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Baltimore, MD... B-more, baby!
Member Since
I graduated from SouthWest Academy in one piece...
Anime Fan Since
1999...or was it '98...
Favorite Anime
anything yaoi, Naruto,Fullmetal Alchemist
To own over 1,000 doujinshi! And if I get around to it, take over the world!
Drawing, Reading, Writing, Watching anime, Playing video games
I can multi-task! ...poorly... And my imagination! Trust me, the way my imagination works, it has to be...
| Kuro Kitsune-chan

Hiiiiiii!!! Name's Kuro Kitsune-chan, KK-chan for short, though my friends just call me Kitsune, but they also call me a pervert... (thinks for a minute...) I'm not a hentai!! Just because I have a couple of issues and I'm amoral and I love yaoi, that doesn't mean I'm perverted... *Whispering* Huh? What? That does mean you're a perv? Oh well.
I also love RPGs and bishounen, but then again what fangirl doesn't?...
I'm new to the place right now, so go easy on this poor lil' puppy,ne? But I love meeting new peoples. ^.^ (No that was not a error in typing...)
I draw and write fanfiction but that's more for my personal amusement than anything else so don't expect to see any of my work here...or anywhere really...

Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Happy (Late) Anniversery To Me...
Wow, I'm amazed I've retained this site for a year(poorly) let alone at all. But now mostly Gaiaonline and livejournal take up my time. (I really want soem fox ears for my avatar and I just started on livejournal so...) Um...if anyone wants my account names on there pm me or something...
Other than that live right now is uneventful and dull. I finally watched Sukisho and Yaoishoujo was right, it is good. Now I wanna see Tactics and Loveless...and Bleach...
I'm sorry about Steptoussai, who just left myotaku. I wish I could have stayed on more or at least been there when she left. She was a cool kid, ya know? ...Damn...
That's it, I guess...
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Wednesday, October 26, 2005
I Live!!!
Oh man I've been away from here for soooo long... And I've got so much to say...
Okay! *takes a deep breath* First up was my b-day. I was a month ago. September 10th... Now I'm sixteen. I had a co-ed sleepover with Shintoga, Yuri, Rin, Afro Jones, Zan & Athena. It was cool but Yuri was being a drama queen so that considerably dampened the festivites. Important note about that: we had pixie stick shots and spent the night watching Naruto, Ranma and Fullmetal Alchemist (which my mom forced us to watch at gunpoint. I'll explain later...)
Next, I started school the 12th of September. I'm a junior now and I own the school (mostly because the seniors this year are completely incompetent...) Now the 1st quarter will end in one week... Our school moves fast... Also lock-in is Friday and so is D&D. So.much.multitasking!!!!! It burns!
I now have taken in some newbies (and one n00b) under my wing with the help of Athena. ...Okay, so mostly on my own... Man, it's hard when the most of Naruto they've ever seen is in English. It's not bad (much better than my expectations)...but I still think the Japanesse version is much better.
Speaking of which, I got back into Naruto again. ...I blame it on lurking on livejournal... And in doing such, Iruka-sensei is like my third fav. character. (Naruto will always be first. and Kakashi is second.)Damn my dolphin obsession...
I'm going to change the background again. ..And maybe even my avatar this time too... Don't know...
Um-kay, I think that's it for now. Oh God! I'm late getting out of school. I gotta hurry or mom'll kill me!! Y-Y
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Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Thankies, thankies, thankies to all who gave me a virtual hug. It made me feel so mauch better after a shitty day. Unfortunatley I don't much time left so I can't write more...
Ja ne!
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Monday, June 27, 2005
Having bad day... Need a hug but no one can give me one. Wanna crawl into the fetal postion. ...Back to work...
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Friday, June 24, 2005
I Live!!!!!
Sorry I've been gone so long guys. I've been really busy... *gets struck by lightning* ...Okay, but I have been busy for the past few days. I just bot my first job on Wednesday. It's at the Clarance Mitchell courthouse downtown. I file and sort case file...things... It reaally boring and you have to stand up alot. And our lunch break is only half and hour. But at least we get paid alot...I think... And some of the cases I've read are interesting. Like there was this one that I read from this year about two guys who conspired and killed this other dude. Later while filing papers again I saw that the victim had also killed a couple of people along with anumber of other crimes and that he was killed as revenge. I see all sorts of stuff, though most is narcotics...
Also I'm not going to the Otakon this year... I failed three classes... Well two at least... No... T-T
Sorry, can't write anymore or visit people's sites... I only have a ten minute break...And I spent five minutes getting up here. I'll try to vist others sites during lunch or something but no promises...
Ja ne!
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