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myOtaku.com: Kupo Kai

Thursday, August 11, 2005

   2nd day of school
today marked the 2nd day of school for me.it sucked but mostly before school.somebody driving a trailer truk thing cliped the bus.he tore off the back stop sign and fliped the mirrors the other way,and scratched up the side of the bus.i was sitting on the other side but my brother was on that side(the evens).that woke me up for 5 minutes.then i was bored and unlike everyone eles i wasn't screaming or yelling.i sat there calm as can be and very very bored.i thought we were going to miss first hour whitch made me mad cuz thats the only time i see daniel.we almost did.we got there with bout 9 minutes left in class.i got out of writing an essay.thats cool.the rest of the day whent okay.but i have to run to CPAC twice a day.it sucks.it doesn't take the 6 minutes they give you.it may take them that long cuz they don't have to carry heavy backbacks that we do.but my teachers are cool bout that.i zombied it through the rest of the day.
Zombie Kupo Kai:grrr argh *shuffling of feet*all my friends have different lunches then me and Jo-Jo.seiing as though ther's to many kids at the school we have 4 differentlunches.
A Lunch:andrea
B Lunch:Daniel
C Lunch:Tai Tai,my brother and his friends Joe and John
D Lunch:Me,Jo-Jo,Phil,somemore people i know but don't remember their names (yes i know i'm horrible),and two of corey's(my Brothers)friends Eager and Davis.
one of the people i know threw a banna at them.....well not at them but on the table.i tried the jedai mind trick on my teacher cuz i was late to class(tell you why in a minute),it didn't work but she was cool about it.okay we got hit by charlie.it fucked up our school so we had to go to Port Charoltte high school.until we got portables.and its up off of the ground so theres metal walk ways to and from class.and we got a new group of freshman.they don't know what to do.theres one walkway where we're clusterfucked.nobody seems to remember how to walk in that walkway.you can't really blame the feshman cuz thier new but some of the uper classmen should .i had to fend off people who tryed to shove people to go faster.which was a cold stair or telling them not to fucking touch me or i'd rip their arms off.i don't go down that walkway untill the end off the day.my 5 hour class is .....well in a line it goes d c h.i have to go from d to h and i have to cross c to h and that stupid hallway.wow thats alot of typing well see ya Kupos

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