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Ruler of zombies
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passing 8th grade shocked the hell out of me.i got to the 10th grade ^.^happy but shocked,I am now the posser of 28 souls(woot)
Anime Fan Since
i was 5
Favorite Anime
Kill me,kiss me,hellsing,Naruto,Love Hina,i read SuperGals its funny and i love it,Saiyuki,Gunslinger Girl(i nearly had a heartattack when i found the 3rd one),Princess Ai(yet again nearly had a heartattack when i found the2nd one),Fruits Basket
Graduating high school,trying to be a manga artist or be a bartender(MMMMMM alcohol)
bugging tbow ,playing with matches,going on the computer,hanging out my friends,and sleeping till 3:30(beat that BIAiZeD)
Being a bitch to people i hate(yes thats a talent)
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Thursday, June 22, 2006
I ish going to a show
and I get to see a friend I havn't seen in a while so mooch funess!!!!!!!!!.....Indeed!
My friend Mishi is dead(not really)but she fell off the face of the earth sooooooooo I need to find her bies
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Sunday, June 18, 2006
Happy New Years!!!!!!!!!!
.......Wait that's not right mmmmmmmm
So it's benn awhile what are you going to do shoot me in your dreams...Just kidding I'm hyper for some reasaon...If that's how you spell it.....I'm off to jump off biulding or whatever it is that you kids do these days
Later posts kupos
<3s the T.K.
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Tuesday, June 13, 2006
The Tattoo is going good.It stoped hurting but someone gave me a hug and a pat on the back omg god........It hurts soo bad.Oh well nothing eles this week sooo
Later posts Kupos
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Thursday, June 8, 2006
My sweet tattoo
It looks soooooo fucking awesome doesn't it:

What do you think???
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Monday, June 5, 2006
Yeah back to check on you people
So far my summer is going okay.I get my tattoo thursday instead of monday.I could have had it yesterday but paper work....I'm not going into it soooooooo How have you people been???????
Later posts kupos
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Monday, May 29, 2006
No Metrocon........sadness
I found out that I would not be going to metrocon so I'll be here this weekend.I will be getting my tattoo either this thursday or monday.
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Thursday, May 25, 2006
School ish out
Hiio kupos,
Me ish happy,school ish out and my friend ish coming down and one ish moving to Hampton Point yah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Next weekend I'm going to Metrocon with mes friend sooooo yeah I'll be bisy most of the summer but I will be on so I can check on you people.
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<3 T-virus King(T.K.)
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Sunday, May 14, 2006
Mes younder siblings
Soooooo forgot to show you people:
And the both of them:
Are they cute or what?(hope it works this time
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Friday, May 12, 2006
I iSh BaCk
yeah hiya kupos,
I haven't been around lately because of school and this acruced(sp) sickness so yeah how have you people been?
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Saturday, April 29, 2006
A show, a concert, and new boots all in one week!
This week is awesome.I got to go to a show at hogbody Thursday,I went to the Mudvanye concert yesterday,and tomorrow I get new boots.The show thursday was AWESOME!!!!!!!!I got Imperial to sign my shirt and two other band members from a differnt band.I got to smoke(not weed people)with the band members of Imperial.I got to mosh,I got pushed 20 times by people not in a band and 5 times by people in a band,Kicked punched and 1 time I got completely knocked over with 3 other people.The concert is was awesome as well.T-bow got a floor ticket so when Mudvanye came on I got to go on the floor.I got into 4 mosh pits and I didn't get thrown out.The people body surfing did.I got to see Mudvanye really up close.There was a lot of pushing going on and I got shoved to the thrid row on the floor.I nearly died,some random person started saving me from the people behimd us.when someone left the secound row the person saving me was about to take it but then let me go up there and kept the people behind me away from me.A kid couldn't be up on his fathers shoulders,the surcerity gaurd was sorry though.I was about to go fuck it get me out of here and get the surcerity gaurd to pull me over the railing but it was hard enough just to get him to squrit me with water.So I was stuck there.The people behind me were really rude.Trying to get the people next to me to leave so they could get closer.It didn't work cuz the girl standing next to me told him to fuck off and when they were pushing everybody around including me she told him he neededto fucking stop.I tried to get a pick but I didn't.Sadness.The nice guy next to me accidentily touched my ass(he said sorry) and then used my pants to keep himself up while he got a pick that fell to the ground.I saw a friend I haven't seen in awhile.Then we went home and on the way we planed for next home my friend and I talked about what we saw.We're planing to go to Oz fest this summer.Today I had work.I was walking the poodles they have and they saw a raqbbit and tried to go after it.They almost got killed if I didn't stop them.They kept trying to get in front of the car so now I have rope burn.OwieT.T
Tomorrow I get new boots YAH!!!!!!!
Well now that you've read all of that
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