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myOtaku.com: Kuramafriend

Sunday, April 11, 2004

   Here are those quizzes!
you're a god!!! *drool* oh sorry!!!

Are you weird, psychotic, or a Greek god??
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He likes you!!! He likes you!!!!!1 :-D

Date with Hiei! (girls only, do you people know this yet?!)
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He really really likes you so far!!!! Good job!!!
He doesn't find you as annoying as all the
other humans, lucky you.. ;) Stay tuned ok? I
might get another one out if i'm not too lazy

An encounter with that hot bad boy from Inuyasha!!!
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He really really loves you, no doubt!!!! He loves
everything about you and he can't get enough of
you!!1 He was moved when you ran up and was
crying your heart out! Good job girl!!

Ps you made him smile!!!

An encounter with a hot bad boy Part 3!!!
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so sad
shhhh, it's okay, it's okay. I know it's sad, i
understand your pain... but maybe things will
get better in my next quiz? Don't walk away
sad... please?

An encounter with that hot bad boy part 4
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he asked you to marry him!!!!!! he found you so
interesting! he loved you since he meet you and
could not help his fellings for you!if you also
like him or have a web site of him or just want
to talk about him just massage me! PLZ RATE!

How did Sesshoumaru react after he meet you?(part one)(with pics!)
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Sesshoumaru would ask you to marry him! he is so in
love with you he cannot stand being away from
you! he will die for your love or even
aproval!! you go girl! remeber plz rate!

How did Sesshoumaru react after he meet you? ~*part 2*~(w/pics!)
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Sesshoumaru would ask to marry you!!!! he loves
you for your mind and looks!he can not stand
being away from you!!!!!!you make him open up
his feelings and you make him relize he can
love a human GO GIRL!!!!! PLZ RATE!!!!

How would Sesshoumaru react after he meet you?~*part 3*~(w/pics!)
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Sesshoumaru ask you to be his wife!!!!! he can not
live with out you! he wants to be with you
forever!his heart splits if he ever sees you
with another guy! he is crazy about you! GO

How did Sesshoumaru react after he meet you?*~part 4~*(w/pics!)
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Sesshoumaru ask you to be his wife!!!!!!!he can not
stand being away from you!he brings you gifts
and flower to you every day! he agree with you
and always thinks you are right! YOU GOT

How did Sesshoumaru react after he meet you?~*part 5*~(w/pics!)
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oh!hiei wants to marry you! he would if he tryed
stop acting all manly but he can not stand
beign away from you! he finds you the most
prettest girl ever! he even tell you his
feelings! PLZ RATE!

how would hiei react after he meet you?~*part 1*~(w/pics)
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HIEI wants to marry you!! he is so in love with
you! he can not stand being a sec. away from
you!you GO GIRL!!!!!!!PLZ RATE!!!

How would hiei react after he meet you?~*part 2*~(wi/pics!)
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hiei wants to marry you!! WHIIPPPYY!!!!!!! he can
nto stand being away from you!!!!he is crazy
about you! he can not be away from you a
sec.!PLZ RATE!!!

how would hiei react after he meet you?~*part 3*~(w/pics)
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hiei wants to marry you!! WHIIPPPYY!!!!!!! he can
nto stand being away from you!!!!he is crazy
about you! he can not be away from you a
sec.!PLZ RATE!!!

how would hiei react after he meet you?~*part 3*~(w/pics)
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Hiei would ask you if it is ok to kisss you!! he
loves you and does not want to hurt you! YOU
GOT HIM GIRL!!!!!!!!!! he thinks you are a
goddess and can not stand being away from
you!PLZ RATE!!!

How did hiei react after he meet you?~*part 4*~(w/pics)
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Hiei asked you to bare his child*sorry i like this
one!* you are sweet but also dareing and loves
that about you.you are shy to talk to prople
until you finnaly burst and decide what the
hell let me talk to people! he thinks you are
smart,and wise and he loves to come to you for
help and maybe a kiss;)he loves it when you get
angry he thinks you look cute as a button and
can not help but smile.PLZ RATE!!

How would Hiei react after he meets you?~*part5*~
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What character from Tokyo Mew Mew are you?! (Pictures)

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Your motto is the same as Juna from the anime
"Earth Maiden Arjuna"! You love
earthy stuff and feel connected to every living
thing on Earth. Both of you have the motto to
protect the Earth!

What's Your Inner Anime Motto?
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You're like Zoma!

Which Manga Character from 'Dragon Knights' and 'Planet Ladder' Are You Most Like?
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You're like Zoma!

Which Manga Character from 'Dragon Knights' and 'Planet Ladder' Are You Most Like?
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I'm Bit!
You're Bit!

Which character from the anime 'Zoids: New Century Zero' are you?
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