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Wednesday, September 7, 2005

Hey! I am going crazy! I have to learn these really hard words in english! They are VERY hard. But I will do what I did in sixth grade. I will try, then fail, get help, and pass hopefully the second time. I basically stay after school almost every day of the year. Soccer was okay. The coachs got a little pissed, and made us do sprines* (running very fast...-_-"...I suck at spelling). I am so tried but I have to read soon. I still haven't read the rest of my summa reading. But o well. Gonna go. I got homework (its not shop week...-_-"").

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Tuesday, September 6, 2005

Hey! I had fun today! I MADE JUST VARSITY AND i GOT MY NUMBER 13!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes I am very happy about this. Now, I don't have to play JV now. YES!!!!! I got my number 13!!!!! I am very happy, can't you guys tell? I have regular* classes tomorrow. I am going to be lost! I made honors english when I suck big time. But I just have to do my best I guess. I guess I got to finish my summer reading soon (like tonight). Gotta go, talk later.

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Hey! I have school...-_-" I don't want to go. I say that a lot don't I? My friend angelssss is bckk from las vegas! NOW ALL MY INSANE PEOPLES ARE HERE!!!!! Sorry I am typing what is in my head and that is a butch of randam shit. Gonna go.

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Monday, September 5, 2005

I survived, I exactly* did enjoy being in NH this weekend...but anyhow. I have the day off!!!! Yay I am happy can't you tell? The quote of the week is:
(copied from www.lelola.net)
The new pic and quote of the week are up. The pic is made from one of my favorite Card Captor Sakura manga images. It's simple, but I liked the image so much that I didn't want to do much to it. ^^;

As for the quote of the week -- it speaks for itself. ^^

"I wasn't alone back then and I'm not alone now."
-Joey, Yu-Gi-Oh!
The pic is here(just click the button to see the pic!):

Gonna go. Adios.

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Friday, September 2, 2005

Hey I am going to be gonna for some time. I don't want to be thats the price for being in a realtionship right now. but o well. See you around.

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Thursday, September 1, 2005

Hey there. I am eating right now, along wit typing. I had a game today, it was funny. I was very loud. Gonna go do something.

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Hey. Jet224 thank you for that comment. It is true. I do feel better after sleep the night off. its around 6 am. I have to go to school soon. I don't want to. But o well. Gotta go get ready.

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Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Hey! Not gonna say anything but that I feel like sleeping forever and not waking up...don't ask why...I won't say. So please don't try.

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Tuesday, August 30, 2005

I think I may have said something not the way I wanted to...For my soccer team, there are some other girls, its just its hard to play wit all the boys. See-ya around! Adios.

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please don't mind this...

Your Anime Icons (Lots of Diff. Kinds!!!) by kayura_sanada
First Name:
Your Inuyasha Icon:
Your Other Anime Icon:
Your FMA Icon:
Your Final Fantasy Icon:
Your Yaoi Icon:
Your One Piece Icon:
Your Gravitation Icon:
Your Yami no Matsuei Icon:
Your Yu-Gi-Oh Icon:
Quiz created with MemeGen!

What are your Inuyasha Icons(Icon Credit On My Website!)? by ladyallie
Your Kagome icon is:
Your Inuyasha icon is:
Your Shippo icon is:
Your Sango icon is:
Your Miroku icon is:
Your Sesshomaru icon is:
Your Demon icon is:
Your Kikyo icon is:
Your Group/Couple icon is:
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Your Icon Profile (Lots of icons!) by AngelicManson666
Favorite Color
Your Random Icon is...
Your Happy Icon is...
Your Sad Icon is...
Your Love Icon is...
Your Angry Icon is...
Your Wordy Icon is...
Your Music Icon is...
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Your Icon Profile (Lots of icons!) by AngelicManson666
Favorite Color
Your Random Icon is...
Your Happy Icon is...
Your Sad Icon is...
Your Love Icon is...
Your Angry Icon is...
Your Wordy Icon is...
Your Music Icon is...
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Generate your Anime Style by Jena-su
Hair:Short and brightly coloured.
Clothes:As revealing as you can legally get away with.
Special Features:Fox ears and tail
Sidekick:Large dragon.
Attitude:Evil. Just...Evil.
Weapon:A gun of rediculous proportion
Quiz created with MemeGen!

I think hopeful girl
You are very lost in this world. You posess deep
emotions, but have a hard time getting in touch
with them. You most likely like to read, or
some kind of art. You also might like to dream
often, and wish that you could go to a realm of
unlimited possibilities and unthought of
creatures. You probly don't have many friends,
but as to whether it is the result of being
unsocial, or that you have a hard time trusting
others is uncertain. You believe that no one
understands how you feel, and so you keep your
true seld hidden up...possibly by acting
cheerful and goofy, but that is also uncertain.
It is possible that you might be somewhat
stubborn at times as well, and there is a
chance that you are very open-minded. You also
might have small moments of depression, too.
Hmm..it seems that you might also be a
intellect, understanding things that most
people can not...or will not. You intrigue
me...please message me. (lol, rateing doesn't
hurt either! ^_^)

If you were a DEMON what would you look & act like? (Girls)
brought to you by Quizilla

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