Time - 6:30
Again...late. Heh.
Sorry folks. I'm just a little bit...well not busy, but I decided to do a lot of
things today. At Teen Scenes, we did even more improv, only because Pat forgot
to get the scripts (or more of he couldn't). It was funny, still, like a comedy
show, but the actors have no scripts, so they have to make it up as they go
Kelsey let me borrow
volumes one and two of Death Note. I like it. It's really thrilling and quick
and entertaining. Just the first volume got me hooked! ^.^ I better start buying
more of that. Right now, L's my favorite character, but Kelsey just had to spoil
it and say that L dies and Light dies too. That sucks, having the two main
characters die. Heh.
And on top of that, I
told my mom how we needed to get into the Final Fantasy thing, so she got a
random DVD; Advent Children. It's actually really good, and my sister kept
screaming, "CLOUD! Yay!!!!" the whole time. ^.^ I guess that's what took
me so long to post...and I have to say...I need to start from the beginning. All
I know about is a little bit of the characters and a small part of the story.
Otherwise...zip. XD
Meanwhile, my mom and
my sister are on a Harry Potter craze. So when they get the book, I'll be
reading manga. Yay! It's not that I don't like Harry Potter, it's just that I'm
not that obsessed. Plus, I gave up on reading the fifth book. Too long for my
super short attention span.
Well, that's just
basically it. Have a great day!
1) Do you read Death
2) Yay Cloud! XD
3) What's your
favorite food?
Ja ne!