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• kuronekosama
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• 1989-09-24
• in the shadows of my own dream
Member Since
• 2003-08-08
• a lazy demented idiot
Real Name
• I wasn't given a name at birth. my parents disowned me and I grew up in a cardboard box that I bought on ebay.
• won a halloween contest when I was 7...I was a peacock...o.O please don't ask...i was a demented little kid...still am.
Anime Fan Since
• sence speed racer came on cartoon network I was around six-ish
Favorite Anime
• Trigun, Blue Seed, Soul Taker, Zenki, Cowboy Bebop, Boogipop Phantom, Ranma1/2, Excel Saga, Angel santcuary, Naruto, Eatman, Death Note, Futari Ecchi, Golden Boy
• love to have a shop, make plushies and maybe comics.
• I love to create things; anything. Making plushies.
• drawing, writing storys, manga, plushies, dreaming
| Kuronekosama
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Tuesday, February 15, 2005
hmm.. I up loaded new wallpapers... And auntie lynnsey you aremuch welcome for that card! I was going to send that letter but I forgot again! ARGGG!!!
there was something else...but I forgot... |
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Monday, February 14, 2005
happy v-day everyone! I hope you all received a bucket of love from somebody....if not here's a little message from me to you...

filled with much happiness to ya'll. ^^
I'm glad for one of my friends, she finnaly has a very nice boyfriend! Go Angela!!! ^_______________^
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Wednesday, February 9, 2005
I never thought I'd have this color on my site... in the end I think it looks good all though i'm not quite fond of pinkinsh-purploe. Well I finnaly think Greig is out of the house. Hurrah! goodie goodie.
I've already almost selected my classes for next year....
advandced art
child care
doo doo...ahh new school year. I can smell the fresh autum leaves al ready. it'll be here before you know it. ahh the new life of being a junoir...not much different than a sophmore, eh?
can't wait till Valentines day. I've accutaly looking forward to this... hmm yes...I am gonna feel loved. ^^
well catch ye'll later.
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Thursday, February 3, 2005
i am in the libaray right now and this is the first time I've ever heard screaming in here. The office just made an inouncement on the intercom and everyone started screaming and being happy happy. I even di my happy dance WHOO HOO!!
oh yes...question: I seek your help. anyone played Katamari Damacy? if you have please tell me were you found the royal presents. I have found most of them but still lacking a few. please tell me...I shall give you cookie...
WHOOOO HOOOO!!! SO HAPPYEEE!! I love you flu!!!!
-kuronekosama |
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Monday, January 31, 2005
hey guys sorry I was goon so long, I had the flu! long time no see...I camme to school today and everyone asked me if I was okay. I've never felt so loved. Someone even thought I died. wow people talk about the silent kid when shes not here. oh how she fillls over joyed!
well while I was sick I lost a few pounds. I now wiegh 95 pounds....I swear my metabolism runs like a million miles an hour! net thing you know I'll be nothing...
well why I was sick my mom almost got kidnapped and raped and other stuff. That jack ass boyfriend of hers is a jerk. He gave her a bloodynose and a black eye. Me and Kevin tried to run him out but I get nervous during fights and he wouldn't listin. he said something about me being weak and inferior to his adultness...asshole. I shall murderhim!!!
okay this is a while back...remember my kitty Sae that ran away? My mom said she saw her in someones driveway. MY KITTY!!
-kuronekosama |
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Thursday, January 20, 2005
Like the new layout? I like it, its so cool. I'm happy red is so lovely.... now I need a new avatar.
I'm happy...can't say why just am. ^^ lets just say I came across something I lost.
I'm wearing my boyfriends pants....I think its strange I can wear them with out a belt! haha we are so skinny! Purgatory said when we have kids they are going to be twigs. shes right they will. silly twig children...
ah yes. I drew somemore. if I ever get off my lazy ass to scan them I shall post them.
it sucks what Myotaku did to the porfolio thing. I hope my artwork insn't deleted! I don't have any copies! (except for the originl, but that would a long long time to scan all over again!)
-kuronekosama |
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Tuesday, January 18, 2005
^^ YAY! Hottopic was having a sale on all its Nightmare Before Christmas stuff. I got two shirts some cool socks! ^^ socks! I also got Menchi from Excel saga! I love it so much, it was funny because the casuirs thought menchi was a cat. Silly people. I also got Gravitation volume 9. It was really good. ^^ can�t wait till volume 10.
GTK says my story was good, or at least I got that message from her saying she wanted to stalk me�
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Tuesday, January 11, 2005
Cerise Tear chapter I: shattered
Cerise Tear
Authored by: KuroKumo Yume / ME!!! Kuronekosama!!
chapter I: shattered
I don't know why I see the dead; maybe it is because I am dead my self. Or maybe it's because of some other reason. The same reason I am kept here. Something I have done or something I need to do. Why can't I die? Why? I want to die so bad. The pain of living is just too much, but then again I can't feel pain. I'm dead yet alive. I am a walking dead person. Heart never beats, breath never comes, and I feel no emotions. I'm numb, numb to all the pain or numb to the world. The glass will break, the glass will fall. I see my reflection: its scared, its worried, its broken. Hollow. It is hollow just like glass.
I have always wondered why. Why I see dead things. People just walking by, stumbling on without others taking notice. Are they dead? Are they alive? Is it just a fantasy? Why can't others see them? I am crazy. This straitjacket keeps me into what I think is reality. This asylum is full of moans and cries. Cries to be let free.
I am Daemon. Daemon the dead. Daemon the feared.
Daemon is no longer around. He's not here. He's been replaced by another his name is Yume. Yume and Daemon are very good friends although they hate each other greatly. This is the real Daemon, Daemon is I. Although, when you look in the mirror you can see another. Do you know who he is? His name is Yume. Daemon and Yume look alot like but there is something different, It's just hard to place. Yume is Daemon's reflection. Are reflections what we see or are they our worst fears? Yume is my fear. Yume is a murderer. Yume likes to kill, he absolutely loves it. That's what happened to my cellmate. Yume cut him up. Cut him up real good. After that he hid him. Hid him where no one can find him. Ever. And they never did. They, meaning the caretakers. Yume wanted to kill them too. Make them pay for what they did.
Here in my padded cell, there is a statue. A small statue. I stole it from the cemetery when I was allowed to visit. It's an angel with an upturned face. Wings of marble spread brightly down to the earthen floor. Her face is beautiful: sad yet pleasant. Only in my eyes she cries tears of crimson. Cries tears of rusted nails. One time, when I could still talk, I asked the person who shared my cell if they ever saw my angel cry tears of nails, in crimson waterfalls. He always said no, but he claimed that at night he could hear sobbing coming from the small marble angel. It was different from the usual moans and screams that came from this hell of a place. The sobs were quiet, and sad; lonely of some sort. That angel reminds me of my deceased mother. My mother is deceased. Dead. She is dead because of Yume. Yume, he...he ate her. I was younger then. That was four years ago. I'm twelve now. I was watching in horror as he ate her flesh, ate it raw. But that is in the past now. All that matters is that I'm getting out of here today.
TODAY! Is it not grand? Today...I can almost taste the fresh air. I will take my marble statue and bring her to my new home. There we can finally be happy, I will be excepted. If I don't, something terrible will happen. Yume might come back. Yume might kill again. He might kill my new family. Slaughter them. Send them to hell. Traveling from person to person. Driving them insane. Not realizing what is going on. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill....
Across from my position I heard something crack. I looked toward the small sound and saw my angel. She was crying rusted tears and her arm had a crack which blood was pouring from. My angel had broken, but what broke her? I could see nothing dead nor alive in my vision. Marble creature had just simply cracked nothing there to do it only something to receive it. Yume had you come back? Oh yes that had to be it. Finally showed your face, hated by me. The very face that put me in here. Your face that wants to taunt me, play with my soul. Chew it up then spit it back up. Yume you sick creature. Demented son of a bitch.
Darkness. Cold. Aching screaming pain all around. Your cold hands I can feel them around my neck. Griping my life, like putty. So careless you are with me. It's you Yume I know this, that I do. Your hands covering my eyes. Sucked in. Into the darkness, death. Millions of bones are littered across the ground. Streaming into the river of blood. Broken ended. So broken.... Everyone's life broken and dead, aching. Bleeding cold rotten tears, Tears of ice.
"She's dead." The man said releasing her wrist. Vincentia, my mother, is dead. He said Vincentia is dead. But she isn't. I know she isn't. My mother is right there. Right in front of me. She was hanging in a tree. She had hung herself in a tree with barbwire. There was blood coming from the open wounds. Dripping slowly down her neck. The man was a doctor but he didn't understand. She was still alive I could see her breath. I could she her blink and she smiled. Smiled at me. Her small porcelain lips mouthed words ever so sweet to my ear.
"Take me. Take me away. Take me from this branch that I've been hung." then she smiled again. Then there was blood coming from her pale lips. The doctor, he had begun moving and walking back to his car, removing a stretcher from the back. Now was my chance. The chance to save Vincentia.
I was shaking from my hiding place behind the house. I was only eight, I was scared but I didn't care. My mother was alive. Even though she beat me every night I'll still love her. And anyway I liked it when she hit me. It felt...good. Mommie you can release your stress on me anytime. I don't care. I'll still love you Vincentia. My hands shook and my heart beat a bit faster as I stared up at the tree from which she hung. My instinct was to clime, so I did. Hand upon branch, bare feet against bark. It wasn't far at all maybe seven feet or so. At this height I found my self above her looking down onto her scalp. Head of dark hair, blood in the part. My hands reached down onto the wire that was dug into her neck. My fingers were pricked and covered in blood from two. Barbwire, it was twisted and tangled. It wasn't quite hard to figure out this riddle. All you had to do was unwind the wire from itself. I found this easy and as the wire weakened its grip on her flesh, she slipped and fell to the earth with a sickening thud. I could hear him coming back and he had no idea that his patient was being stolen by a person that didn't exist to his sight. I slowly followed her to the ground landing heavily on my two feet. I slung her arm across my shoulder and dragged her. She wasn't heavy. Not at all. It was so easy to drag her frail body. So simple. I found the loose window next to the basement and I pushed her in. What is a little pain to her? She always told me nothing hurt her. Nothing. I threw my body in after hers and as I looked up into the only light and the only window, I saw a bloody smeared handprint. It was beautiful.
I picked up her head and sat it in my lap. And from her eyes she was crying rusted nails and blood. They fell to the ground with a small plink. Vincentia was smiling again. She smiled up at me as I stroked her raven hair. She was so cold and her body was so hard but she was so beautiful. I loved my mother. I loved her so much. So young. So frail. She looked up at me and smiled again. I bent my face toward hers and our lips met and our tongues said hello. I had always wanted to do that. I felt relived in some way, and on my lips I tasted blood. Blood of the woman who cared for me.
Yume's hand. I could feel them leave my eyes. Yume had showed me a part of my past. I already knew it why did you show it to me again, Yume? What is your problem?
"Why?" My voice sounded cold and harsh as I spoke. I hadn't spoken in at least a few weeks. "Why Yume?"
I heard no response just hands wander down my body across my shoulders straying towards my nipples stroking them and moving on to other places.
"Oh are so strange." It was Yume. I knew this voice all too well. "Don't you know? Always look into the mirror its not always your reflection that you see." His hands then constricted down my thighs rubbing and stroking them. "Daemon you must come. You must die. You must bleed crimson glass. You must kill." His voice left me. I could no longer feel his cold breath on my neck. His hands were there instead and he had placed himself in front of me.
He had deep dark crimson eyes with golden yellow blanketed around the pupil. His hair was the darkest indigo and his teeth were sharp and pointed. Yume, you foul creature. Yume. Yume. I hate you. You have dark skin. You are a sin. You are just evil. Burn. Burn in hell Yume. He was grinning, that son of a bitch was grinning. I felt pressure applied to my neck, I was going to be suffocated. He was going to try to kill me, again. It will not work though. It did not work last time. He won't kill me. I cannot die.
His hands left my neck and went to my head and there he slammed it straight into the hard ground. My ears rang, and all I could see was black and white. I could feel my brain slamming against my skull. My vision was blurred and my head pounded. From my soft scalp blood was poring unendlessly into the blackness. My legs were slung under my self and my arms crippled. I had no where to go and I had nothing to do. Just sit and wait for my demise. Was I actually dying? My skull is fractured. Have I finally been killed? No. I cannot die. Yume let out a small laugh.
Yume placed his delicate hands on my back and traced up towards my shoulders, then onto my neck. I felt his sharpend claws clutch the flesh and the break the skin. He so painfully entered, crimson liquid flowing freely. Streaming down onto my chest matting my thick brown hair. His long spider-like fingers wrapping around a large vein and pulled hard. I screamed out in pain. The pain it hurt so much. This wasn't fun. None at all.
I felt something warm and wet on my left cheek. It was Yume's hand. Covered in blood and in his palm he held the torn vessel. My neck was bleeding freely, I could feel every warm drop of blood leave my body. My brain was becoming ice cold; I felt it's icy presence floating in its creamy liquid. My body was growing so inmaginably cold. So numb. My nerves were going dead. I felt my sense of touch fade away, my scent. I no longer could smell or taste any blood. I could still feel pain. Alouth my touch was gone I could still feel pain. I could run my hand across glass and feel it rip apart my skin. I screamed again. My hands flew across my ears as a loud, defing screech played across my mind. Pressure was pounding against my ear drums. They were going to burst if Yume didn't stop. I knew he wouldn't. He loved pain.
I heard my voice echo agaisnt the non existant walls as the thin membrane spilt apart and blood rushed from my ears. I could still hear, I could hear. I could hear pain. You ask yourself 'how can you hear pain?'. You can hear the screams of the dead. I could hear them now. They howled and screeched far beyond the highest decibal. Moaning, groaning, illegable sentances. Thats all I can hear. That and the shrill laugh of Yume.
His crimson hand carassed me cheek lovingly. "Isn't it fun, Daemon?"
".....Y.....Yume...." thats all I could muster. My breath was short and my strenght was too far gone.
His long sharp index fingernail slit the side of my face open. His finger tore at my tounge and ripped the other side open. My eyes went high in horror. How much pain was he cabaple of causing? My stomach heaved and from my mouth I puked blood and the last meal I ate at the Asylum. I couldn't yell in pain. I couldn't even bring together a simple 'hello'. I was in so much pain. It was complety unbearable. I had stomach acid streaming from the side of my face, clinging to my hair, dripping down my chest. I didn't even move. My body was sitting in puke. I hated it. Thank goodness I couln't smell, I might spew again. Yume laughed, and slid his hand across my throuht.
"Any last words?" Yume had insanity burning in his yellow eyes.
I coughed and spat up more blood.
"Well?" His gripped tightened.
"" I managed.
Yume let out his long loud minailcal laugh as he tore apart my voice box. My blood splattered everywere. I could sware that there was no more blood in my body. I would've thought I'd fainted by now, but apparently I can't. My voice....never to speak again. My ears....howling of the dead restless spirits. My eyelids fluttered unconntrolably, I felt Yume's hand close my eyes.
To Be Continued.....
-so you like? Can you belive I was eating when I wrote this? I do belive I will finnish this one. I like it a wole lot, expesscaily because this is one of my favorite characters. Be waiting for the next installment cause here it comes.
� Copyright 2004 KuroKumo Yume (FictionPress ID:396566). All rights reserved. Distribution of any kind is prohibited without the written consent of KuroKumo Yume.
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^^ I am accutaly in a good mood..maybe cause I get to see Kevin when I arrive home?
I saw of GTK's artwork and it blew me away again, I praise her! I dunno what it is about her style but it rocks. I totally luv her art...!! ^^
has anyone noiticed that there hasn't been that many new good artists/art? I don't wanna be mean, but all of the older artists art is a lot better then the new peeps art. Maybe everyone is just posting artwork because their friends are....I dunno. Just another great mystery for the world....
...ahh yes my failure to mention this in posts past have filled me with guilt, but um...Master Kyo/MA JR/Ryu, whatever you know him by has left once again...that silly boy. I mish him though... hmmm
Okay brain mind was filled with things but now its gone
ahh yes! Next post shall be Chapter one of Cerise Tear! Its not receiving enough veiwers on fictionpress, so I'll just post the chapters on here every now and then. Perhaps this will perswade you to move your lazy fannies onto my fiction pres or account to read my yinsane writings... whichever hopfully you'll become fans of my writing...
tch...yeah right
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Friday, January 7, 2005
whats going on right now doesn't make a whole lotta sense. My friends are mad at me and my fiance is mad at Chris because he blew him off. I'm just confused and mad. I think I won't be posting much any more. Ryu is gone and he's thte only one who comes here. Well Sahkiryce did to but her departure took place a few weeks ago. And GTK is a hard worker! I shall keep in touch with GTK, she's my hero!
In other news..
I may have new artwork up soon... and an update will happen at Fiction press! Chapter IV of Cerise Tear! YEAH!!
-kuronekosama |
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