits...already. I just had 500 three days ago....Thanks again for
your support.
Random Questions of the Day
1) Which one?
A - Heads - Uchihacest,
Tails - Bleach
B - Heads - Bleach, Tails -
2) Did you see the Naruto Movie
Four/ Naruto Shippuden Movie Trailer?
4) Bananas XD
Well, have a great day
Ja na!
~*~Kunoichi Warrior~*~