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Saturday, February 5, 2005

   hi there....
btw...my boyfriend wanted me tell all about him...he has a hurt rib from falling on monday...its costed him not to come to school for three days...and the super bowl crap is tomorrow just great...i hate football...i just watch the halftime show anyway...there ain't nothing good...well gtg...will update later sometime...

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Friday, February 4, 2005

   HEY PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey there...sorry been lazy so i haven't updated...o well...I AM IN IST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...best part is that i didn't blow up a computer...yea...here are quizzes i have done sometime...

find your element
at mutedfaith.com.

find your element
at mutedfaith.com.

Moon Goddess
Goddess of the Moon. Beauty, yet a sadness lurks
about you at times. But hey, pain is beauty,

What element would you rein over? (For Girls)
brought to you by Quizilla
In your eyes, people see shards of ice
everywhere... You are cold and distant, pushing
away people that love you and truely care for
you! You want to be able to reach out and love
them but... You can't for some reason... You're
just too.... You :P Underneath that cold
exterior lies a warm, happy soul that wants to
let loose and have fun! Your sanctuary would
probably be anywhere up high where you can look
down on life below you, like the roof of an
apartment building... Your eyes resemble a
saddened, crestfallen person seeking out
attention, but doesn't know how to handle it.
However, you do find comfort from your friends,
they're always there for you, and they know the
REAL you :) Even though you do seem rather
cold, you can be very protective over something
you truely believe in or love. Let go of that
"tough" rep and just be you! It's
impossible to live life without some fun and
love ^-^

What Lies Behind Your Eyes? (With Pics, See All Results!)
brought to you by Quizilla

kawaii, desu ne?
Your label is the Nice girl/guy. You tend to care
for others over yourself. However, many people
appreciate your caring side and would rather
stick by you than hurt you. But, there is a
downside. Some tend to abuse your kindness and
take advantage of you. You always try to see
the good in everyone and try not to hate.
Also, you have sharp insight and a great
personality. Calm, serene, and understanding,
you make a worthy friend and a valuble ally to
people in need. Don't change your sweet
nature, your constant being-there can save a

I suggest your go into a field that
centers around working with others such as a
doctor, baby-sitter, psychologist, lifeguard,
or Teacher. If none of these occupations
interest you, it is okay then. I am sure that
there are plenty of oppertunities out there for

What type of teenager are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
update later hopefully...byebye...

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Wednesday, January 26, 2005

   Hey guys!!!
sorry but was totally able to update all week...btw...Rob u did nothing wrong as every other time u thought u did something wrong...o well...there is only two more shop circle things left...those are IST and Marketing...YEY!!!!!!!!!don't ask k...i am so bored and tired...but the best thing is I GOT NO SCHOOL...AND DIDN'T HAVE SCHOOL FOR THE PAST 2 DAYS...oooooooooooo...here are some quizzes i think...if they aren't then o well...

Your True Nature by llScorpiusll
The quality that most appeals to you:Sense of Humour
In a survival situation, you:Run like hell
Your hidden talent is:Courage
Your gift is:Irresistible attractiveness
In groups, you:Perfer to act as security
Your best quality is:Your protectiveness
Your weakness is:Your furious temper
Quiz created with MemeGen!

GAME BOY - Born to Play
A GAME-BOY. Youre like a tomboy without the love of
sports. Reality sucks, but as long as you have
your electronics you feel you can cope. Time
goes unnoticed when youre locked in your room
hooked up to your Nintendo, rocking to your
favourite collection of guitar-driven

Your virtues: Intelligence, sense-of-humour,

Your flaws: Inability to cope with real life,
action-freak spirit, reclusive nature.

Your Personality type is the only type that would
like this cool online gothic Game:


What kind of girl are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You're Element is Night. You're a bit of a loner
loner who is very creative but never show your
work to anyone. You may smile a little but
sadness or loneliness surround you and other
can feel it when they're near you. You have a
dark or unusual beauty that makes you
mysterious and you probably have a lot of
secrets that you've never told anyone. You're
beauty is intriging and unorthidox but the real
thing that makes you special is your eyes.
Something in them makes them like Diamonds in
the Rough. (please forgive me if you cannot see
the pics. If you go to my userpage then you can
see your result picture at the bottom)

What's Your Element(girls)? (PICTURES)
brought to you by Quizilla
well got to go...
bye bye...

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Saturday, January 15, 2005

updating quickly...life tis normal...gtg...bye bye
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Tuesday, January 11, 2005

hey had soccer sunday and the score was 11-3...ours score 3...but my highlight is me being slammed into the boards(hitting my head) plus poping up strait away...guess what i had a early release today and gtg...
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Thursday, January 6, 2005

   hey there...
hey there people...
had to go the doctors and the guy put me on an antibotic to help me get better cause i am sick again...i am just sorry to Rob to make him worry...since he did worry a lot...also i had no school cause of the storm...was so happy about that...hope my nephew doesn't get to sick like me...if he does...i swear to god he better get better or hes dead...now i am worrying about him, Rob's feelings, and myself...hopefully i see Rob during school if we do have school...no matter what he said...he will be coming on Sat. to the car show or not...i am glad he said that...but he had to leave earlier...i miss him...so...i wanta say...
I LOVE U ROB!!!!!!!!!!
i know i will get better soon especially for him...sorry i can't get bck to some of the people who signed my gb...i will try to get bck to them soon...i just can't do it at the moment...see-ya guys around...

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Wednesday, January 5, 2005

   HEY GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Tuesday, January 4, 2005

   sorry just want to say:
I LOVE U ROB!!!!!!!!!
plus add these:

Generate your Anime Style by Jena-su
Hair:Rediculously long, usualy tied up in ribbons.
Clothes:Long, super cool trenchcoats.
Powers:Fire magic
Special Features:Wolf ears and tail
Sidekick:An alternate personality, that on occasion takes on its own physical form.
Attitude:Bouncy one minute, murderous the next. No one knows when you're going to mood-swing next.
Weapon:Power glove
Quiz created with MemeGen!

You Soul-Mate by Keera
your soul-mate
when you meetApril 24, 2007
how you meetAt the beach. The first thing you notice is that awsome six-back!
when you marryFebruary 12, 2017
number of kids24
eye color
hair color
Quiz created with MemeGen!

You Soul-Mate by Keera
your soul-mate
when you meetJanuary 9, 2006
how you meetAt the beach. The first thing you notice is that awsome six-back!
when you marryAugust 1, 2020
number of kids21
eye color
hair color
Quiz created with MemeGen!

hope u like them...

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   Hey there!
hey guys...
been sick lately...got eareches* in both ears...plus still have the coughs...not to mention its the time of the month for me...feel like CRAP...i looked miserable according to Rob...also i felt totally sick with it...but o well...i just want to say sorry to anyone that i am totally bitchy too...especially to Rob...hope he will be able to come to the car show with me and my family this saturday...i really wish he will come...have collison* repair tommorrow until next tuesday...hope and r glad i will have Mr.Duda for the teacher...hes awesome...btw don't mind my spelling please...i really suck at vocab. and spelling...will update soon i hope...
bye bye

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Wednesday, December 29, 2004

   i'm sick
i'm sick with a cold or flu that my cousin Shane gave my nephew Josh who inturn got me sick...and i love my boyfriend ROB!!!!!!!gtg...kris
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