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Monday, August 15, 2005

Hey there. I HATE summa reading. I truely do. I gotta read three books and I don't wish to at all. I am gonna go insane soon, I know it. Must go do my dog and cat food now. I'll update later. Adios.

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The quote of the week is up now. Sorry for the wait and having to add it now. Here it is ^^:
The pic and quote of the week are up. The pic is from Trigun, and was made from a scan of the "the first donuts" soundtrack. It's a really cool pic of Vash that I played around with a bit. I hope you like it. ^^

The quote of the week comes from episode seventeen of Fullmetal Alchemist when Ed and Al return to Resembool with Armstrong. Winry wants to take apart Ed's State Alchemist pocket watch. When Ed refuses to let her look at it, Winry turns to Armstrong. Armstrong uses the quote as an excuse to get away from Winry. Heh. ^^;

"I think I'll go chop a year's worth of wood."
--Armstrong, Fullmetal Alchemist

The pic is at this url:

Hope you like. See peoples around! Adios!

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Hey, to start off here is my ranking info.:
TV: 622
PR: #1444
GBS: 58
This weekend was fun. I know me and some of my friends are totally going to die on hell week. We've gotta run 10 laps in 14 minutes. I know this can be done but, we(including myself) would be able to make it in 14. But o well. My comp is fixed, hopefully...^_^''. The quote of the week is...ah...its not up yet. Sorry. I'll try to add it later. Gonna go, I have to go find all my sites and add them to favorites now. Adios.

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Sunday, August 14, 2005

Hey there. My ranking is:
TV: 618
PR: #1452
GBS: 57
I just wanted to say this...STARGATE SG-1 ROCKS! But I do think anime rocks so much more. I am totally tried and some how hyper. I am gonna go watch some stargate now. So, Adios.

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Saturday, August 13, 2005

hey there. I am going to kill one of my friends 'cause he is mean! I will not explain so don't ask. My bf is very weird...gonna go. Adios.

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Friday, August 12, 2005

Hey. Here is my ranking...
TV: 616
PR: # 1445
GBS: 56
Here is a lot of quizzes:
you like to see others suffer just like u have to!

brought to you by Quizilla

someone has died

y r u crying?
brought to you by Quizilla

hey, your like hiei!

Y u Yu Hakusho personality quiz.
brought to you by Quizilla

your perfect guy is johny wow is he hott and sexxi
i am so happy for u

y0ur perfect guy is ...
brought to you by Quizilla

True you!! Just like Sasuke,
You know exactly
who you are and you do not care what everyone
else thinks. In fact, you don't even feel the
need to present yourself to others, because you
know yourself so well. Congratulations!!

Do you know who you are??? (Naruto style!!)
brought to you by Quizilla

you're dragoon! you're a powerful wind dragon!

face="Tahoma">src=" http://members.aol.com/paleslypink/radio/23.mid"

face="Tahoma">src=" http://www.toxxic.net/121music121.gif">

border="0 ">

src=" http://www.toxxic.net/121backgrounds121.gif">

what beyblade bit-beast are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

ice spirit
you're an ice spirit! an ice spirit is rarely seen,
so that means you're a rare kind of spirit!
they are not often seen because they mostly
stay alone and they isolate them selves from
the rest of the world!

src=" http://members.aol.com/paleslypink/radio/23.mid"

src=" http://www.toxxic.net/121backgrounds121.gif">

border="0 ">

what type of spirit are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Dark Dragon
you are a blue dragon. sad, lonly and isolated.

what colour dragon are you?
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I'm Kai!  Cold, but not too cold!
Kai - Cold and nasty... at least until the end.

Which Beyblade character are you?
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White Tigers

Which Beyblade Team would You Be Apart Of?
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You are Spike Speigel!
Spike Speigel

Which Cowboy Bebop character are you?
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Which Yu Yu Hakusho Male Becomes your Mate? by andromedacblack
Your Name
Your Age
Favorite Colour
Favorite Animal
You metJin
How?He was supposed to kill you
Why?He felt like it
You First Kissedhe cornered you
How Much He Loves You: 56%
How Much You Love Him: 78%
Does it Last?No
You were/are...he always keeps you under his sight
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Which Yu Yu Hakusho Male will kiss you? by kirthyforever
WhenJanuary 30 2099
WhySomeone Dared Him To
Howpeck on the cheek
What Did He Say After The KissThat was simply delicious!
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Who will you have sex with ( Yu Yu Hakusho) by Tsukaei
what are you afraid of
You had sex withhiei
You did it with him atyour house
How much he enjoys it: 30%
How much you enjoy it: 1%
Quiz created with MemeGen!

If you met the Yu Yu Hakusho gang by Navy Blue Tears
Where you met:Shopping for clothes
How:A Lllama told them to meet you
Yusuke:Ignores you totally
Kuwabaka:Gives you his powers
Hiei:Buys Yusuke a present
Kurama:Kisses Yusuke
They would pay you to:Punch Yusuke
How much:$387,938,228,244
As your leaving:You sing "Forgive me" while killing Hiei
Percentage of this really happening:: 84%
Quiz created with MemeGen!

What would the Yu Yu Hakusho gang do to you if you went to school with them? by peaceful_hope
KuwabaraGives you a bunch of money
KeikoGives you a bunch of money
KuramaGives you a bunch of money
HieiKisses You
YukinaGives you a bunch of money
KoenmaWants to know if you like the show Yu Yu Hakusho
ShizuruWants to know if you like the show Fruits Basket
This will all be on:April 28, 2028
How much will they like you?: 61%
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Which Yu Yu Hakusho Male will kiss you? by kirthyforever
WhoKoenma (teenage)
WhenJuly 2 2010
WhyHe Wanted you to Fall for him and then MURDER you!! MUWAHAHAHA
Howregular kiss
What Did He Say After The KissThat was the first time I kissed a girl.. *blush*
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Which Yu Yu Hakusho Male will kiss you? by kirthyforever
WhoKoenma (teenage)
WhenJuly 2 2010
WhyHe Wanted you to Fall for him and then MURDER you!! MUWAHAHAHA
Howregular kiss
What Did He Say After The KissThat was the first time I kissed a girl.. *blush*
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Your Yu Yu Hakusho life. by yuyugal
Looks(Hair and Eye Color)Blue eyes and Blond hair
Your Best FriendYoko Kurama
A Close FriendPuu
Like LeastMitarai Kiyoshi
Is like a Sibling to YouYukina
Your LoverKayko
Your SpeciesAnimal Demon
Your JobAssasin
Secret AdmirerYoko Kurama
Male or Female?
Quiz created with MemeGen!

A Yu Yu Hakusho Slumber Party! by blakkat
Fave Color
Fave Yu Yu Boy
Fave Yu Yu Girl
You All Slept Over At ________ HouseYour room in the Mansion
You Got Kissed WhenKuwabara did because he is well Kuwabara
Kuwabara Got Slapped WhenU were aiming for Yusuke but got him instead
You WatchedThe Birds
You Did _______ In Truth or DareWell,eheh cough'SEX'cough
You Went Crazy Whendidnt go crazy,u alone remained calm
You Went To Sleep Atsleep what is sleep
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Your Psycho Party with Yu Yu Hakusho by ZyraZamora
Powers/Weapons(anything what-so-ever)
Yusuke says your:one of the coolest people he's ever met!
Kuwabara says your:really nice
Hiei says your:fine to hang out with him whenever( O.o WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!?!)
Kurama says your:great he would like you to stay for awhile
Yusuke:gets drunk and starts hitting on Kurama and Hiei saying how much Kurama looks like Britney Spears and how Hiei looks hot in pink Kurama: 0.o;; Hiei:-.-# *knocks Yusuke out*
Kuwabara:accidentally starts to park into a handicap space and you,Yusuke, and Hiei say:Stupidity is NOT a handicap Kuwabara park elsewhere! Kuwabara:SHUT UP YOU GUYS!!!!
Hiei:starts singing and dancing on the table after eating too much ice cream and everyone laughs at him you even got it on tape
Kurama:yelps and knocks the drink out of Yusuke's hand after he stole yours from you Yusuke:Whats up Kurama? Kurama:I had poisoned that *walks off* everyone stares after him
You scream when:Yusuke tries to take everything way too far
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Your date with Hiei - Yu Yu Hakusho by Starzie
Why you dated him:
Why he dated you:He wanted to. ((Lucky!))
Where he took you:A resturant of his choosing.
How much money he spent on you:$84
How much you liked the date:: 83%
How much he liked the date:: 25%
Possibility of future dates:: 85%
Quiz created with MemeGen!

What do the Yu Yu Hakusho characters think, say, and do to you? ( by dark_Kitsune
Fave color
Desired hair color and/or style
Species (example: demon, human...)
Yuske thinks you're....the female version of Hiei
Hiei wants to...train you
Kurama...asked you to help him get Hiei out of the tree
You slapped Kuwabara because...he wouldn't stop staring at you
Boton is jealous of you because....you are prettier than her
Koenma says you're a....brown-noser
Quiz created with MemeGen!

What would you look like if you were a yu yu hakusho character?(girls only) by Kyoki
HairLong dark red with black highlights
ClothesEarthy tones. Earrings and you refuse to use makeup or use any girly items
RaceFire demon
Boyfriend*points to closet* those WERE my boyfriends...
Quiz created with MemeGen!


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wow he kissed you wander what will happen

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how u look as anime[realz anime pics] by hope_fo_lyfe
ur name
.color of hair
color of eyes
diz iz how u look...
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Aura Dream
You are Aura's "I want to live in my own
reality..." look. (.Hack) You don't enjoy
your life, or how things are in the world.
Because of this, you create your own reality
through your creativity. You tend to day dream
a lot, and you don't really pay attention to
the world around you. Instead, you day dream
about being somebody else, being in another
place or time, and even being around people
with specific personalities or creatures made
from the mind. You like putting your ideas you
think about in the form of pictures or in
writing, and because of that, you are very
artistic. While you do enjoy drawing, writing,
and thinking about certain ideas or thoughts,
you don't like sharing your ideas with anyone
else because you think they might put you down,
as such, you have low self esteem, and you tend
to be shy. Don't let them get to you, and don't
be afraid to share your ideas with others! If
you share your ideas with others, you might
find someone who shares the same interest as
you. And whoever that thinks your interests are
stupid are just idiots that can't do anything
to express themselves. ^_~ Never let anyone put
down your dreams or interests.

Which anime expression are you?
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Kurama Depressed
You are Kurama's "I feel so alone..."
look. (Yu Yu Hakusho) While most people might
see that you are a cheerful, calm person on the
outside, you are actually very depressed and
heartbroken on the inside. You tend to hide
your true feelings very well, and as such,
everyone around you might think that you are a
very happy and lucky person when deep down you
clearly aren't. You really wish that someone
could see the pain and sadness in your heart,
but it's very rare for someone to see your
sadness inside since you hide it to avoid
becoming a burden by making others worry about
you. You should really try showing your true
colors to others, because who knows, someone
might really be worried about you. Remember
that your friends care, and they are willing to
help you if something's bothering you.

Which anime expression are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You're Hiei!(Speacial Attack: Dragon of Darkness
There's only 2 words for you, quiet and strong! You
don't like to talk often and you're not the
easiest person to get use to, but who needs
words when you've got talent?! Super speed!
That's right, you're famous for your speed and
agility! Not only that, but you're a master
swordsman! Life is easy...but it wasn't always
easy. There's things in your past that were so
horrible that you cast yourself away from other
people and prefer to be alone. You don't trust
easily, but when you do, it's forever. You
aren't a ver happy person, but your life's
getting better so CHEER UP!

Which Yu Yu Hakusho Character are You? (10 different results with pics and descriptions!!!)
brought to you by Quizilla

You're Kurama! (Speacial Attack: Plant control)
You are perfect. You are the perfect child, perfect
student, perfect friend, perfect sibling...,
but being perfect's not the whole you. You have
a terrible past you want to forget and you're
doing a pretty good job!Use your overpowering
intelligence and it'll get you through anything
you incounter!

Which Yu Yu Hakusho Character are You? (10 different results with pics and descriptions!!!)
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What Kanji word best suits you?
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What Type Of Goddess Are You?::Female Anime Pics:: by angel_drifter
Favorite Place:
Astrological Sign:
What You Look Like:
What Type Of Goddess Are You:Goddess of Nature
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Anime Goddess Generator (Anime pics) by BloodDivinity
Full Name
Favorite color
Anime Goddess:
Special Powers:Invisibility
Quiz created with MemeGen!

What Does Your Inner Soul Look Like?::male and female pics:: by angel_drifter
Favorite Colors:
What your Inner Soul Looks Like:
Your Weakness:Darkness
What you Are:Destroyer of Worlds
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Hope you like! Adios!
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Thursday, August 11, 2005

Hey here is my ranking...
TV: 613
PR: #1454
GBS: 56
there it is...gonna go dosomething like crawl into a ball and die...Adios.

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Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Here is my ranking.
Total Visits: 607
PR: #1462
Gb Enties: 56
Here you guys go. Adios.

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Hey there! I feel like shit but that normal. Monday was my sisters b-day. Today is going to be totally boring. O well, I guess. I don't get to see my bf until who knows. Most likely won't until the weekend or next week. Yay... I will add my ranking scores soon. ttyl. Adios.

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Tuesday, August 9, 2005

Hey there is the quote and pic of the week.
The new pic and quote of the week are up. ^^ The pic of the week is from a pencil board scanned by APA that advertised Aquarian Age Saga II. It's a simple pic, but it screamed fantasy, so I decided to use it.

The quote of the week comes from DragonBall Z in that lull between the Freeza saga and the Androids. Let's just say Vegeta doesn't care much for Bulma's fashion sense...

"I am a Saiyan warrior, not a variety of flower!"
-Vegeta, DragonBall Z

The pic url is http://www.lelola.net/images/pow/w258.jpg
Hope u guys like them. I gotta go. Adios.

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