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in the shadows of my own dream
Member Since
a lazy demented idiot
Real Name
I wasn't given a name at birth. my parents disowned me and I grew up in a cardboard box that I bought on ebay.
won a halloween contest when I was 7...I was a peacock...o.O please don't ask...i was a demented little kid...still am.
Anime Fan Since
sence speed racer came on cartoon network I was around six-ish
Favorite Anime
Trigun, Blue Seed, Soul Taker, Zenki, Cowboy Bebop, Boogipop Phantom, Ranma1/2, Excel Saga, Angel santcuary, Naruto, Eatman, Death Note, Futari Ecchi, Golden Boy
love to have a shop, make plushies and maybe comics.
I love to create things; anything. Making plushies.
drawing, writing storys, manga, plushies, dreaming
| Kuronekosama
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Friday, April 9, 2004
^^ Lyrics
oh yeah! More Lyrics! yay *victory flag* We kinda had a bad way back when but it never got on its feet, it beggining now though. and my moms best friend has a recording studio in the basment so that helps out. Oh by the way we we ever get up there you will know us as the Battle Fish well here's my lyrics same old same old I own no steally!
Torn and Tattered
Lyrics written by: Kuronekosama/Chara
Butterfly and I bear torn tattered wings
You try to make me smile
You try to make me sing
Can't stop me from crying
Never well at trying
Breathe life into these lips of mine
I am pleading to wake
Crying in my conscious
I think I might just break
Falling in a restless sleep
Wrapped in a cocoon
Torn from my past
Scared of the reality
Waiting for my destiny
Never wake
Never cry
I will always die
Dying in my mind
Numb and silent
I can't find
Dead under the sky
Wish I could just fly
Flutter on flutter on
Butterfly and I wait for our chance to play
I can hear every word you say
I am still here
Can't you see?
I am right in front of you
Dancing in the rain
Crying with the clouds
I'm broken
I will always be this way
Unraveling to the fray
Someone please fix me
Going through this pain
Quit making fun of me
Just please let me be
Never wake
Never cry
I will always die
Will you ever find me?
Trapped in an endless nightmare
I'm soaring
The rain keeps on pouring
I'm falling through the clouds
Falling through the sky
Landing on the dirt
Won’t it ever hurt?
I wish I could just
Flutter on, Flutter on
Butterfly and I cry for my chance to run
Can’t find you
Don’t stop searching for me
I'll be here all day
Sleeping in this way
That keeps me locked away
If I smile you'll never see
Deep inside myself
Crying all this time
I never meant to whine
Just please set me free
Don’t let me die just yet
I'm still here, don't you fret
But you are too late
For I can see the light
It’s washing over me
For now I'll just
Flutter on, Flutter on
With broken wings I'll fly
I can really reach the sky
Finally I can be a butterfly
Flutter On, Flutter On
(c) Kuronekosama/Chara 2004
Bakuryu chan I just have to upload your picture onto the Otaku, it'll be on there soon! sorry for the waiit >< |
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Tuesday, March 30, 2004
We me dunno know what to write. I don't like having my lyrics up uit makes me feel like I'm bragging >< but thats kinda the only way to get you'll to read it ( wait what am I saying, the only person who reads this Bakuryu-chan because none of the other people ever post here because ya'll are lazy even though I post you, you never return the favor ) so any way....... o.O i forgot what I was gonna write i thought of something while i wqas typing but, uh now I cant remember. ><
OH! me remeber! Bakuryu-chan I have your drawing...I just need to put it on a floppy and load it up on the school computers so I can get it on the internet.
yes I bet you all (by all I mean Bakuryu-chan) are gettng tired of my layout. I'm gonna change it soon just not my Icon i like mine because I made it and 'i am falling some please catch me' I think thats cool everthing still gonna be black and I'm gonna get 'paint it black' by the Rolling Stones. I was gonna write a screwed up verion of that song called 'paint it green' but that might be make the Rolling Stones feel bad but heck lets mock every one!
I'm out-
Over |
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Monday, March 15, 2004
More of my bad lyrics ^^
well I wroted somemore lyrics same as always copywrited by me no stealy you do you die. If you wanna read more of my stuff just go to for Kurokumo yume or for Kurokumo yume
Hollow Glass
Lyrics by: Chara
Sometimes I've always wondered what I'm doing here
Wishing it would end
Wishing I could cry
Crying tears of crimson
Crying tears of glass
Cutting the flesh
Begging for my screams
Always stumbling through the night
In a dazed confined sight
It's hollow on the inside
It's thick in and out
Lurks a blackened soul
That cries to be let out
Beckoning for your skin
Crying for your blood
Let me run
Let me kill
I see demons
I see angels
I see glass broken at your feet
Burning in the scorching heat
Walking on bones all day long
I wonder why
I can't cry
I'll make you bleed
I'll make you scream
Make you worry for me
Make you hate the one I am
It's hollow on the inside
It's thick in and out
Lurks a blackened soul
That cries to be let out
Beckoning for your skin
Crying for your blood
Let me run
Let me kill
Dead yet I am alive
Don't you fear me in the night?
I've come back
Can't you see?
I'm not the person I used to be
Cold and dead
You've always dread
Broken dreams
Broken glass
You're all I see
In my reality
Raping me
Killing me
It's hollow on the inside
It's thick in and out
Lurks a blackened soul
That cries to be let out
Beckoning for your skin
Crying for your blood
Let me run
Let me kill
Let me kill the one I see
Let me harm the one I am
Let me see your fear in my eyes
Let me hear your burning cries
Let me cry for my broken dreams
Let me cry broken glass streams
(c)Kuronekosama/Chara 2004 |
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Monday, March 8, 2004
well I have a favorite on drawings My friends they all earned a place. I love there art its so unique. and they all deserve to be on the top 10 (not that youothers don't just that these guys are awsome and it really, to me, doesn't matter how well you draw its something else...not sure what can't really find the word....) well here are the greatest top 3 to me:
1st: GTK
2nd: Bakuryu
3rd: Seifer-sama
1st the best 3rd runner up well I'm out ^^ |
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Tuesday, March 2, 2004
hmmm....I'm think about posting my lyrics to my last song... or inserting a link so you all can read it, but you all are lazy and i know it so here it is copy write by me you stealy you pay the price, death, you don't belive me you better cause its true I sware on my dead body over & over
twine the blood
lyrics by: chara
staring at the mirror with a razor in her hand
parting her hair in a zig zag curve
blood crying from the open wound
always smiling
always crying
holding back a deep secret no one understands
screaming and bleeding for you
the one she hates
the one she hates is you
twine the blood
end the screams
she'll never be all right
hear the shouts
smell the fear
taste the blood
is it real or just a fantasy
will she ever be okay?
never know untill a fantasy becomes reality.
standing in the closet with razor in her hand
slash across the flesh
she thinks about it one last time
but it's to late
she hits the floor.
rotting in the hole of death an' decaying
nobody cares
nobody gives a damn
twine the blood
end the screams
she'll never be all right
hear the shouts
smell the fear
taste the blood
is it real or just a fantasy
will she ever be okay?
never know untill fantasy becomes reality.
floatin' in the doorway with a razor in her hand
even in spirit she still haunts you
tucked in your bed with your socks too tight
dreamin your dreams of abuse
you never cared
you never loved.
well guess what?
its way too late
to escape your fate.
she wispers softly in your ear
'I hate you!'
razor cuts your last life line
say hello to the Bad Boy himself
because you be burnin' there for eternity.
the one she hates
the one she hates
(c) Kuronekosama/Chara <---me 2004
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Thursday, February 26, 2004
well It snowed here and we got like 5 inches outside so I'm guessing we won't go to school tomarrow, thats okay I'll just live off of fatal frame II and poptarts..
-Fatal Frame II
well I rented fatal Frame and I beat it on normal & easy, trying to beat it on hard but its not working out ><
I liked the ending it was real sad becuase Mio performed the Crimson Sacrifice on Mayu and it was preety I really like the song to it was alwsome. I never expected the ending to be like that, but oh well that game was full of surprises! Like when I was looking out the window through my camara (I was starin' the tree cuz it looked cool ^^ simple mind I know) in the Twin Doll house and all of a sudden this little boy jumps up and smiles! It scared the crap outta me. My little blue thingy (um I think its called the wait I thinks thats the red thing) wasn't even glowing. Well I finished that game with an E (e for excellent maybe I dunno) well I gotta take it back on Sunday...oh well Blockbuster only lasts for so long..I'm gonna buy that game...someday.... |
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Wednesday, February 11, 2004
guess what happened to me today at school? I got locked in the girls bathroom! it really sucked >< but I did miss half of 3rd block for it though...ya see i had to pee realy really really bad because I had just drank a pepsi and I asked my french teacher, Mme. Corum, if I could go to the rest room and she said yes as long as I hurried before they locked the doors. They have to lock the doors because students used to go to the bathrooms to go smoke and stuff during lunch so they have them closed all during 3rd block. well anyway I went to use the bathroom got in there and then I was almost done and the lockeruper guy said through the door: "is anybody in here?"
i said yes and apprently he didn't hear me so I got locked in. and then i said HOLY SHIT! and banged on the door but, no one herd me. it realy sucked. I waited there for about twenty minutes (i keep my self occupid by reading the walls ^^") untuill I heard someone walk by the bathrooms. I kicked the door and I heard this:
boy 1: "holy crap that scared me what was that?"
girl: "um was that the bathroom...?"
boy 2: "dude I bet someones locked inside!"
me: "um...can you please help me? I'm kinda stuck...go get the keys...please"
boy 1:*luaghs* sure!
girl: *laughs hysterically*
boy 1,2 & girl: *walks away* HEY WE NEED SOME KEYS!!! (i guess they were talking to a teacher or janiter)
I felt so stupid! I mean, come on I got locked in the bathroom! I'm so stupid! ><'
yeah thats about the only thing that happoened to me all week except for when I fell asleep on my pen and I had a black mark on my face...but that doesn't count... ^^" |
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Monday, February 9, 2004
a grand total of 711 pepole landed in my site! Why this strange number instead of 500 or 1000? because 711 is a store that I wished we had down here, I was gonna wait till 1000 but oh well. keep em coming! |
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Friday, February 6, 2004
oh yeah!
NEW PICCIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*cough* okay now that's done with...i have nothing more to say except I hope the get excepted expecally that Spike piccy because it took me forever to get it on there >< |
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Thursday, February 5, 2004
What is this so called Trigun Maximum? I was looking on the net and I got even more confused. This first time I heared of it (in a little istybetsy fine print words in Newtype) I thought it would be a sequel to trigun or something. But I started to looking and it's a manga and the story looks the same (can't really read it, its japanese ^^') so I'm really confused because is it just like an allternate story of Trigun like Kuga Cain's Shooting Star? Or what? I did notive that their outfits are a bit differant and Wolfwood is alive and Vash is a bit more muscally. If any one knows anything please tell me.

Oh and FF12 is coming out soon in Japan. Vaan is too girly and Ashe looks sluty Vaan looks alot like Tidus, note; to Squaresoft: NEW HAIRDOS PEOPLE! and Tidus was WAY to wimpy what happened to the good characters like Vinecent & cid (ff7), Zell Seifer & Squall (FF8), they all disapeared. Please Squaresoft no more Tiduses, I don't want to repeat the Titty-boy legend...<----inside joke |
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