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Monday, June 5, 2006

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Ellos. Sorry I have not been in the mood to update. I am realy sorry but oh well. Besaically what has happened in my life has been soccer and school.

On memroial day weekend I was going to anime boston convention and the soccer tournament that my town hosts. I played for the higher diverison team of my age group. I was thier guest player and I got a goal and an assit to the winning goal in the finals. It was fun playing.

After that I had school and that was totally normal. I could not realy see anything that was that different then normal.

I also had a game this sunday and we tie. I still think that we won since we did get a stupid goal. I hate refs sometimes. I really do sometimes.

That should be it for now. Hopefully I update soon.


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Thursday, May 18, 2006

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Ellos. Heys!!!!!!! I am going completely insane. I am having chocolate with carrots.

Besides that insaneness, I am doing fine. I got MCAS next week. The good thing is it is MATH! I rock at math. Sorry I am somewhat a math geek oh well. Shop is boring at about 10:30am to 2pm. Thats most likely because I have a mcas prep class at 9:30am to 10:15am. Besides that its all good.

I had soccer last night. Only two people showed. The two people was Kerri and I. Isn't that great. We really needed a team practice this week. Won't now oh well. I really love soccer. I just really want to play with the boys team at my school but they don't play in the spring. If they did and they played in the winter I would so play. Yea I am nuts when it comes to soccer.

Okay off this subject. um....my scanner is still being mean and not working. I am hating the thing.

I think thats it. Talk later.


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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

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Ellos. how do people think about rain? Right now I love it since I haven't had school for the past two days. I got to sleep in and its all good. I just hope I can pratice soccer tomorrow. I really need it. I just want to have some physical action. 'cause come on soccer is just as physical as american football.

My scanner is still not working. It is pissing me off so much. I have some pictures that I want to put up here but no my scanner doesn't think so.

I am going insane and will update sometime soon hopefully. So talk to ya next time.


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Monday, May 8, 2006

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Ellos. I am gonna post now...I am going insane. I tried to catch a flying cat this weekend. Ain't I great? I also won my soccer game against Geogetown this Sunday.

Today I was in shop and three sophomores were out that was a lot. I also had drivers ed and apparently the teacher wanted a vacation from my class since he didn't come thursday of last week. I also watched my nephew Joshs game. He was catcher and did was pitching. (he of course did was hitting)

Right now I have mixed feelings. One of my friends is being so annoying that she doesn't really get why she is being annoying. The haunting question of "Are you ok?" or "Are you mad?" are really pissing me off. I am really gonna crack and scream at her.

Off this subject. I still have my scanner not working. That is also pissing me off. I think I'll go for now.


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Tuesday, May 2, 2006

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Ellos. Sorry I have been lazy again and my scanner is about to be killed because its not working. I am doing my best to fit it. Its really bothering me that I can not be able to add some more pictures that I have drawn. I was going to add some thst I had done in years ago. Yea thats what I was going to do.

I watched Final Fantasy Advent Children (that is what I believe the name was). It was a good movie. The only thing that was bad was the fact my parents were talking and walking right infront of my tv I was watching.

Btw I am in school. I am in my science class. We had a test and a few other people including me was going to tortue my teacher for that test. Biology is the best with my teacher.

Gonna go now. So...


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Monday, April 24, 2006

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Ellos. I have been lazy and thats way I didn't post. My scanner isn't working right now so hopefully its fixed when I post later. I do have new pictures I want to put here but I can't since the scanner. They are just heads.

My vacation was fine. I was on my NY trip and that was a woot. Then I was from Tuesday - Thursday. Then from Thursday - Sunday I was at my sisters house and her computer was down. So my vacation was good.

I am in school. It's totally boring here. It's being a tyipcial day. Shop is good. I got driving school and I know thats going to be just as boring as ever but I love it. I think everything is boring. My house was boring after around an hour being there. I watched some movies at my sisters. They are Hostel, Saw1, Fun with Dick and Jane, and Chicken Little. I am going to go insane if I watched Chicken Little again....I am begining to hate it. Thats going to be it for now. So...


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Tuesday, April 11, 2006

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Ellos. Sorry I was busy with schoolness. I have shop tomorrow so I will most likely be able to post then. But I do have a trip on thursday so I won't be able to post that night. I also have vacation starting Friday when I get back from my trip.

The news on my soccer game was that my team won!!!! It's been a long while since my team for youth soccer(not high school) won a game. We were always jipt*. But the bad thing about it is........drum roll please........I sprinded my ankle. I am speical like that. It's not that bad I believe.

Anything besides that is that I am planing to add some pictures...but I will add more some time later. I plan on adding two or three now. so if you see some new pictures from me please comment. Thanks. I think I'll go.


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Sunday, April 9, 2006

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Ellos. Sorry been busy with school work and I was at a friends house friday and yesterday. I had fun. We went to see Ice Age 2. It was wicked funny. Yea we had a lot of have.

I have a soccer game today. I am going to be dead by the end of it. Oh well right.

gtg byes.


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Tuesday, April 4, 2006

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Ellos. My field trip was fun. We went to the Museuem of Fine Arts in Boston. Then we went to Natiniel Hall place. It toke me and my friends Angel and Thesera 15 minutes to find a McDonalds. It would of been 5 if we listened to Thesera the whole time. Yea we were stupid. Later we went to Starbucks. I got a hot chocolate, and it was good. The whole trip was cool. Later that night was freaky. First thing off is that we left Boston earlier than we were going to. But on the news that night there was an assident on one of the streets I believe we went on. That was freaky.

Today was nuting that special. I had driving school which went by really quickly. Then my mother and I went to Friendlys to have something to eat. It was yummies. I got a Yu Yu Hakusho vhs. Its on of the first couple of eposides though. But I love it away.

I think I will go for now.


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Sunday, April 2, 2006

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Ellos. How are peoples? I am doing good. Went on my drama trip to the dramafest states thing. I found out that I like Fire and Ice. Its a good resturant. The plays we saw were great.

I have another field trip tomorrow. It to the fine art museum to see the rock posters. Its gonna be fun.

I have practice for soccer today and then its eating supper and then SLEEP. I like sleeping and watching movies. Gonna go for now...


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