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in the shadows of my own dream
Member Since
a lazy demented idiot
Real Name
I wasn't given a name at birth. my parents disowned me and I grew up in a cardboard box that I bought on ebay.
won a halloween contest when I was 7...I was a peacock...o.O please don't ask...i was a demented little kid...still am.
Anime Fan Since
sence speed racer came on cartoon network I was around six-ish
Favorite Anime
Trigun, Blue Seed, Soul Taker, Zenki, Cowboy Bebop, Boogipop Phantom, Ranma1/2, Excel Saga, Angel santcuary, Naruto, Eatman, Death Note, Futari Ecchi, Golden Boy
love to have a shop, make plushies and maybe comics.
I love to create things; anything. Making plushies.
drawing, writing storys, manga, plushies, dreaming
| Kuronekosama
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Wednesday, September 6, 2006
I fixed my damn scanner! So exciting~ *la la la*
So expect some artwork. I only got to scan three pictures last night. I stayed up late fixing that thing... So I guess technology has forgivin me and loves me again. ^^
I was going to scan my picture of Galen but I couldn't find the artbook that it was in. I tried an experiment with it. I used markers and water. It had an intresting effect. Like water colors, except brighter. o.O
oh so happy that scanner is fixed. can't wait to post my artwork. ^____^
You know what's the funnist word ever? It's 'persnickty'. I am going to make a candy bar called that. XD
I want to put something up in the cosplay section so bad! I talked to my mom about it, and she says there is this great place to take pictures in the country. It's a campsite with creeks, a waterfall, and woods! It's not really a 'camp site' just thats what people do there. It's like a wildlife park and it's all free and stuff. My mom loves to take pictures so maybe we can do it! I just have to figure out who I want to cosplay as.
I want to cosplay as Excel (from excel saga) but excell does not belong in the woods! I thought about being Tomoe (Samurai X) that would be fun. But then I would have to figure out how to make Hakama pants for Jewish Payphone...
Any suggestions for cosplay?
-kuronekosoama |
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Monday, September 4, 2006
happy Labour Day! ...or whatever.
New Myotaku site design; I call it Obsessed Fangirl 2.0!
Most of you already know it but the fanart section of Shikai Hane (link at top) is up and going. If in case anyone is confused, you have to click on Cid's face and he'll redirect you to the Fan Works page.
Updated almost everything. ^^ Yeah! One new artwork. About twenty bazillion new wallpapers and love for everyone!
Now, now don't get up and run. The single fan art is me just screwing around in paint. My scanner's broke. T.T Hopefully ya'll still enjoy it. hah.
The wallpapers are mostly Loveless. Like all of them except two. o.o The others are Death Note and Angel Sanctuary...
VOL. 15 of Angel Sanctuary is out...
----> sad. I desire with greatness
Also want Dirge of Cerebus.
I won ten Rurouni Kenshin Doujins off ebay!!! Yes! Exciting. They were a very good price. Twenty Dollars! tee hee, extactic.
My birthday is coming up. I'll be seventeen! Whoa..
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I made dolls! Exciting. Posted at the bottem.
My otaku was down. It made me sad.
onto the dolls.

L from Death Note

Light/Raito from Death Note

Misa-Misa from Death Note |
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Friday, September 1, 2006
Can you believe it!? Today has not been my best day with technology. I made it through Webpage Design today. Finaly, were making webpages... Remember that whole artwork promise? Well I broke it. I am sorry! I went to go scan all my art, (seven in total) and the scanner wouldn't accept anything. The computer didn't even read it. It kept saying 'error. waiting for printer/copier/scanner to become idle...' and thats it! I even tried instaling it and stuff. It wouldn't do it. I was so mad. >< So, then I tried to use the digital camera (i was gonna take piccys of my kitties as well as artwork) and it wouldn't come on! It came on and the lens came out and then it shut off. Ack. I was so angry. I tried changing batteries too. Technology hates me.
Well despite all of that there are new wallpapers up! Loveless galore~! Okay, not really. I think it's just like six or seven. Anyway have a ball.
Will deffently try to get back at technology!
:EDIT: TECHNOLOGY STRIKES AGAIN!!! Now it won't let me post my wallpapers! *cries* okay, okay, i give into your almighty greatness technology...*sob*
get it to you fast as possiable. |
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Wednesday, August 30, 2006
I am so happy about your alls responses! It makes me so excited!
I can't wait for this weekend so I can update the site. Dan Felton has yet to respond, but he hasn't been on in a while (I think) I don't really keep in touch. I just like his artwork. O.O I should be shot.
Seifer sama has great artwork too. but I never say anything to her. But she's never on. I heart Yugo's art! But I haven't sent him a PM yet. And I haven't talked to him since Sahkiryce left.
*is shot dead thousands and thousands of times*
I deserved every bit of that.
Death Note volume 7 is out! *squeels like a fangirl* I have to read it! ^^
I love L x Light/Raito yaoi...
-kuronekosama |
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Friday, August 25, 2006
Ahh! YUYA!
Yuya and his big chin keeps staring at me... *sobs*
I have so much homework in Mythology.. I feel as if I should cry... T.T <--crying twin waterfalls.
>< Pedro! and his sexy wife!
I am way to extactic for second period.
way way to much.
Maybe cause it's friday.
I am supposed to be studying for my test that I am having in like five minutes. But I think I know everything. Like GUI's, Domain names, ecetera, ecetera. ( cruncy bug!)
Ahh my anime is taking over my life...
I want an otaku shirt but they're Thirty bucks. Too much for my standards. Yeah Adam, I know, 'high quality' and 'up to 18 months' that doesn't cut it for thirty bucks. It should be like pants a shirt and a hat for that much.
i am such a cheap bastard.
saddend by it----> T.T
-kuronekosama |
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Monday, August 21, 2006
Okay! I added new wallpapers yesterday and also as you can see I have redone my site in Duel Jewel's awesomeness!!
Just came from art, and an old issue of EGM was in the scrap pile! NOO! I saved it just in time. The back cover is cut out of it. It is still readable.
Okay, I am on a mission! I am going deep into the net for more images to make more wallpapers. Oh yes, fear me and my wallpapers~!
Things to expect from me in the next two weeks:
yesss i promise.
-kuronekosama |
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Saturday, August 19, 2006
I was going to try to upload like twenty new wallpapers but I think that part of the sites down. It won't let me! NO! So sad...
as usuall GTK's artwork is awesome. Go GTK! D:)
if any one was acctually reading Dragon in My Sky I posted an all new chapter. It's great! after six years I have finnaly written another chapter. WOAH!!
so amazing... |
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Wednesday, August 16, 2006
I feel so amazed that someone accutaly posted! It shocks me to the bone. GTK you acctually care about me art! *sniff* That makes me so happy.
I really don't care much for my past art. Well, some. The colored ones and the Vash one... What was I thinking, posting silly sketches and crooked scans! They suck incredabley bad.
Why didn't I rescan those crooked ones? Could I not stand for a second to do it...wait
I am getting to carried away...
and I just remebered why I didn't scan them again. My scanner is so faulty and takes away the color in the lightly shaded picture.
It's also like eight years old too.. and has been broken like seven times...
so maybe its not so bad...
lifes little trivial errors.
different note.
does this not look like a man with a poumpadour?
my friend sent me this. I was thinking thats what it looked like.
hmmm? yes? Poumpadour? King of Cosmos poumpadour?
ah yes thats what it is.
men with Poumpadours:
Ekichi Onizuka
King of All Cosmos
thats all I can think of...
anymore from you guys?
-kuronekosama |
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Tuesday, August 15, 2006
I'm back!
Well here's my fourth year here! I am past a senior artist I am an Otaku Legend! Hah hah alright thats great! This is my last year at highschool. I am the big senior...
now i have to find a job...
ah oh well.
I missed this site over the summer. I noticed Sahkiryce was gone that makes me intensely sad. GTK came back and her art's rockin'
speaking of art. I drew a ton over the summer and they are acctuly colored! WOW!
I'll put them up sometime. I'll be able to be on Otaku more frequently now because I am taking web page design and we get to get free time alot.
Well I need recomendations on games for th DS. I have had one for a while and yet to have a game. I'd love to get Animal Crossing (addictive!).
Twilight Princess! I can't wait...
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