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With The Yu Yu Hakusho Gang.And I Am Part Of There Gang Now .
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Marred Kurama
Anime Fan Since
Forever ^_~
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Yu Yu Hakusho,InuYasha,Fullmetal Alchemist,Gundum Seed,Rurouni Kenshin,Wolfs Rain,Family Guy, Futurama,^_~
To make my Fantasy Wish come Ture.^_~
Computer , Swimming,Watching Japanses Animetion.
Playing Clarinet , Singing,Playing Flute,And Playing the Piano, Oh and playing the Guitar ^_~
| KuramasGirlfriend
Saturday, June 4, 2005
Kurama Quiz's ^_~
What Yu Yu Hakusho Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 KURAMA. Beautiful and intelligent, you are the quietest of the Yu Yu Hakusho characters. You can be compassionate when you want to be, but you're also practical. You always use careful tactics in battle. However, you ARE a demon, and you can be merciless when you want to be.
What YU YU HAKUSHO character are you ? brought to you by Quizilla
which yu yu hakusho chater is your mate brought to you by Quizilla
 Your Kurama, strong, skilled and love your mother
Which Yu Yu Hakusho Character are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are KURAMA.~Kind~Gentle~Green-thumb~ ( hey you guys wanna know a secrtet? well actually you can tell whomever, but , there will be a new series about KURAMA coming out in a matter of weeks, by janeylane.It's gonna be called, " the rose never severs far from the thorn-kuramas tale-" or something. i'll give you ore info when she tells me.)
Which Yuu Yuu Hakusho charachter are you?[Now with more results and pics!] brought to you by Quizilla
 You are Kurama's "I feel so alone..." look. (Yu Yu Hakusho) While most people might see that you are a cheerful, calm person on the outside, you are actually very depressed and heartbroken on the inside. You tend to hide your true feelings very well, and as such, everyone around you might think that you are a very happy and lucky person when deep down you clearly aren't. You really wish that someone could see the pain and sadness in your heart, but it's very rare for someone to see your sadness inside since you hide it to avoid becoming a burden by making others worry about you. You should really try showing your true colors to others, because who knows, someone might really be worried about you. Remember that your friends care, and they are willing to help you if something's bothering you.
Which anime expression are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 Kurama. Kurama asked you out on a second date you lucky girl! Out of all the other boys Kurama is the most sensitive and caring. He especially likes to help you with your problems. He may be sensitive but he would never let anyone hurt you. Great Job! Please Rate!
A blind date from Yu Yu Hakusho! brought to you by Quizilla
 your hidden feeling is sadness...your try to be happy all the time but deep down your sad. maybe it has something to do with your past.
What's your hidden emotion?....(with cool anime pic's...sorry only for girls) brought to you by Quizilla
"Which anime guy are you?"
 Smarty Pants (Kurama) You are Kurama from Yu Yu Hakusho.
"Which character from my Yu-yu Hakusho daydreams are you?"
 You are Kurama! You got Kurama.Once a fox demon,you were almost killed and escaped into an unborn baby.You are otherwise known as Suichii or Youko.
"What yu yu hakusho boy would you probley end up in a relatinship with?"
 kurama Damn youre lucky get the sexy hot kurama damn i enen you will have a great time

 You should be with Kurama. Perfect as you are, a guy could really do you some good. Take a break, and go out with him, you know you'll love it.
Which Yu Yu Hakusho Guy is best for you? brought to you by Quizilla
 Kurama is You new husbaned, ^_~
Yu Yu Hakusho Marriage Quiz (for gals) brought to you by Quizilla
Holy crap! You got ALL the questions right!I really can't believe it,And its some kind of miracle that perhaps you own the YYH Perfect File art books,speak Japanese, and love Kurama as much as I do.In either case, this picture is for you.
Impossibly Hard Kurama (Shuuichi) Yu Yu Hakusho Quiz with PICS! brought to you by Quizilla

What Yu Yu Hakusho Character Are You?
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