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Ruler of zombies
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passing 8th grade shocked the hell out of me.i got to the 10th grade ^.^happy but shocked,I am now the posser of 28 souls(woot)
Anime Fan Since
i was 5
Favorite Anime
Kill me,kiss me,hellsing,Naruto,Love Hina,i read SuperGals its funny and i love it,Saiyuki,Gunslinger Girl(i nearly had a heartattack when i found the 3rd one),Princess Ai(yet again nearly had a heartattack when i found the2nd one),Fruits Basket
Graduating high school,trying to be a manga artist or be a bartender(MMMMMM alcohol)
bugging tbow ,playing with matches,going on the computer,hanging out my friends,and sleeping till 3:30(beat that BIAiZeD)
Being a bitch to people i hate(yes thats a talent)
Wednesday, August 3, 2005
 You are a Pisces, the kindest sign of the zodiac. You are sympathetic, sensitive, impressionable, compassionate, forgiving, imaginative, a dreamer, romantic, tolerant, and funny. Of all the animals in the world you are most like two fish, you swim in the watery depths of feeling and knowledge. And about those TWO fish, you have two choises in how to live your life
1)you can try to swim upstream(which is the harder way but life is full of challenges, plus the rewards are much sweeter)
or 2) you can just "float" along the bottem of the river(which is when you take the EASY way, which has more, can i say, BORING! results.
-your colors are pale green and tuquoise, the color and light of the sea in which you dwell
-your metal is platinum
-your precious stone is aquamarine(imagine that, aqua AND marine)
-your day of the week is friday
-the part of the body that you rule is you feet, weird isn't is,i mean, seeing as your a FISH!!
-your element is, wait for it____, WATER *me:wow didn't see that one comming*
-the platet that you are ruled by is neptune, named after the greek god Posiden(AKA neptune). Posiden is the god of all things water.
-your true love comes form a cancer, taurus, virgo, or your own pisces
What is Your TRUE Astrology Sign? (for guys and girls with incredibly detailed answers and incredible pictures+READ MEMO PLEASE) brought to you by Quizilla
nhaw shit that would be my sign seeing as i was born on march 13. but it sucks cuz i'm not a fish dude .the only thing i use my feet for is walking and or kicking people.i can't kick things with fins. well i'm going now bye Kupos
as if you can't tell i'm still pissed and annoyed.
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