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myOtaku.com: Kupo Kai

Sunday, September 18, 2005

   Nothing Today!!!!!(A Sin Against Me)
Hiya Kupos,
nothing today.
La Di Da Da. . . . . . . . . . . .
But I've been good so I got to go on the computer ^.^.I got a new sketch book today.i filled up my other one,but i don't have it, cuz Kayla Suger was fixing one of my drawlings and was going to give it Daniel. She didn't give it to him and i found out on Tuseday that she moved to Michagen(sp?).I was so mad i sorta snapped and punched CPAC about ten times then i got to sit with Andrea at her lunch for bout twenty minutes.All my teacher did was ask me if i was okay.I told her i was emotionly unbalnced.Mrs.Wade(the drama teacher)just let me sit there until i got a headach.I got to lie down and i fell asleep. thrity minutes later Mrs.wade woke me up saying it was lunch time.She wasn't even even mad.I felt good even though i was still mad.I was tired before the nap,so I felt good and was appel to get trough the day.>.>i couldn't really move my pinky but other then that i was good.
Well that all for today.
Later posts kupos
~Kupo Kai^.^

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