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Saturday, August 28, 2004

   owwwwww...hey there
Hey there! sorry i haven't posted in some time! my mother told me no computer since last week! believe me when i say i was life was almost like hell for the whole week! plus i had double sessions(ds)thurs. and fri. of this week. then i have another ds mon. i hurt a lot right now. but here are some quizzes i have taken. hope u like them...
You're Element is Night. You're a loner who is very
creative but never show your work to anyone.
You may smile a little but sadness or
loneliness surround you and other can feel it
when they're near you. You have a dark or
unusual beauty that makes you mysterious and
you probably have a lot of secrets that you've
never told anyone. You're beauty is intriging
and unorthidox but the real thing that makes
you special is your eyes. Something in them
makes them like Diamonds in the Rough.

What's Your Element(girls)? (PICTURES)
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this one was me just fooling around...
You're Element is Light. You are friendly, happy,
social, bubbly, and can brighten up any one's
day. You are very kind and a real people person
because you have several friends (or atleast
should). You're cheery nature makes you lovable
and your stunning looks are sweet and stand

What's Your Element(girls)? (PICTURES)
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Your Anime Personality is Tough!!!!

What type of Anime Personality do you have? (for girls)
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Your element is Fire: Strong, hot tempered,
powerful, and passionate. Well now lets see,
being fire you are quite strong and powerful,
people look up to you greatly and often seek
your protection. You have the ability to gain
many friends and you are always one people can
count on to do what you say you will do. You
are extremely loyal be it friends or family
you'll stick up for them and you are never
willing to put them in a position that could
hurt them. You know what roll you play in life,
leader, and you intend to let people know it.
Not everyone is capable of leadership but you
certainly have the willpower and flare to do
it. You have quite a temper if it shows itself,
one that can often lead you into trouble. Once
your mind is made up there is no changing it
but no one said that was a bad thing.

.:-|What is your true element?|-:. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers-
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You have an animal soul! Arent you lucky! You are
very interactive with animals and can
understand them even if you dont speak their
tongue. The birds arent afraid of you, deer can
eat out of your palm, and every dog will roll
over for you. As an Animal Soul, you follow
your instinct, sometimes making rash decisions,
and not thinking properly. If you dont
understand something, you reject and push it
away, and can get very disastrous when angry.
At the same time, youre a very kind person who
can make people feel better, and are
understanding and compassionate. One of the
great things about you is that your rarely
jealous, and know that you have to share and
help other people if you want to survive this
world. You are very loyal and optimistic, and
can make it through the toughest times.

What Kind of SOUL do you posses? (For Girls only) Incredible Anime Pictures!
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Which Yu Yu Hakusho Character Are You?
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Ah...so wonderfully evil. you gotta watch out
though, you'll create many enemies with that

Whats your motto for life? (with pics)(now finished)
brought to you by Quizilla
The meaning of your life is to be the best and most
skillfull person at killing, stealing, and
general underhand but oh-so-stylish things

What is the meaning of life? ( Just for fun! ^_^)(image results)
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where do you really shine? *image results*
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natural bishojo

What type of cute anime girl (bishojo) are you?
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well gtg

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Thursday, August 19, 2004

   Hey there!
Hey there...I am totaly sorry that I haven't updated in so long. I so wanted to update but being as stupid as I am I just haven't. But on other news I got 2 new cds and my nephew johnny got sick all last week. I have "Hell Week" next week. Am so not totaly happy about Double Sections of hs soccer...but o well. oooooooo...Here are some quizzes I toke lately:
Your H.I.D.D.E.N Emotion. You have the hidden
emotion meaning your hiding your feeling from
the world. You look normal, you act normal.
People see you as a happy person. When inside
your suffering of depression. You hide this
feeling because you don't want your
family,friends to worry about you.Like me ,I
hide my feeling of sad,lonely and

what's your level in emotion? UPDATED agin!!!,GREAT PICS
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Which guy from Weiss Kreuz are you most likely to date?
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Blue Dragon

Who is your dragon spirit guide?
brought to you by Quizilla
You represent... hope.
You represent... hope.
You're quite a daydreamer and can be a hopeless
romantic. You enjoy being creative and don't
mind being alone at times. You have goals, and
know what you want in life... even if they are
a little far fetched.

What feeling do you represent?
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someone who is caught up within their thoughts...trying to remember who they really are...only to find that there is no answer...because you are who you are...a soul..within yourself...
...a shadow within the heart

Who Are You From Within? (Anime Images used)
brought to you by Quizilla
you are DREAM ANGEL! you like to daydream of the
future, past, and even what's goin on now! you
hope for romance and love in your life and you
dream only the best for people... including
yourself! hey is that certain someone up there
in your dream?

What type of angel are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

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Monday, July 19, 2004

   okey this is important!
Please if u know a meaning of life then please tell me...i need to know...i see no meaning...
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Tuesday, July 6, 2004

   Hey there!
How is everyone? Hope you guys feel alright. I am so glad to be home now. Being with my two nephews for about 4 days and 3 nights and then being with 3 young and 1 14 yr old cousins forabout 2-3 days is really tiring. On the other hand I finally got my acceptance letter for the North Shore Regional Vocational School. I am so glad to be accepted to the Tech. Its great now I can start over in a new school and make a new bunch of friends along with staying around my old friends. Well got to go.

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   hey there!
will update later mother is being a pest!

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Friday, July 2, 2004

   Hey there!
Sorry about not updating lately. I will be in maine until monday. I promise I will update monday. If i don't then I will update tuesday. gtg. See-ya!

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Sunday, June 20, 2004

Hey there!
Sorry but sometimes I don't like to update a lot. My team make to esysa tournament and losed in our first game.

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Friday, June 4, 2004

sorry but was and is busy with stuff update later.
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Monday, May 3, 2004

Hey There! Nothing going on in life at this moment. But here is the quote of the week.
"it's our past that makes us who we are today."
~~Yugi, Yu-Gi-Oh!

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Saturday, May 1, 2004

   Hey There...
Hey there...We losted our soccer game...0-2...against North Andover. I wasn't there though...doing some placement test for highschool...I think I did good. ooooooo...sorry aboutnot updating lately...been busy. Here is a poem I am starting PLEASE READ IT AND TELL ME HOW IT IS PLEASE!!!!!!!!
Fallen Angel

Fallen Angel, Fallen Angel
how far have you fallen in this tangle
Hope will always be,
coming from me.
I hope you have forgiveness
for the one who left you in the darkness.
I am truely sorry
and all the time I worry.
Even though you can be cold,
you may lend your heart and be warm as I am told
Though you scream and yell as you may
and now lay in dismay.
If you asj for help from me...
I will help with my soul as the key
Though you may have fallen
there will always be a life waiting here for u.
That is all i could think up please tell me how to improve it, please!gtg

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