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Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Please Read And Comment!

I am home of course. I got acedemics tomorrow. My only saving grace is that tomorrow is also an earily release. I am going to add the picture tha I was yesterday later. I have to fix it so thats why. I don't think I will get it in color though. I also have another picture that I have done for a half of a request that JD Person wanted. I'll add them when I can.

Gonna go do the what I need to and then do some homework.


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Please Read And Comment!

I am at school right now. It's so boring. I am really tired and bored now. I wish I could sleep right now. I am so tired.

gtg, Adios.

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Monday, November 28, 2005

Please Read And Comment

I had Drama club today. I had fun. I have been so tired today. The day was so boring.

Please check my fanart later. I am going to hopefully add a few new pictures that I have done. It'll be the same picture but one will be black and white and one will be in color hopefully. If you do check it out then please leave comment and check out my other pics.

gtg, Adios.

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Sunday, November 27, 2005

Please Read And Comment!

How is peoples? I am bck of course. I was bored all weekend. I wish my bf came bck he desided not to. Friday was one year and two months for us. I couldn't even call him up and talk to him. I was mad but I calmed down. Yesterday my family and the other family played picionary*. It was girls against guys. The girls won of course! I got a new manga. It's Fruits Basket. I love it. I excalty have a dvd of the anime. I love the dvd.

I just want to say Please look at my artwork and maybe vote and comment? Well gonna go.


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Friday, November 25, 2005

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I am gonna be away for a while. I am gettin a christmas tree. Be bck on sunday byebyes.


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Wednesday, November 23, 2005

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Hey there. Today was a really early release day for my school. We got out at 11 a.m. It was fun. We really only had three classes 'cause the fourth class was a Bulldog Pride Meeting for everyone. I was okay. The best part was that the volleyball team played against the some of the varsity football players in volleyball. The volleyball team is a girls team. They won! Yes the girls beat the guys. The guys did have the lead for some time though.

After school, My parent and I went to Chilis for lunch. I also had caramel dip and apples when I came home. I was just a little hyper. Not that when I say just a little (most of the time) means a lot. I also did some sudoku. They are really addicting.....-_-....'cause I am addicted to playing them.

When I finish this pis I am doing, I am going to make it maybe as my picture thingy or maybe the background. I don't know yet. Gonna go for now.


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Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Please Read and Comment!!!!!

Agian go to this persons site or else!!!!!! It's JD Person. He's in my friends list so it's easy as pie or cake.

School was fine. I had two tests and a lab that most likely costs as a test grade. In math there was a substituate* and I wasn't made fun of today. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I been so bored today after school. I stayed after for Anime Club and then got some ice cream and cidar for thursday. then I helped my ma wit dinner and then was on the computer. I been during sudokus most of this time. They get you addicted. I have done all the levels of diffucaltity*. I can't spell right now so bear wit me. Gonna go do something.


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Monday, November 21, 2005


Sorry, I just visited someone site and he said to advartise I think that is what I read. I don't really remember all right now. But he is JD Person! He is cool. So go to his site because I said so.


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Please Read And Comment!

I am sick.

Today was fine untill 8th period. Again I was teased after break. The best news is that Brianna, Shauna, Some of Tim, and most likely the juniors started to throw candy corn, paper, gum, and anything they could find. They were caught. Plus they had to stay after school for a minute too. (it was just for throwing shit and most likely that was it) I got a major vocab test tomorrow. Not to mention the history test I got to. All I can say is yay......--''' I am gonna fail! Oh well. I don't realy care that much. Gonna go into a shower and study. Oh...here are some quizzes:
~Guardian Angel~

A protecter. A fighter. A defender. You will do
anything to protect the ones you care about.
You wll even self sacrafice yourself for them.
You think they deserve more than you, and you
think its your duty to protect them, in anyway
you can.

A guardian, will help,
physically and also emotionaly, But they will
also protect themselves.
"I will die to protect, to know that.. i
have done this for those i care about"

What is the angel form of your spirit?
brought to you by Quizilla

mother nature
Mother Nature watches over you. You're wise and
observant. You have a keen sense of people and
are a dedicated worker. Your emotions can run
wild and you may at times be controlling.
Mother Nature is always there to protect you,
though. Like a mother, Mother Nature is always
holding your hand and will guide you through
life. She will help you through life's
obstacles. You may find yourself feeling
unusually comfortable in the presence of

Who is your soul guardian?
brought to you by Quizilla

Your element is water! You are very calm and hardly
get mad . Which is kewl! .... You have alot of
friends .. Whitch is also kewl!

What element are you!XD (anime pics) No duh XP
brought to you by Quizilla

Your best suiting anime hair colors would
be: silver, aqua, rosewood
You like to keep a distance from people. Like a
rose, so mysterious and beautiful that others
would try anything to get their hands on but
the thornes ward off the preditors. You have
your own story to tell, when its time, you will
reveal your secrets. You are pretty quiet most
of the time, but you still have many outlooks
on life.

Whats your anime hair color? TOTALLY ORIGINAL! ANIME PICS!
brought to you by Quizilla

What Will You and Your Couple Look Like?::male and female:: by angel_drifter
Partners/want to be Partners name:
How Long Have You Know Them:
What You Look Like As A Couple:
What Makes Them Special:they never let you down
Quiz created with MemeGen!

You are the Painted Warrior, who is an elf that
protects her side when they need her, covered
in not enough armor. You know you don't need a
lot of protection on yourself. You are strong
and you know you'll win. You are protective and
when you see your friends in danger, you don't
hesitate to defend her from the offender. Most
of the time, you use force because you feel
words aren't enough to teach the other guys a
lesson! You believe in war but that does not
mean you are a terrible person! After all, war
has solved the problem of slavery, rascists,
communism, and Naziism, right? Everyone calls
for you, the Painted Warrior when they need
help. You will always be there, you never quit,
you are determined and brave. Giving up is a
great shame for you and that's something you'll
never do!

What do you think about my quiz? Rate 5 and
message, please! And if you don't like it,

Deep inside you, there's a creature trying to get out... What is it??? (Beauitful anime pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

Your true angel is Lost. you're always finding
things difficult to decide and you keep

Your Unknown Angel Inside (amazing pics, girlz only, and PLEASE read memo first!)
brought to you by Quizilla
Hope you like!


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Sunday, November 20, 2005

Please Read And Comment!

I am doing better. But I do get mad when I think of it. I am gettin' over it. It's just that I when I get upset you can really tell. I shake horribly, don't eat, and when I see people that I care for or respect just a little, I cry. I am good though.

My weekend was good. My boyfriend came down on Friday. Late as usual but oh well. On Saturday we all (all as in my family) slept in. I can't believe fox's forkids didn't play Tokyo Mew Mew (MewMew Power) and OnePiece!!!!! I wasn't that happy about that. Today was fine. Rob (bf) stayed here untill 6 pm so I just its better than 11 am, right?

I have school for three days this week. Well, it's really just two and a half days. It's gonna be cool. Gotta go do homework now.


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