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myOtaku.com: Kupo Kai

Sunday, September 4, 2005

   My week >.
nothing to much happened this week.but i nearly beat a freshman to hell.he had his hand on my little freshman buddys throught and i wasn't to happy so i throw him off and he pushed me i got pissed(i don't like geting touched by people i don't like)but my teacher come out so i couldn't do anything.blah blah blah school than critanta came over then it was saterday.we went to the pool hall(Me,andrea,Tai Tai,Ratking)we played pool and danced around cuz they brought a DJ.it was a pretty nice week really(maybe that freshman could have gotin eboala but you can't have everything)
well later posts kupos
~Kupo Kai^.^

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