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in the shadows of my own dream
Member Since
a lazy demented idiot
Real Name
I wasn't given a name at birth. my parents disowned me and I grew up in a cardboard box that I bought on ebay.
won a halloween contest when I was 7...I was a peacock...o.O please don't ask...i was a demented little kid...still am.
Anime Fan Since
sence speed racer came on cartoon network I was around six-ish
Favorite Anime
Trigun, Blue Seed, Soul Taker, Zenki, Cowboy Bebop, Boogipop Phantom, Ranma1/2, Excel Saga, Angel santcuary, Naruto, Eatman, Death Note, Futari Ecchi, Golden Boy
love to have a shop, make plushies and maybe comics.
I love to create things; anything. Making plushies.
drawing, writing storys, manga, plushies, dreaming
| Kuronekosama
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Monday, May 2, 2005
wow! only 14 more days of school left. thats good but then again thats bad. I won't get to post on here anymore. I'll find someway to get on here, perhaps the public libaray might accept me? I promise before I leave I will have left dozens of artwork in my wake. I've got to finish that contest piece! Lots of butterflys to draw and color. poop-cola...
I loved last week. Kevin stayed at my house the whole week. My mom said he could move in. He just has to get the abiltiy the drive so he can get back from work. He needs license...
oh shoot. I have to walk down to the store when I get home. I have to make dinner too. This is so stressful. I need bread and milk and juice. And prolly a few other things. I was going to make french toast, eggs and bacon for dinner tonight I think that sounds good. Hopfully Kevin will come over today, so he can help me carry the items home. That mile is rough on you with just two hands! I should steal a buggie and roll it down the road... that would be a funny sight to see..
-kuronekosama |
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Monday, April 25, 2005
I can't wait 'till I get my old decrepit antique music box! I bought this old rinky-dink japansese music box from ebay. It's missing the wind-up key but its in preety good shape for being from the 1800's. Its beat-up and old and the mirriors missing. but thats what makes it cool. I was the only one who bid on it, so it wasn't to much.
still working on GTKs contest. hope to finish soon. I'm going right home to work on it! Messy Messy paints and stuff! Our bunny died and I was very sad so was Kevin. We had to bury Kumo and it was quite depressing. I still have Moe and hopefullly he'll live for another year. Rats don't live that long. But Moe will because he's cool...and also fat. WHY ARE AL MY PETS CHUBBY?! do I feed them to much? I cut back on thier food and they still are fat, maybe it runs in their blood?
oh oh new manga! I've got Peacemaker Kurogane and its cool! And also Full Metal Alchemist. I haven't read it but what I've flipped through it looks diferent from the anime. Full Metal is my new obbessesion, Alphonse is my favorite. Everyone likes Ed...why? Al is so interesting, I love his personality and charater. I really want the figure of him...oh wish list you are ever so full...
-kuronekosama |
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Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Sorry I haven't posted in a while! I haven't felt like it, and plus I've been working hard on this contest of GTKs. Its hard to find refrence pictures. I hope there is great competetion! I love art contests because the winners are always spetacular! I'm working on an image that has been burned into my mind sence I heard about the contest. I just can't get it right... I think I might do it in water color and color pencil. To get the clouds right I think I might have to. I'll have to draw this picture over and over again to ocopmlish the right effect. Oh poop... such a little time... Hard Work!
I got Excel Saga volume 3 yesterday its great, even the reveiw episode is funny! ^^
-kuronekosama |
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Friday, April 1, 2005
hey! sorry haven't posted, I hadn'y really felt like it. WE had sex ED all week, it was gross and weird. I'm so happy I won't be haviing sex with infected peoople. I'm such a good kid. STill a virgin and all. WOOT! Go me! ^^ ANd today is also my first year annerversary with Kevin! I'm so happy, I hope today will be a good one.
and by the way this is not a lie, just because its April fools day. I like to call it April Fish day, like the french. Its much more creative! Have fun trying to stick a fish on someones back! ^^
-kuronekosama |
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Friday, March 18, 2005
sorry to worry any of you! Everything is fine in my area. Kevin is okay. He didn't comment sucide. I was so happy. so you all can stop worrying! ^^
I submitted new wallpapers, and maybe they won't be deleated this time. Some idiot said that i was plagurizing someone else and my FLCL wallpaper was taken off! I have no idea why they did that. I would never claim someone eles work for my own.
well I won't be back for a while; next week is my spring break so I guess I'll catch ya'll later! ^^
-kuronekosama |
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Wednesday, March 16, 2005
I don't know what to do, I have an awful feeling in my stomach. I keep thinking something awefull has happend to Kevin. my brain is panicing I don't know what to do. My mind says that he is hurt or somthing. I'm afraid that he is going to comment suicide. This morning he was so depressed. i'm so scared. I don't know what he's thinking. His brother was going to pick him up, but Kevin just said he was going to walk to his house. He kept saying that his brither would see him on the way there. I'm scared. It would be so easy for him just to jump out in front of a car and lose his life. I hate it when he is so depressed (besides scaring the shit out of me) he is just so cold. Not as his attitude is cold Just his voice....I can't explain it. His eyes are hollow. And when he says 'I love you' it seems faulty or unsure. His hugs are just there. When hes like this sometimes he won't even hug back. I love him so much. I just don't want anything to ever happen to him. I want to protect him. He has to be safe, he will. I can't let him die....
-kuronekosama |
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Wednesday, March 9, 2005
Mwah hah hah! Four new wallpapers... I've been drawing hopefully (hopefully) I'll scan some art. But its such a pain...
Also I made that picture that Bakuryu drew for me a wallpaper. Bakuryu drew it, not me. I just wanted to make that clear.
-kuronekosama |
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Monday, March 7, 2005
random pictures:
(acutal post later)

okay so sorry for that long awaited post. I just didn’t have enough time to post. Well, here it goes:
you know my mothers boyfriend, Grieg well he just totally fucked her up. He beat her up so bad. She has a broken nose and two black eyes and countless other bruises. Well he went to jail, he was there about two nights. Then my mom paid his bail. And nows hes back at our house. That ass-hole! I’ll kill him!! I’ll muroder him so severly..
my mom is just n idiot! he tried to catch our house on fire! He was going to kill us…
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Wednesday, March 2, 2005
heh. somepeople at my school lfound out about MYotaku thanks to me. and Now they are tellin lots of people about it So now Otaku is going to have a hord of people from Central on here. How lucky...
I working on a new layout. I'm gonna make it all my self and hopefully keep it for a while.
I have finnaly bought myself a mood ring! I wanted one sence I have one...
okay my thoughts have been vanquished
-kuronekosama |
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Tuesday, February 22, 2005
...ohh four day weekend
I went away on a four-day week end if any of you were wondering...(like none of you were) I had fun, somewhat....something made me truly and utterly furious. I had gone to the mall on Saturday, and after me and my fiance were done lollygagin' we went out side to wait for our ride home. Not even a two minutes after I had sat there, a pigion came a fumbled down above our heads almost flying into us. He sat there and strarted behaving strange and began to throw up corn and other food. I called my mom and asked her if I could take the sick bird home (because she's a vet and all) and she said yes. And while this was happening, this stupid idiot punk was trying to kill the poor bird. He was gonna kick Pidge (thats what I named him). That bastard made me so made. I saved Pidge and wrapped him in my jacket. And thats when he started to have seizeire like things. It was horriable. Afterwards when I arraived home Pidge died in my arms. It was very sad. I really wanted to help him. But the thing was the pidgion was piosened! I was so mad! I bet 100% the owners of the mall put poisen out for the pidgions. They are always trying to keep them away. GGRRRR it still makes me mad!
on a much lighter note I recieved my Gamecube from my father along with Zelda the wind waker. Much fun much fun. Highly recomend. I also bought Viewtiful Joe at K-mart. Everthinjg was on sale, it was regularey 29.99 and I got it for 9.99! I wanted Harvest Moon but it was no show, it was quite cheep too! ahh oh well. I also got this cute Kuwabara figurine. I love it. silly thing was only 3 bucks. I must depart for now. Farewell.
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