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myOtaku.com: Kuramasfirerose

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

this day sucked ass...
Today, was horrible. It seemed like everyone wanted to piss me off. My social studies teacher got me mad, and so that started it. Then in people kept taking my lunch from me and Josh took my bracelet that keeps my calm, and then I got so pissed I smacked him and snatched my bracelet from him and stormed out of the lunch room and walked around the school. I got so mad I went into the girl's bathroom and punched the shit out of the stall door. Then I told Mr. Mcvoy the detetion guy and I got ice and he filled out a accident report ans I had to go the Mrs. Z's (the counsuler) and had a talk with her and she says I need anger management, and so does my mom and dad, so I'm doing anger management. Well, that was my day, LALAS!

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