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Wednesday, May 11, 2005
this day sucked ass...
Today, was horrible. It seemed like everyone wanted to piss me off. My social studies teacher got me mad, and so that started it. Then in people kept taking my lunch from me and Josh took my bracelet that keeps my calm, and then I got so pissed I smacked him and snatched my bracelet from him and stormed out of the lunch room and walked around the school. I got so mad I went into the girl's bathroom and punched the shit out of the stall door. Then I told Mr. Mcvoy the detetion guy and I got ice and he filled out a accident report ans I had to go the Mrs. Z's (the counsuler) and had a talk with her and she says I need anger management, and so does my mom and dad, so I'm doing anger management. Well, that was my day, LALAS!
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Monday, May 9, 2005
So this is how it goes.
I broke up with my boyfriend because I found out that he was two timing with someone else. So, that was over as soon as it started. Nothing has happened in that past days. My birthday is in 18 more days and I can't wait. I'll get to go to lunch with my mum and my friend Emmalee maybe. But anyway, in science we have this paper we have to write about the environment and stuff, like air pollution and endangered animals and what not. So, for my project I'm gonna do the thinning of the ozone or the greenhouse effect, or the melting of the polar ice caps or something. But, we're only allowed up to like five paragraphs so this will be hard to do. Oh, the project in language arts, is going fine too, but I helped this guy named Jesse, who is really hot and smart but acts dumb and stuff, so I gave him some advice and help and what-not, but this is the part that pissed me off. He got 60 out of 50 for a grade and I got....44 out of 50!!!! I dislike him right now. So that has been it so far. Oh, I'm sick again, news flash! I'm coughing and runny nose and headache and all that jazz, but its going away....slowly..well, gtg!
Phantom of the Opera
Behind the angel he stands,
listening to every word you tell me.
Behind the angel he watches,
every touch we share.
In my sleep he sang to me,
in dreams he came to me.
The Phantom of the Opera.
In the snow he stands,
crying to the rose he gave.
In the snow he cry,
for not doing what the phantom asked of me.
Although I turn from him,
behind the glass.
The Phantom of the Opera is there.
In darkness he hides,
from those who fear.
In darkness he fears,
behind the mask he wears.
Its him they hear.
His spirit and his voice,
in one combinded.
The Phantom of the Opera.
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Sunday, May 1, 2005
My mum bought me a kitten, as an early birthday gift!!! Hes white with this grayish smudge-like thing on his we call him smudge. Hes eight weeks old and likes to bite my feet, cause hes teething. o.o it hurts but its cute. Then, he like shimmied up my father's leg. it was so funny cause he screamed. Well, I gtg, gotta eat. ^_^;;; lalas. AJ
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Friday, April 29, 2005
what to do...
I am, not liking my boyfriend at all. Hes too touchy and show-offy I want to cut it with him. I mean, hes nice and all, I just don't like him that much. So, its over, end of story. That didn't last long did it? ><
My angel
I look into a mirror,
to her on the other side.
I start wonder,
"Am I real? Or, is she real?"
Terrifide, I shatter the glass,
to pieces too sharp to pickup,
too, small to matter.
Still, I see her staring back at me.
Watching, wanting....longing.
Longing for what?
Longing for who...and why?
I can see her in my dreams,
when I look onto the mirror.
Then, I realize it's not a dream.
I do not sleep.
I do not wake.
Then shes real.
Or am I fake?
What is this place I have called home?
What is this thing called life?
I am engulfed into the darkness,
but a single light shines.
It's her.
Why is it her?
It's always her,
My angel.
by: ME!!!!!
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Saturday, April 23, 2005
This is actually it's own stupid way...
Yesterday, I got a call from my friend Brandon, or better known as my personal stalker. But, latey he hasn't been able to stop touching me. Well, when he called me last night he ask me to be his girlfriend...and I siad yes. Now, the funny part is, I told myself over and over that I would never date him, not now not ever. So, now I ask myself, what happened here? What did I just do? I can't believe you just did that! So, that was my night last night.
Now, on with my day. Nothing exciting happened yesterday in all three classes up till my fourth class, which is Social Studies and Mrs. Goldberg the worst teacher in the world's class. She must have been having a bad day because, she was yelling and whinning about everything and everyone. So, when she stoped yelling she sat down all huffy-like and then I spoke up which was a bad idea, cause that got me the ugylest look ever. I asked her, "Who spit in your cheeiros, princess?" Then she looked at me and asked if I needed detention, and I told her "Whatever you think." I didn't get one but I was close to. ^_^ I'm so proud of myself.
Well, lalas!
No one hold command over me. No man. No God. No prince. Call your damnable hunt. We shall see whom I drag screaming to hell with me.
-Vampire: The Masquarade
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Saturday, April 16, 2005
Yesterday I went to a hockey game with my best friend and my dad. It was Muskegon Fury vs. Quad city. We ended up losing like 5 to 2 but there were these kick ass fights!!!! This Thopmson dude needed to die! He hit one of our players and he was on the ice out cold. Then the damn refes got me so pissed off. People started to chant "FUCK YOU REFS! FUCK YOU REFS!" Then during the game Desi and I started the chant that went "QUAD YOU SUCK! QUAD YOU SUCK!" over and over. Then another one of our players go hit in the head and the doc. had to come and help him out couse he couldn't even walk. But we lost anyway, but the fights were really awsome! It was totally kick ass.
Well, gtg
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Monday, April 11, 2005
My spring break...
Well, it turned out to be better then I thought it would be. So, for the most of the week we painted my lil bro's room. Its ok, I wouldn't paint my room like that but its ok for him. I got to go fishing twice but didn't catch shit. I helped my best friend take her room apart and sorta put things together but it was horrible. I got to go to my other friend's house and we got hyper off of 4 bottles of 2 litter Mt. Dew. Then we ran around town it was fun! So that was my fun week. TELL ME YOUR WONDERFUL BREAK!!!!
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Saturday, April 2, 2005
Well, now that is comes to mind...
Yesterday was my mother and father's anniversry. On, April Fools day at that. Sometimes I wonder if them getting married was a big joke....17 year long joke. ¬_¬ Today, I did nothing. Well, I finished my poster I started to draw thrusday, of the full metal alchemist. This thing is huge. I just finished this, thing so I'm SOOOOOOO freaking out cause it is sooooooo awesome!!! SO, thats all. Lalas, AJ
No one holds command over me.No man.No God.No Prince.What is a claim of power for ones who defy death?Call your damnable hunt.We shall see whom I drag screaming to hell with me.I am a vampire.I worship my ego and I worship my life.I acknowledge the powers of darkness.I realize there is no heaven as there is no hell.Therefore I will make the most of my life here and now.I am a vampire.Now bow before me.My soul vast,filled with evils of the world.My eyes cold with pain and suffering.What is to become of these foolish mortals who dare to cross my path
- The Embrace
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Friday, April 1, 2005
Oh, By the Way
I forgot to mention what happened at school, that was really funny. See, I was walking to class when this guy named Jonny Judd, walked past with his bag full of stuff for wrestling. This bag of his has hooks and stuff all over it. Well, when he walked past me one of the hooks caught onto the hole in the knee of my pants. But, he just kept walking so I got whipped around and dragged after him. He thought I was fallowing him so he tried to go into the guys bathroom. Thats where I drew the line. I said "JONNY!!!! Stop right there!" he turned and said "Why? You're the one fallowing me." "I wouldn't be if you would stop for a second so I could unhook myself!" Then he looked at me like I was crazy and looked at his bag and sure enough I was hooked to his bag. Then he said "Oh, I didn't know. Sorry." then he walked to his class and set it down and he sat in his seat and unhooked it. I turned and walked out the door and them looked back at him and said "Yeah, and I didn't know you were going to be that mean and walk to the bathroom like that."
SO, that was the litte iccedent, the happened.
well, lalas
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Thursday, March 31, 2005
Today is the last day and tomarrow is the first day of Spring Break. Yay...anyway. My friend Rachel is here for the day. She is being so mean to me. ;_; someone help me. I can't take much more of this!!!!! (not) So, what ya'll doing for break? I will be doing nothing, but hiding out in my room, or on the pc, chattin to all ya. (or havin Rachel over....maybe.) So, let me know whatch ya'll are doing, cause I'm nosey. GTG! LALAS, AJ
Now, let's all gather. Enjoying the company we share. Our tears will disolve into thin air, as we drink up this wonderful life.
-ending theme to Fruits Basket (ever though theres more)
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