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Sunday, December 31, 2006
.:: LaLa LA LalalALaalal ::.
*Today's Post!!!*
Random subject name, I jsut didnt feel like typing in a specific name. Hey, I'm starting to update more! It's only been 16 days! Hehe ^^;;. Anyway, I'm half-way done my science fair, I've built it and everything, All I need to do is get the actual data, but I need the sun in this experiment, but its been cloudly and rainy lately... and the data is due Jan. 15! NO!!! ><. Well anyway, today on Cartoon Network, they are having a Naruto Marathon from 9 am- 10 pm. I've already seen those episodes .. so it wont matter. I've actually changed my theme and scrollbar color! Now I need to do is change my video, cursor, and Icon~ Joy.. Well anyway, last but not least, Happy New Year or Happy New Year's Eve, for whatever timezone you may have! ^_^
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Friday, December 15, 2006
.::Yay! For Aliveness-ness!::.
*Today's Post!!!*
Yes, I know I haven't updated this ever since Halloween. When was that about 2 months ago!? WEll anyway, I'm udating ti again. I'm still alive so yah. ><. I never get a chance to check this a lot cause' I'm usually on GaiaOnline or something. I also have Science Fair to do which totalyl flippin sucks man. ><. Ah, i think tis time to get a new backgroudn sicen you've been seing the same one for like years ><. Ah, and i need a new video aswell. WEll, happy almsot christmas and way late thanksgiving Ah, well, in the summer when school is not in, I iwll post like everyday man! Ah, yes...... new themes... Rurouni Kenshin! RK! WOOT! Kenshin looks a bit weird but OHHHHH WELL! Yes, weirdness. Well laterz.
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Tuesday, October 31, 2006
.:: For all of my loved friends on TheO::.
*Today's Post!!!*
For all my friends on here... here!

See, all of you are loved like that, it's even glittery! Haha!
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Thursday, October 19, 2006
The longest Wait
*Today's Post!!!*
I think this is the longest time I've ever not psoted how long has it been like a month? Well, just posted to let all know im sitll alive. Well school took over my life like some kinda sick disease thing. I had 5 projects due this month 0_o. Yeah and I have science fair.. .again! oh the horror.. I'm gonna die on the floor right now. Too much work and junk ya know....and junk. well.... thats [retty much it laterz
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Tuesday, September 19, 2006
.::School Is Stupid::.
*Today's Post!!!*
Yeah, we all know that school is stupid. I ahvent posted in a while, cause, I was bsuy on my other site Gaia. Well anyway, Science fair starts in 2 weeks!!!! Geeeeeeeez. And then, i have stupid school. And jazz and festival band start today, so i'll have band 4/5 times a week. Oh... more joy! HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY!!@!!!! Hehehe... well anyway, that show Trinity Blood on AS freakin rocks!!! And so does bleach, but i read the manga, I'm noly on the 5th one.... yaz~!~~~~ Well, you read my anger report with a slight bit happiness. WEll see ya in like 10 days...
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Sunday, September 10, 2006
.::12 days::.
*Today's Post!!!*
I ahevn't psoted in 12 days... geez, blame it on school. I got a new wallpaper, it's Eyes Rutherford from Spiral. Sometimes, I'm jsut too lazy to do anything. I have a test tommorow, which I'm scared about. WEll, i went to best buy and got Pretear DVDs, all 13 epsidoes packe dinto 325 minutes, almost 5 hours of anime wholesome ^^> Yes!!! Well, then, I hope your days are going goood.... I guess. Also, I've been addicted to gaia lately, so if your on there, my s/n is Mystic_Alchemist. Yeah, it used to be CloudStrifer101, but it was too long ^^. WEll then, laterz
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Tuesday, August 29, 2006
.:: Hey , I'm still alive::.
*Today's Post!!!*
I jsut wanted to post to tell you, that yes, I'm still alive. But I haven't been able to get on as much as I'd like to since school started yesterday! Geez, nice huh!? And when i do have time, I just dont feel like typinga big long post thing. But I do now. I got a new avatar, that says Rabid Fangirl. ^^. Yeah, i dunno what she is biting though. I finally got around to watching that video on my site, yes i pick it at random and dotn watch it till like a month later. I got a new theme, DNangel, I just felt like doing somehting. All I know, is that its super hot over here and i hope summer ends soon. Bring on Fall!
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Tuesday, August 22, 2006
.:: I'm Desperate For An Answer!!! ::.
*Today's Post!!!*
Ok, I'm determined/desperate for this question! I asked Hiei1350 yesterday to post for it, cause' I was too lazy to type a post. She didnt get any useful answers, well one of them gave a site title, and like 7 of them didn't even answer the question, and the others didn't know what she meant! ^^. Lol, well, I finally ahve enough energy to type this question! Q- What other animes sites, besides TheO and MyO, do you go on!? That are fun, and help keep us from boredom. I searched....and searched for almost 1 hour, but I got nothing, so I decided to read a fic instead. Lol.
My school starts in 6 days! NOOOOOOO!!! I don't wanna go. Geeeeeeeeeeeez. And back to school night is tommorow, and I'm super anxious cause' I wanna compare my schedule with Hiei1350 and see if we have the same classes! ^^. And yes, I was famous in her post yesterday, so today, she's gonna be famous in mine! ^^.
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Saturday, August 19, 2006
.::I Hate Excercise::.
*Today's Post!!!*
Ok, I posted kinda late. It's 12:21 pm. Ok, not that late, but late for me! ^^. I haven't updated in like 3 or 4 days! WEll, here I am now, and still alive! I went to the dentist! Woot! NO CAVITITES!! Lol, 2 times in a row! ^^. CAll it a lucky strike. No, we're not bowling, but speaking of sports and or excercise, I have to go the park and run that big track! Geez. I run/walk it for at least 2 miles. I usually go down the nature part. Which is kinda fun! ^^. Well, I don't feel like changing my theme, so it's gonan be Kanami for a while. New video, some random AMV i picked out. I didn't watch it yet, I just picke dout a s-cry-ed one that has 4 or 5 stars! ^^. Lol. And new picture two. I thinks it hilarious. I like the Gaara Doll lol. His face is hilarious. Lol, LAter!
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Wednesday, August 16, 2006
.::Changed.... Again::.
*Today's Post!!!*
I changed my theme...yet again! I think I cahnge my theme liek every two days! But, i gotta stop that. But, I have a dental cleaning in two days! Geeez, I hate ym dentist! So mean! When i was getting my teeth pulled, it hurt like crazy and he said: Stop Crying!? Geeeeez, and one time, he said Oops! What do you mean Ooops!? Well, I'm back to the death-doctor.... and then School Starts in 12 days. Less then 2 weeks. WEll, this was a happy post...
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