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myOtaku.com: Kuramafriend

Sunday, November 14, 2004

more quizzes for ya!
You're a Winter. You very much enjoy your time
alone but do like other people's company
sometimes. You just need your space. You have a
few priviledged friends who saw past your
colder exterior to find the true you. You can
have pretty bad mood swings (though you hate to
admit it) so you could be soft one second then
storming around the next! But over all, you're
a very pleasant person once people take the
time to get to know you. You're a good friend
for in-depth talks. You're very talanted when
it comes to creative things.(If you can't see
tje pics, go to my homepage and look near the
bottom and find your result)

What season are you? (pics)
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You represent... naivete.
You represent... naivete.
So innocent and trusting... you can be very shy at
times, but it's only because you're not sure
how to act. You give off that "I need to
be protected vibe." Remember that not all
people are good. Being too trusting will get
you easily hurt.

What feeling do you represent?
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Your anime hair color is pink.

What is your anime hair color?
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You are innocent love. You long for someone to
spend your days with, most of all a best
friend. You do not want to rush things, and you
like marks of affection that are

What kind of love are you?
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You came from the sky. Your a daydreamer and prefer
to have a good look on situations.

Where did you come from?
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Your a Guradien Angel! Guardien Angels are also
knows as Warrior Angels, because they are the
army of God. Not always meaning that they are
in war, simply that their job is to protect
unwary humans from dark dragons, or other evil
demons. Warrior Angels are not always friendly
with humans, but they will watch over them all
the time. Humans say that when a miracle
happens, thank your guradien angel.

What Kind of ANGEL are you? (For Girls only) This Quiz has amazingly Beautiful Pictures!
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Water. Whatever you do, where or when, you do it
with all of your heart. You listen to your
heart and all of your emotions are true
non-acting. Friends are very importent to you
and you will do anything for them. You're the
most dreamy of all 4 elements.

What is your element?
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Alright know your like me a mixed demon with a
tranceformation. kind, caring, evil at some
times. You care for almost every thing. And you
top goal is trying to get lord fluffy
(sesshomaru) to like you more.

What kind of demon are you?
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Peace. Somewhere, you've picked up a real piece
that most of the rest of us just don't have.
You're not inclined to hurt anyone or allow
yourself to be hurt by meaningless words. You
are very lucky.

What's on the inside?
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Tis an ice dragon breathes...when the first snowflake doesnt melt....
Your an ice dragon! Congrats! Out of all the
dragons, you are most powerful but do not like
to show it. A rare and special creture, you
have artistic style and are great at expressing
yourself. You think friends and Familly are the
most important, and are a hopeless romantic.
But of course, as ice goes, you can be a little
cold or harsh at times. But not to worry, you
always apoligize later!

What elemental dragon are you?
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Bald Eagle's Wisdom Includes:





Keen sight

Illumination of Spirit



Knowledge of magick

Ability to see hidden spiritual truths

Rising above the material to see the spiritual

Ability to see the overall pattern

Connection to spirit guides and teachers

Great power and balance

Dignity with grace

If you enjoy this quiz please rate, and I may do
some more!

Animal Spirit Guides ~ Which One Calls To You?
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The light angel likes you and he hasnt even met you
yet! Wow, thats pretty impressive! (I'm running
low on pictures of vampires, dark angels and
angels... if you ahve any could you please give
'em to me? Much apperciated!)

Would a light angel, vampire or dark angel fall for you?
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