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Ruler of zombies
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passing 8th grade shocked the hell out of me.i got to the 10th grade ^.^happy but shocked,I am now the posser of 28 souls(woot)
Anime Fan Since
i was 5
Favorite Anime
Kill me,kiss me,hellsing,Naruto,Love Hina,i read SuperGals its funny and i love it,Saiyuki,Gunslinger Girl(i nearly had a heartattack when i found the 3rd one),Princess Ai(yet again nearly had a heartattack when i found the2nd one),Fruits Basket
Graduating high school,trying to be a manga artist or be a bartender(MMMMMM alcohol)
bugging tbow ,playing with matches,going on the computer,hanging out my friends,and sleeping till 3:30(beat that BIAiZeD)
Being a bitch to people i hate(yes thats a talent)
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Friday, October 28, 2005
Hiya kupos,
I went trick-or-treating today.I know your thinking wtf? right?Well the people at Hamton Point said we couldn't go on the Halloween.I know those fuckers, but i couldn't do anything about it,so i went today.I didn't have the costum for Halloween so I i'm wearing my Tripp pants and my Slipknot shirt. We used red lip liner and made it look like I slit my throught,bleeding from my head,and blood dripping from my mouth.We could only go around from 6:30p.m.-8:00p.m.and only knock on the door if they had a pumkin on it.
Well later posts kupos
~Kupo Kai<^.^>
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Wednesday, October 26, 2005
I know I know I said i was going to school
But i just remebered something. We're trying to get a Gay-striaght-aliance(sp?)at our school.And in the news paper it read that picketers were coming to Charlotte High.So I'm going to get a taperecorder and get them for verbale(sp?)abuse.I was one of the Striaght people that signed it.So they're going to be harrassing me tecnicly(sp?).there's already some redneck dude(Sorry to the rednecks reading this)but i mean an uptight one that's against black people and gay people at our school.He already threaten daniel.I think this is going to make him worse.well i'll finish the story later bye
~Kupo Kai <^.^>
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the Hurricaingiger
Stupid hurricain wasn't even a level 4(Don't get me wrong i'm glad about that).I took down my pics for nothing.I still have water and power,so that's good.well off to school the wounderful school of ..............DEATHNESS.
Well later posis Kupos
~Kupo Kai<^.^>
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Monday, October 24, 2005
another quiz (man i do alot of these.....i have alot of freetime)
 you are a gothic angel.
What anime angel are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, October 23, 2005
Hiya Kupos,
What's shakin'?
GRRRRRRR!Becuase of the hurricain I have to take down all my pics. from my wall.I hop my books will be alright.I have to take the important stuff, but I can't take all my books *crys* .So hopefully the stuff i leave behind will be safe.I'm taking some of them (Kupo Kai's happy bout that)and i'm taking my bunni (yahh bout that to).I wish i could kill hurricains, that would make life so much easier.I need to start getting ready for the hurricain.
Well later posts kupos
~Kupo Kai<^.^>
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Friday, October 21, 2005 forget it
 Cyclothymic disorder This is a chronic bipolar disorder consisting of short periods of mild depression and hypomania. Your symptoms may last a few days up to a number of weeks or months. Inbetween you have brief periods of normal mood. This is very much like bipolar disorder except to a lower extent.
What type of depression are you? [pics] brought to you by Quizilla
i guess so .....not sure
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Thursday, October 20, 2005
No School For Me
Ha Ha Ha Ha
Hiya Kupos,
How's it going?Are you enjoying school?Well I've been absant for two days now.Why you may ask?
Well 1:first day i was sick.
And 2:today we (as in my building) is haveing an insepction(sp?)and motherunit doesn't like people in the house when no one's home.
So I've been home cleaning.Unlike my brothers I'm done ha ha ha
Well later posts kupos
~Kupo Kai<^.^>
Random Pics:

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Monday, October 17, 2005
fire/ forget it
 which chinese symbol are you? brought to you by Quizilla
I'm not self-centered.emmmmmmm lieing quiz

be sorted @
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Saturday, October 15, 2005
 You are the original embalmer...Anubis
What Egyptian god R U? brought to you by Quizilla
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Stupid saterday school.i get in a food fight with my brother and they act like it's the end of the world.i got 2 freshman the table the seats and the floor i cleaned it up damn those deans they gave Jo-Jo 2 days of ice for one small spoon full of mashed potatos.the way they acted you would think she took a hand full and flung it across the lunch room and got everyone with it
well later posts kupos
~Kupo Kai^.^
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