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in the shadows of my own dream
Member Since
a lazy demented idiot
Real Name
I wasn't given a name at birth. my parents disowned me and I grew up in a cardboard box that I bought on ebay.
won a halloween contest when I was 7...I was a peacock...o.O please don't ask...i was a demented little kid...still am.
Anime Fan Since
sence speed racer came on cartoon network I was around six-ish
Favorite Anime
Trigun, Blue Seed, Soul Taker, Zenki, Cowboy Bebop, Boogipop Phantom, Ranma1/2, Excel Saga, Angel santcuary, Naruto, Eatman, Death Note, Futari Ecchi, Golden Boy
love to have a shop, make plushies and maybe comics.
I love to create things; anything. Making plushies.
drawing, writing storys, manga, plushies, dreaming
| Kuronekosama
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Friday, September 23, 2005
Tommarows my birthday! I'll be sixteen. ^^ My friends sung happy birthday to me this morning, it was so funny...
Hope you have a great weekend! |
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Wednesday, September 21, 2005
[note: written on Tuesday September 20]
10:43 PM
I really should be asleep right now.
I have yet to be suspended from school, It feels akward to not be punished for something you know you did. I think I'm a rather useless soul. Today I thought about why I had the television on. I wasn't watching it, not once did I look up. It was strange; most of the time I'd rather conserve energy than use it (I'm such a treehugger). I sat there pondering and I relized that I was lonley. I had no one to talk too so I sat in front of my tv just listening. I read my book and listened to the TV. Why am I so pathetic? No one eles will talk to me, so i listen to the television. I assume its a conforting thing. I guess thats why I listen to music at night. Its very eeire to not hear anything. It drives me nuts listening to the silence. It also gets to me when i'm in the dark. Thats a fear of mine. It sounds so childish, but its true. Why does the silence coil around my brain like that? I guess it wouldn't be silence beacause if it was I wouldn't hear that annoying sound when its quiet. And then you think. Its so loud that your brain wants to explode, it drives you bonkers. So then your sitting there thinking try not to think and it doesn't help. You end up driving yourself crazy try not too, and everyone just stares akwardly at you when you scream all of a sudden. My brain is currently on haitus right now. i'd love to saw it out and get a new knowledge center.
I just randomly picked up a book today and immdatly fell inwards. I'm alsomst done with it. I have less than forty more pages to go. I just started today. it is amazinly good. The last book I read that was this great was What Ever Happened to Lani Garver? that is the best homosexual (if you would even call it that; it never confirmed it. often said he was angelic) story ever. It was breathtaking. The book I am reading now is Kira-Kira by Cynthia Kadohata. Please check it out. It is well worth anyones time. Magnificent. I know I'm going to cry at the end. I feel it coming on.
11:07 PM
I finished the book. I cried.
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Monday, September 19, 2005
strange thing happened
NOTE: this was written on Friday, September 16, 2005
Well funny thing happened today, quiet, docile me got into a fight today. If you saw me you wouldn’t suspect it, I know it sounds very childish, but she deserved it very much. She had been taunting the foreign kids earlier (and today) over and over again; like everyday. And I was also that one that got made fun of. Today she went to far (her names Laura). Laura had grabbed my book, it was a cookbook ^^, and said 'gimme this'. Immediately I grabbed it from her and said 'if you want to see something, ask first.' and she went on being a bitch, just picking and picking. Then she set the bomb off; Laura took out her pen and started to draw lines on my Totoro backpack. I was so pissed. I told her she wasn't very sneaky, and then she said 'oh I know' and deliberately did it again. The next thing I knew was that I was on top of her with my fist raised. But because I am a civilized human I stopped. Apparently I grabbed her head and slammed it into the side of the school bus twice; and somehow in the process of that I made her eye bleed and her nose. Then she began to cry. I don't know how that happened. I was so shocked because normally I bottle everything in, and this time without realizing it, I attacked her. It was a quite strange sensation. To be doing something and you not knowing that your doing it. This will be the first time I have ever gotten suspended or written up. I will have Out-of-School suspension for five days. And my birthday's next Saturday. Kind of an early vacation. I guess only one person can take so much. What a story this will be when I tell it to my friends and teachers. A person like I would never do such a thing. Maybe she won't mess anymore...
Another package arrived in the mail today. It was for me. but I can't open it until next Saturday. oh day of Sixteen you draw ever near...
I'm glad I'm back to my keep-to-myself, docile, calm nature.
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Thursday, September 15, 2005
Hello my fellow otakus! Well, I missed my second year annversary of Otaku. I missed last years too. -.- hopeless. I've been drawing new artwork. Lately I've been obseesing over Mad Hatter from Angel Sancuary and have had a strange hankering to draw guys in skirts and wearing make-up. Its all Kaori Yuki's fault! Damn her abilty to draw magnificently. I love the Mad Hatter's character, I really want to cosplay as him. He such a lovely, sadistic character. I've also been into all pen and pencil work. Its not that I don't like to color its just that black and white is more beautiful. Because you focus on the work not the colors. Cross-hatching and shading is an art all its self. When done right its a beauty. Tone is okay but I like that raw sketchy feel. I really like Blade of the Immortal. It truly is wonderful. Hardly ever does Hiroaki ever use tone. His artwork is birrant and vivad. Such lovley art.
I thought about joining the Outdoors Club at school. You can go hiking, white water rafting, tree hugging and other fun hippie stuff (just leave out the drugs and left handed ciggerates). I thought that sounded fun. But I'm so anti-social. I love wildlife. But I hate people, can't stand groups, it frightens me. I'm also quite clostrophobic. Thats why I'm a nerd and go up to the libary during lunch. There is never no one up there anywhere. My English CP II and III teacher (Mr.Thomas, very awesome guy) always sees me up there, and he calls me an utter bookworm. He says if I stuck my nose a little farther into a book it would drill through the other side. He says I read alot. I dunno.
My Birthday's comeing up! I'm excited. I got this extremly large box in the mail today. My mom bought something off Ebay. I didn't see the item but the box had FRAGILE written in big bold red letters on it. And the inside was littered with peanuts, bubble rap, and some weird protection thingy. I begged for a hint and all I got was: 'Its nothing electronic or any kind of media'. So that elminates my camera I was hoping for. I so cunfuzzled. I haven't wanted anything else. I asked if it was a statue like thing, and I got a kinda. The first thing that poped into my head was a Volks Dollfie. I have no idea if thats what it is, but I sure hope so! I want one they are so preety! ^^ My birthday's next week, I hope I can wait...
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Wednesday, September 7, 2005
Fatal Frame three is due in Novenber. I can't wait! ^^ I so happy......and the movie is still coming too! yeay! ^^ I'll have to make my site preety for november...
thats all....
-kuronekosama |
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Wednesday, August 24, 2005
^^ hey peeps!
hey guys! I hope you all had a great summer! I had one, kinda. My dad didn't get custody of me, so that was a large relif there. I put up nine new wallpapers. I hope ya'll like them! I've got somemore I just don't have them on my floppy. thats the result of my long absence. I become dead to the world. I'm so happy to be here! I love everyone on here. My hopes are filled with joy! I'm crying twin happy! ToT <--- crying happy face. I hope to talk to each and everyone of you quite soon. Oh yes, I put up my new short story on Fictionpress. it's entitled 'Memories'. I wrote it for creative writing's magazine 'Writers' Block' i came up with the name, how corny am I? Oh and I saw this totally cool thing at Big Lots, it was the fish tank that you fill with water and put these fake fish in and they move around.Its controled by magnets. I want it so bad! My real fish always die.oh how pitiful I am.
^^ well I guess i'll catch you later.
-kuronekosama |
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Monday, August 15, 2005
Well, guess what guys! I'm back! I was so lost without you guys! I can't belive I went two months with out going on here. I tried to go to the Public libaray and post but this site was blocked; and then I was like 'nooooooo!!!' kinda like that famous painting of the screaming guy... Well in cellabration new site layout! I also have tons of new wallpapers so look forward to those! I'll try and swing by ya'lls site later. I would type more but I'm supposed to be doing an assignment. Peace guys! ^^ |
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Monday, May 16, 2005
Thanks guys you all are so sweet! I love all of you to death. i just want to tell you sence its getting towards the end of the year I won't be on here. i may not come back for a while; expessially if my father gets custom of me. I'm so sorry guys! i'll try to walk down to the libaray sometime to keep intouch. I'm so sorry1 I love you all!!!
Thanks for the advice! ^^
to GTK: I hope I haave time to do the contest picture befor the friday. Its been rough sence my dad is pulling this shit! i'll give you further noitice...sorry ^^ |
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Wednesday, May 11, 2005
New artwork for all to see! Still working on contest picture, my work has been delayed because of some stupid crap my dad is pulling. He is trying to get m and my little sister taken away from my mom. We are cleaning the house so if DHS comes in they won't see a problem, everything has to be neat. I anyone has any suggestions on how to stop my dad from doing this please tell.
I can't go live with My step mom. She's a horriable bitch. Me and her got into a fight and she hit me and was badmouthing my mother. I want to kill her so bad. she infuirates me. Everything she does. Trying to push perfection and prep onto my little sister. I hate her with a passion. If he gets custody of me, I am running away. There is no me staying in that hell hole. I hate it there and I will not tolerate me being there. If I continue to stay there I will become a little demon and go ultra-goth to despise them. My father is an ass-hole. A big hat one I'm so fuckin' steamed right now.....
-kuronekosama |
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Friday, May 6, 2005
oh, i'm so getting there. My artpiece is about done. i prolly be done with it this weekend. Also this weekend i'm planning to scan a lot of my artwork. So be looking forward to this monday. Tons and tons of artwork. i'm thinking at least thirty new ones. So be prepared to vote!
And i leave you with these many beautiful images of Japan; enjoy!

Sosogi Coast, Noto Peninsula (Ishikawa Prefecture)

Kakizaki, Niigata Prefecture

Bride, Sumiyoshi taisha, Osaka

Adachi Art Museum Garden, Shimane

Jizo-san, Nara

Shrine Maiden, Izagawa Shrine, Nara
give thanks to outdoor japan ^^
Totori near Hiroshima

A O-jizo-sama, they can be found throughout Japan by the side of the road, in gardens, parks, etc. Jizo is the manifestation of the Buddha who is the guardian of children and travellers. The red apron and hat are given by worshippers to show their thanks to the Jizo. From the inscription it seems to be located in some place called Kin-cho, and it was erected in the year Showa twenty something, which would make it right around 1950.

The stone with a cord around is a guarding stone that indicates the way not to take in a garden to get to the teahouse.
give thanks to ^^
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