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Member Since
Ruler of zombies
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passing 8th grade shocked the hell out of me.i got to the 10th grade ^.^happy but shocked,I am now the posser of 28 souls(woot)
Anime Fan Since
i was 5
Favorite Anime
Kill me,kiss me,hellsing,Naruto,Love Hina,i read SuperGals its funny and i love it,Saiyuki,Gunslinger Girl(i nearly had a heartattack when i found the 3rd one),Princess Ai(yet again nearly had a heartattack when i found the2nd one),Fruits Basket
Graduating high school,trying to be a manga artist or be a bartender(MMMMMM alcohol)
bugging tbow ,playing with matches,going on the computer,hanging out my friends,and sleeping till 3:30(beat that BIAiZeD)
Being a bitch to people i hate(yes thats a talent)
Welcome to my happy world now get your shit and leave
I'm T.K. There are somethings i like and somethings I hate,one of them happen to overopionated people who try to change people so if you one of those people FUCK OFF.not joking.I say what I want when I want and no one is going to change me.If you don't like what i'm saying oh well I could give a rats ass.You can sign my gb or add me as afriend if you want.Not asking you to but do as you wish just don't comment if you don't like what i say if you want to know why read my talents...Anyway I sign gbs and comment In areil font and a maroon color so thta's how you will know if it's me
Nothing left to say read my life or what not whatever you kids do these days.

clubs i've joined:

98% Of Teens Say "I Love You" .. But only 2% actually mean it, if you are part of that 2%, add this to your profile
A gift from Zio-kun:

Thanks Kupo
Saturday, November 17, 2007
So sore but wouldn't trade this feeling for the world.
So I went to Band Camp 2007 yesterday. I got out of school early to get a really good place for Operator. It was really cool. During Drowning Pool was the best though. Nearly everyone was moshing expecially during let the bodies hit the floor.I was crushed in between my friends even before they came on. I was hit in the head three times with bodies.Hit in the nose with a shoulder, my toe was stopmed. Ilost my shoe and was steped on when I tryed to put it back on.Knocked completely over then helped back up by people I didn't even know. And had the taste of dirt in my mouth until I had four drinks.There was so much dirt that people had it on there teeth and lips. My friends and I were like we're starting a mosh pit right here when Drowning pool comes on and we did. They keep stoping us though. They said mosh pits are in the back. And we bacically said fuck that and keep moshing. I mean If they don't want people hurt they should send the ones who don't mosh to the back. Honstly who sarts one in the back of the people. You want to be close to the band when you mosh. It shows you like the music.
Well later posts Kupos
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Friday, July 27, 2007
Yah! New scetch book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wensday my mom-unit had off so we went to books-a-million. Drach got 4 new Manga ang I bacically got a new scetch book for free seeing as though it was 3 for2 and the price was 1.00 and then we used the card and and got a 10% discount on it so it was 90 cents. I have't done anything in it yet ^.^' I'm such a loser.....
Later posts Kupos
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Thursday, July 12, 2007
Not that happy
It's summer vacation and I have to deal with more drama then neccesary(I think there's an i somewhere but I have a brain fart right now),I'm not in school why deal with this fuck!!!!
later posts kupos
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