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Sunday, February 26, 2006

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Ellos. How are peoples? Guess what.....I am sick again. I HATE it! I feel like shit and most likely look like shit. Oh well...

I went to Angels house the other day. It was the most fun I had the pasted few days. Now because I am an idiot I will br up untill 3 o'clock in the morning during Homework. I am just screwed. Plus I now it, since makes me feel even worse. I think I'll go since my mind is most likely still under the spell of medical srup stuff and I can't think or type that clearly. So...


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Thursday, February 23, 2006

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Ellos. How are people? I feel like doing nutin for the rest of my vacation, but sadly I can't. I have drama and then I got to study for my permit. I feel like just going and clean and cry and listen to music.

Today was nutin new. I had drama and then my friend was over. Thats it...so I really am not in the greatest mood...but tomorrow I am going to sleep at Angels house. YAY!!!!!!!!!!

Gonna go...


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Wednesday, February 22, 2006

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Ellos. My birthday was yesterday. It was good. I had lunch with my parents, nephews (the baby was so adorable), sister, and her husband. We had fun.

Today I had drama. It was fun, I got to paint. I kind of did it wrong but thats ok. I got a cake for drama to celebate. It was a good cake. People liked it. I had some fun today.

Yesterday was fine. People said Happy Birthday to me and all. The best one was a friend...Silva (last name)...said Happy Birthday is what Frosty the snowman would say if he was around today. I thought it was cute. I just wish someone else said it to me. Oh well I guess we are not that close anymore. My presents were good. I got a new cell phone and an mp3 player. I love them. I also got a Nightwish cd and a few other things my sister got me.

Thats whats new. I thikn I'll go to another site or something and do something there for right now. So yea.


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Monday, February 20, 2006

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Ellos. My birthday is TOMMORROW!!! This is awesome man. I am gonna turn 16!!! It's awesome as I said. Tommorrow my parents and sister and my nephews are gonna go out to lunch with me. It'll be fun to kid around wit my nephew wit his love...Amy....I so need to meet her. It's so I know that he won't get hurt like I did thats all. I don't think he will since he is only 13 but I was only 15...so you know I really don't want to see him hurting. So yea, on the plus side it'll be good to see the baby that is a total angel. Plus my little demon follwer Johnnys gonna be there. This kid likes Dragonball Z. I don't think he likes any other animes though.

On another thought my weekend was fine. It could of be better but thats ok.

I so can't wait until my soccer season starts! It'll be so much fun. I am tring to get in shape again. But if I am not then I will be when I start the soccer season for my highschool. I want warmer weather some I can play soccer. I am impatince a lot. So please ingore it.

I believe thats it so I think I'll go.


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Sunday, February 19, 2006

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Ellos. It's almost my birthday! Just gonna update quickly so...yea I am doing good. If you want more info then look at the previous post ok?

Gonna go...byez....


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Saturday, February 18, 2006

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Ellos. Sorry I didn't post the last few days. I just had to much HW to do and the fact that I had drama and I am gettin off a cold.

Anyways...I have changed my sceme for my site. It's now gonna be Weiss Kreuz. Plus my background is PURPLE! I like the color purple.

My Birthday is Tuesday! I am gonna have a cake for drama. I love the picture thats gonna be no it. It'll be fun.

This week was fine. I finally saw my ex. The bad part was that I saw him on Valentines day. That was made that day go bad, but I didn't see him until later in the day so that was good. Besides that it's been good. I got a b- I believe on and essay for english which was good. I think I'll go for now.


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Friday, February 10, 2006

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Ellos. I just got home from a basetball game. I just dragged to go. My friend angel wanted to go so I went with her. Her and I sung the aunthem* (star stangle banner) wit the juniors teacher ms. burttsel. She is the other teacher in commercial arts btw. Yea we were awesome and we get to do it again for the prep rally next week on friday. I had fun but most likely I had fun wit angels. Yea my ears feel funky...they keep poping in and out. Its exaclty cool. Today was ok. I am gettin a cold so I was like shit my nose is stuffly and I feel like shit.

I am gonna leave wit a quote from today...
"Look she is the one hyper not me..." -me pointing at angels as she is gettin wicked hyper...
"BULLSHIT...Your the most hyper person I have ever known..." -Evan from my school soccer team...hes cool....The boys from soccer are all cools....stupid at times...but I love them....And wit that I will make my leave...



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Thursday, February 9, 2006

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Ellos. How are peoples? I forgot to update yesterday sorry. I will repent (I think thats the word) for that. Today I found out that I can't really be trusted with a sharpe....and the fact of it being purple didn't help me. Yea, I wrote on my arm this morning 'cause I saw this purple sharpe that a friend had and it was cool. At least I thought so. Two of my friends also wrote on themselves too. Then I jumped over a chair in shop. I was so proud of myself.

Shop was boring yesterday and today. We basically did portfolio stuff, like reflection sheets and printing pictures of your projects. We then put the pictures williams toke last week on the computers today. We get to work on the photomontage or photocollage thing. I don't really want to but then I do. I like the thought of doing it but I don't like the thought of not useing filters. I like some of the fitlers that are on photoshop. Oh well, right.

I got mcas math now. I don't really like the teacher. The dude doesn't listen to us. I guess it is ok...he is old. I think I'll change my background to something purple...Idk...do people think it would be cool? Gonna go so please answer the last question.


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Tuesday, February 7, 2006

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Ellos. I have decided to post now. The past two days were fine. I have been really mellow lately. Not to mention my most closest friend has a problem that she is working out. I glad that she is working it out but it is really stressing her out. Mean while I am totally mellow and pretty much happy.

My breakfast thing went good. My cousins didn't come. So it was just my Uncle and Aunt, my parents, and myself. I had pancakes. They were good. I also had Dr. Pepper of course and brought some chocolate pudding. It was good. I had it earlier when I got home today.

I have shop tomorrow. I don't really want to go, oh well. I am just really complaining as usual. I get to go to a math mcas class now. I am wicked good at math. I get A+ in both quarters of the geomerty class I have. So yea I am gonna have a blast. I think I'll go for now.


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Sunday, February 5, 2006

Here are eggs things...
This egg hatches on 03/01/06! Adopt one today!

This egg hatches on 03/01/06! Adopt one today!

This egg hatches on 03/01/06! Adopt one today!

This egg hatches on 03/01/06! Adopt one today!

This egg hatches on 03/01/06! Adopt one today!

Hope you like.

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