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Sunday, February 19, 2006
I got back in contact with my father
Hiya kupos,
I have a Myspace.Yes I know how could I.Well one day I got a message It said "____(My Name)It's your dad."I was like the fuck Because of the picture.It turns out his next door nabor(sp)helped him sherch for me over myspace and messaged me with her account.Now I have his e-mail address and we e-mail each other.It turns out that he lives in Vinegrove, Kentucky with my step-mom,little sister,and little brother(not chibi chimp).I feel happy knowing I can talk to him again.
Well later posts kupos
~Raziel (AKA Kupo Kai)
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Sunday, February 12, 2006
Let us go check on the orphens shall we
Hiya kupos,
How are you guys doing?None of you died while I was gone right?
The trip was fun.I really enjoyed it.The museum was very informal and it had a and thing about Iwo Jima,which I wasa learning about before I left.I got to see my brother after five mounths.Woot.After graduation my mom-unit,sccot and I were showing my anut and uncle around.We found a really annoying Drill Instructor and two recuits that couldn't stay in step.While graduation my Grandma-unit whatched the people behide us for awhile and one triped over his own two feet.There was a family with a three-year-old sitting in front of us,the three-year-old sang I'm in love with a striper.I got some really cool marine patches and learned alittle marine history.
Well later posts kupos
~Kupo Kai
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Tuesday, February 7, 2006
The Crank sa coming home *does happy dance*
I will be going far away soon. We be South Caralina(sp) to get Crank WOOOOOTTTTTTTNESSSS. We will be gone from this state for bout three days.We leave tommorrow at Threeish so no school or work. 73|-| 5w337|V355 73|-| w00000007|V3555. I'll be back maybe sunday to check in on you orphens.So don't die while I'm gone.
See you all sunday (maybe)
Later posts kupos
~Kupo Kai
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Saturday, February 4, 2006
Random poems
A Reality Check For The Emo Kids
Just pick up the pieces
Don't sit there crying
Screaming to the world
That your lives suck
With those beautiful strawberry gashes
Laced up your arms
Ficable on your death pale flesh
You sicken me
You disturb me
You give transvestites bad names
And you really need to die
Just take your My Chemical Romance,
Your Good Charoltte,And your Greenday cds
And break them in half
And slice down the vein
You stupid assholes
Not across your arms
You fuckin' pansys
You say you want to die
But you can only deal with the pain
Fuck you emo kids
Fuck you emo kids with a stiledo razor
~Raziel 3 Feb 06
And no I'm not talking about all the emo kids I'm talking about the emo kids that cut themsevles because they can't go to the mall and that type of shit.
Well later posts kupos
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Thursday, February 2, 2006
School sucks but I like this class
Hola kupos,
Right now I'm sitting in class.Lunch is in ten or so minutes.This is my kick back class,we do "work" for the first part of class then we do whatever afterwards.Well I lied lunch is in a few minutes.Well I'll be back later after school.
Later posts kupos
Okay back,
I'm tired of the people at my lunch table.They keep pickering, not to mention the preps(gomenasai to my friend on here that consider themselfes preps)won't stop talking and one broke dress code (not that i should be talking I'm wearing a wallet chain)but her skirt is before the knee.Well I'll be back after school(mean it this time).
Later posts kupos
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Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Who feels like stabing people???
I DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
First heres some facts about me:
1.)I get migrans from sunlight. (I'm not kidding)
2.)My ears get sensitive when I get migrans.
3.)I have problems with dealing with anger.
4.)I have no patients(sp)what so ever
About the first one my sunglasses broke.Sucks for me.So I get a migran around thrid period.La di da da....After school I'm on the bus. And for those who don't know you're sappoused to SHUT THE FUCK UP at a railroad track.I don't know how many times my bus driver tells them that but they never do.This coresponds to the secound one.I hear people screaming about their "drama" ,as I call it, to people two feet from them.When we were about to stop at the railroad track my brother says,"hey,railroad." They don't Shut up.So I screamed,"SHUT IT!"They bitch and complain then shut up(3&4).Then we're driving off Danny going,"who ever did that is a kiss ass."So we had a little argument.Then at my stop there was kids.They wouldn't shut up so I screamed at them,"You're little bitches and you need to shut the fuck up."So yeah....I know they were kids and I propablely(sp)shouldn't have yelled at them But I did so whatever.
That's how my day went.
Later posts kupos
~Kupo Kai
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Monday, January 30, 2006
[337 [3550|V5
Repeat after me:
"1'|V| 90|V|V4 574|3 `/0u"
No not really This is what I do when I'm bored
well later posts kupos
~Kupo Kai
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Sunday, January 29, 2006
Not much going on
I really shouldn't be on cuz i have hamework:
1.)English- Ruff-draft essay and final draft
2.)Biology- Lapel and color
3.)Geometry- oteables and an FCAT workbook
And I have to clean my room and do landury
.....<.< >.> OKAY!!!!!!!! I lied Stuff is goin on.So I'll Be off must get the stuff done or I die via WRATH OF MOM-UNIT!!!!!!!!!! Dun Dun Dun
Well later posts
~Kupo Kai
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Thursday, January 19, 2006
1 907 70 574`/ |-|0/V\3 70|)3`/ |3u7 1 |-|4v3 70 <[34|V 50 w|-|473v3r
W4[[ [473r p0o575 |
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Wednesday, January 18, 2006
'okay so a few things happened that had to happen and shouldnt have happened any differently. okay this past saturday my friend and probably yours, black mage tbow, asked me why i dont like his girlfriend, critanta. so i had to tell him the truth about what had happened between her and my best friend chrono. which got me in some shit with chrono (which was cleared up earlier tonight). and now i sit here typing this for all of you to read. and i have now found out that critanta has changed the minds of other friends of mine in her favor to make it look like shes the victim in all of her bullshit that she got herself into. so she goes and blames other people for her fuck up. and now shes got people believing her and not believing the truth. its funny how people dig themselves into holes that will end up burying them in the end. i know the truth about this whole situation. and its up to the people involved to either believe the truth or believe her stupid antics at an attemp to cover her own ass. i have a theory actually about this. she comes off as a not too bright kind of person. henceforth the reason everyone is believing her is because no one expect anything like this from someone like her. funny how that works isnt it.
well teel me what you think. i need the words of advice here people.
until next time, peace, love, and chicken grease'
Quote Coondog
It's what I would have typed if I wasn't lazy.
Well later posts kupos
~Kupo Kai
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