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in the shadows of my own dream
Member Since
a lazy demented idiot
Real Name
I wasn't given a name at birth. my parents disowned me and I grew up in a cardboard box that I bought on ebay.
won a halloween contest when I was 7...I was a peacock...o.O please don't ask...i was a demented little kid...still am.
Anime Fan Since
sence speed racer came on cartoon network I was around six-ish
Favorite Anime
Trigun, Blue Seed, Soul Taker, Zenki, Cowboy Bebop, Boogipop Phantom, Ranma1/2, Excel Saga, Angel santcuary, Naruto, Eatman, Death Note, Futari Ecchi, Golden Boy
love to have a shop, make plushies and maybe comics.
I love to create things; anything. Making plushies.
drawing, writing storys, manga, plushies, dreaming
| Kuronekosama
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Tuesday, February 3, 2004
Guardian Angel Chi
Taken From Guardian Angel Chi.
written by: Kuronekosama
NOTE: this is mine and if you steal it I will hunt you down, and I will kill you and hang your head on my mantle.
>>>>>start Guardian Angel Chi fragment<<<<<
so this is what the real world feels like, so cold and evil no one cares nor does any one know what is happining. Its hard to breath your sufficating me with your weight of deppresion all though now I can see things clearly its not so blury any more. I see everything from your point of view. you were right, how can you show smpathy for others when no one ever showed any for you. you were right all those times when we fought, when we cried,..together. But me, I never saw it through your eyes, i always thought you were wrong. She was the only person you ever loved in this world-you never loved me but thats okay because i can still admire you from afar. but i don't think i can't keep on going...your not here anymore. never will you be, and as my last words I say, you may never even get them because of the state your in. but maybe as I watch from above in my last few breaths you will finnaly under stand me and my feelings for you. chi I know you are gone and far away but you have to come it for me or better yet do it for Key do it for her, i don't care as long as your happy...
His hand became limp as he stared into the great sky, endlessy wondering if he would ever see chi again, but deep down in his heart he knew he wouldn't. Wondering if his life had been a waste. If maybe he had not joined the rebellion he would still be in this world. Locke crumpled his wings and closed his sinful eyes as his silver blood streamed a cold river down his body. His last breath he breathed and his last thought he thought was forgotten in a outburst of feathers. And the feathers fell down to earth where there they were considered snow, cold and icy.
Kyuusho looked up at the sky and saw only feathers where others would think of it as snow, but somehow she could see beyond that. They weren't cold nor did they melt with her touch. They were as they looked nothing more than feathers. White feathers. She felt an arm on her sholder that snapped her out of the fantasy, and the feathers slowly drifted and morphed back into snow. People taking form and sidewalks devolping. Kyuusho was on the street and the snow was cold icy and bitter, no more feathers no more fantasy no more dreams.
>>>>>end Guardian Angel Chi fragment<<<<<
so I deciced to put in a little more than one paragraph. Its not that great but i still would like you to read it and let me know your comments, merci. |
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I thought I'd put up a small section of my new story (one paragraph ^^') uplater, I know all of its in lower case but is supposed to be like that, and i also don't have spell check, so bare with me!
up datew when I get home.
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Friday, January 30, 2004
reel colections
Oh yeah! Reel Colections waws going out of bussiness and they had every thing on sale! I went and bought a buttload of manga and anime there. their manga was 50% off that was so cool and I bought the first DVD of excel saga. Now I have a grand total of 2 excel saga dvd's ! go me! *waves little vitory flag*
I love all my manga... *shows grand colection of four and all the Shonen jumps uptoo issue 14* oh yeah...I wanna read more samarai deeper kyo. I may not own all of them (own 1st book) but I've read them, I always go into the manga section at Walden's and read. heh I'm such a good customer ^^ |
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Tuesday, January 27, 2004
My mom started yelling at me yesterday about how you have to belivce in god and be baptised to go to heaven and stuff. And me and her got in a fight over it. I mean so what if it says it in a bible, a bible is just a book. And if there is a heaven then why is there ghosts and spirits? And then I asked about how people belive in differant Gods and do they all go to heaven. nmy mom just said its all the same god just a differant name, so I guess that means Devil is god to? Well its all oppenions and none of its true except for the facts. And if you say the bible is fact, all your stating is an opinon. Isn't it great how the world is? I know I hate it too.
PS: oh and if you havn't noticed yet I'm not very good at spelling, yet I was in English collage prep last semster. I really don't get it, and I'm in high school and I can't spell worth a flit and I write storys/fanfiction, manga and worthless scriblings. Yay! go me!! |
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Wednesday, January 21, 2004
I WANNA GO TO THE ONI-CON!!!!!!!! Duel Jewel is gonna be there...but its all the way in Texas!! Thats to faraway.. if only I could drive I would take myself there! Why can't they come to Nashville?! ? I wish they'd come.. I am crying twin water falls!! it's not fair... My mom said she'd take me to Nashville or flordia...but prolly not Texas...maybe I can talk her into it...It is in October that s a long time but still I wanna go! I've never been to a concert or a con before...I really really really wanna go...this sucks |
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Answering Questions
Well I was readung somewhere a while back that was talking about ther length of anime and that there is more seris running from 24-26 episodes than anything else. and the smartass person was saying stuff about how the japanese are lazy. But if your smart you know that 24-26 episodes is a regular season in Japan. And any way, don't complain about the length just be happy that you got to see it. Just be thankful that you got to see some anime and not this crappy americain animation.
And well thats my words of wisdom for this lifetime...heh you don't see me speaking wisdom every day, y'know. youv'e just witnessed a great event....respect it... x_x |
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Tuesday, January 20, 2004
Duel Jewel
As soon as I arived home I was bored out of my mind so I decided to flip through one of my old Newtypes. and to my Surprise I found a japanese band that has totally cool music and totally hott men, Deul Jewel! There is 5 members and the band is just too cool when you get the time go check them out!

Oh Val your very sexy! 1st fav. Natsuki

HEH HEH! Yuya reminds me of a ninja.. purdy cute...2nd fav look kinda girly there dude.

And heres Shun, the best friends fav. he's my 3rd fav. |
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I really wanna see Haibane Renmei1 It looks cool I really love things with wings! I finnaly got to see the Angel Sancutary OVA and it was Kick Ass!! I wanna see the rest of Excel Saga too It's so funny and cool! I own the secound DVD voloume and I got it at EBgames for 10 bucks. I really love that place, my best friend got Angel Sancuary there yesterday, for really cheep too. Thats a really great place to get anime...oh yeah don't forget Ebay thats were I got my random anime Items...such a cool place.... |
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Monday, January 12, 2004
bleh...I'm at school and I have nothing better to do except day dream about when the school will blow up...*pushes big red shiny butten and Central High blows up and so does the nasty cafiateria food* X/ bleh I just wish the bus would get here... I comes at 4:30 every day and we get out of school at 3:30 you think the bus would come sooner...well I think I'll go die in my corner.....*kills self* x_x |
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Friday, January 9, 2004
Well I think I;m over my depression! I think that not going to school today had something to do with it! It snowed and we got let out of school! I haven't seen snow in a while (well it snowed a week before christmas but it didn't stick around long enogh it was gone by noon) Me and my little sister went out side a built me a snow man! I may have used all the snow in the yard but it looks so cool! Its almost as tall as me (not really saying much, I'm 5'31/2) After about an hour of rolling around the butt it got stuck and my mom had to help me roll it, we ended up putting it in the back yard because we coun't roll it up the hill! I had fun...but my snowman looks funny because its butt REALLY big...I bet I'm the only 14 year-old that goes and plays in the snow, eh? Well thats just my inner-child...HEEEEEEE!!!! I could really go for some hott chocolate right now or a cappuchino...yum :) my hands are so frozen they feel like Ice cubes...It's hard to type. Well, I hope the other people who got snowed in had fun I'm out.... |
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