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in the shadows of my own dream
Member Since
a lazy demented idiot
Real Name
I wasn't given a name at birth. my parents disowned me and I grew up in a cardboard box that I bought on ebay.
won a halloween contest when I was 7...I was a peacock...o.O please don't ask...i was a demented little kid...still am.
Anime Fan Since
sence speed racer came on cartoon network I was around six-ish
Favorite Anime
Trigun, Blue Seed, Soul Taker, Zenki, Cowboy Bebop, Boogipop Phantom, Ranma1/2, Excel Saga, Angel santcuary, Naruto, Eatman, Death Note, Futari Ecchi, Golden Boy
love to have a shop, make plushies and maybe comics.
I love to create things; anything. Making plushies.
drawing, writing storys, manga, plushies, dreaming
| Kuronekosama
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Monday, October 23, 2006
^^ weeeeee.....*KABLAM!*
currently listining to: Duel Jewel
.hack//sign soundtrack
I love my webpage class, we get headphones and get to listin to any music we choose. *happiness*
So for Art I get to do a linolelum cut...I chose that picture from Silent Hill 3 of Heather and the nurse. It looks preety cool. Mine is the only one thats going to be in dark colors. Everyone elses is like blues and greens. I'll have to upload the sketch.
the lazy bug has bitten me. I was supposed to do homework for webpage class...but I didn't. ^^'
I sware the only thing myspace is good for is to talk to friends that you already talk to. Not to forget the 'myspace molestor'. Also it's good to bash people in the forums.
Anyone noitice all the art that's uploaded anymore is Naruto? These little kids need to relize that Naruto is not all that great. The english sucks. The japanese rocks. Simple. 'Belive it' is not cool.
Purgatory is wanting to make a wonderous doujinshi type parody. ^^ yesss. I think that we should do seperate chapters like how Digi Charit is set up. Where each chapter is a seperate story but goes along the story lines. If you've read Digi than you understand.
off to do web page stuff...
I have to make a webpage about what ever I want. I don't know what to make. I thought about making one featuring you guys on MYotaku or Fatal Frame. I really need your input on this. I'll be looking for your comments! Please help. |
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Wednesday, October 18, 2006
I have to pee, I'm sure you wanted to know that.
I am also sick and I'm sure that I spread my sick germs all over the laptop. I have wasted approxmatly three trees today, succesfuly covered one of my cats in snot...and baked cookies.
currently watching Futurama and soon to be watching GTO when it finishes loading.
I really have to upload my art trade. I just don't want to beacause then it will be lonley. I am sure Ebony's mad at me. She probably wants me stabbed.
You know what I'd really like to find? Does anyone remeber the Cardcaptor Sakura Fashion dolls? Yeah I really want one. I can't find one on ebay, although I did find a really cool Clow book. I'd like to see the original uncut episodes. They cut so much out of the english version. All the gayness and stuffs. I'd also like to see the original Sailor Moon. Joy.
well I'm off to pee.
-kuronekosama |
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Tuesday, October 17, 2006
yeah...fall break. I should be asleep now...
bleh. I am tired and hungry I was going to watch GTO on You Tube but it wouldn't load so I was sad. Began reading Pretty Face I love it. You can read it here along with other manga without downloading it. I recommend Futari Ecchi if your into cute little hentai type manga. It's addorable and as Kentaro would say "Very Educational!"
Purgatory found Deathnote episodes last night. I would put them up but it wouldn't work last time so I'll just insert some links.
Episode 1 part 1
Episode 1 part 2
Episode 1 part 3
Episode 2 part 1
Episode 2 part 2
Episode 2 part 3
complete with great subtitles. I hope you enjoy. I love Deathnote!
I am off to the fridge and bed. -.- zZZ
-kuronekosama |
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Thursday, October 12, 2006
I haven't really posted in awhile...nothing exciting happened at all. The only thing I can say is that next week is knox county's first EVER fall break. I get a whole week off to celebrate the joy of fall...and to work on my Sae costume.
I started making it and now I am having second thoughts...maybe I'll be Yae instead of Sae... I am proud of my kimono and I don't know if I want to have blood splatter all over it. *sigh* But then agian it would be so much fun to be a psyco murderer...
-kuronekosama |
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Thursday, October 5, 2006
I am wearing my floof dress today. It's floofy! The lacy black part of it got stuck on the door like five minutes after I put it on. It ripped. But not too bad. you can barely see it. I saw a lot of people dressed as hippies today/as of right now. One person in a toga. hmmm. I would have done a kimono if I would have thought about it enough. I still like my floof dress.
I'm hungry.
I saw someone with a shirt on today that had that albino character that Ebony had on her last site design. It made me giggle.
-kuronekosama |
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Wednesday, October 4, 2006
I just got done with creating six webpages. *dies* I was having so much trouble with one page. I couldn't figure out what was wrong. My picture was on the left side of the page and it was supposed to be on the right side. I kept trying to fix it. I was "WTF?! My code is right! x.x" and then I continued to stare and stare. And then I relized: I had my picture aligned to 'apple'. APPLE! Of all things in the apple. *dies* It turns out I had 'alt= "right"' and 'align= "apple"' but YOU CANNOT ALIGN TEXT WITH APPLE!! Ever. That was a valuable life lesson.
remember it.
anyway, I have an Octopus on muh head. It's for crazy day. Special I feel.
I hate all stupid dumb 'TXT' talk as it is so called. All the jk, frnd, u, r, and idk's is just plain dumb. and it shows how dumb you really are. However...I must addmit I do love the "wtf" and it's all Squee's fault.
i mish that fanfiction and the hall of impudence. I wish it was still there.
-kuronekosama |
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Tuesday, October 3, 2006
I started on my project...finally...
Aster turned into more of a god creature than a hero. It/he/she creates living things....and then destroys them. XD
it's great.
This week is Spirit week at school. We have the lamest days ever...
'movie star monday' WTF is that?! Only three people dressed up. I am sure more people dressed up, you just can't tell, because well; movie stars dress CASUAL...and at school we dress CASUAL. Hmm...not much to do there. Any way. Today we have:
'Twin Tuesday' I have no one to dress as. You can dress as someone anytime you want. I want to dress as some one against the dress code. So today I wore pyjamas and snoopy slippers.
'wacky wendsday' I love this one.. we get to dress uber crazy. Love it.
'throwback thursday' I also love this one. Go back to anytime. ANY. You could even wear a peach catsuit and a figleaf. Be ceaser. A samurai. Whatever. I wanted to be a Geisha, but, I have absolutly no time to sew. NONE. I am so overflowed with this damn project and homework crap. So I went to the Blind Thrift Store. I bought a dress that came from the 80's. It's black and the torso part is strechy poloesyter spandex stuf and the rest of the dress is floof. Floofy sleeves. and the skirt part is nothing but floof. To top it all off there is a very large lacy black bow with rinestones. it makes me giggle. I am going to wear my big black boots with it. My boots go 'clomp clomp'
and friday of course is color always. I get to wear black cause I'm a senior. YAY! then we have a pep rally. The only one of the whole entire year...which is uber stupid. I would love to get out of class so I could watch stupid bimbos jump around. Just to get out of fourth period.
I am so hungry...It's only second period. I have to wait until the middle of third period to eat...12:35 is soo far away... Last year I ate lunch at 1:20 so its an improvement...although I like 3rd lunch, it's my favorite...
i would love to have some sushi right now.
NOTE: ebony! I have finnished your trade. Acctually it's been finished for two weeks. I'll post it as soon as I can. |
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Monday, October 2, 2006
*dies one million times over*
Web page class is killing me...
of course if I spent more time doing my work instead of playing on the internet, it wouldn't kill me so easily.
For my easy cut (like a linoleum, except easier) project in art class I am doing a Buddha with a bonsai. I love it.
I went to Dolly Wood on Saturaday. It killed me. My legs are so sore, and my back too. The Tennessee Tornado whipped me around like kid and a new toy. I was going to ride the Thunder Head, but I saw it and it took my breath away...and then we ate. So I didn't ride anything after that, except the farris wheel. That was the crappiest farris wheel ever. It doesn't even deserve to be capitalized. I also rode the wet rides. My butt got wet. But thats okay, because Daredevil Falls is my favorite ride ever...well the River Rampage ties with it. Love that ride, it's oodles of fun.
I spent the whole Sunday watching movies. Tenchi in Love, The Lengend of the Four Crystals (all four episodes), and of course My Neighbor Totoro. It was very relaxing. But I have yet to work on my hero project. Aster is lieing in wait and saying 'you better work on me...i have to be done by thursday....'
I have to write a story and do a power point. bleh. I also have to do other things... *dies*
I also have to do my web page la la
better do it now before I get sidetracked again....ohhhh shiny...
-kuronekosama |
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Thursday, September 28, 2006
I'm sick.....agian.
well we finally got internet at my house. and its gay dial up. But at least we have internet, so for that I am greatful.
For my mythology class I have to make up a hero. Do everything like where they were born and how and stuff like that. I get to make a comic book for this project. YAYRAH!!! I need ideas. I want to make him/her/it (really leaning toward 'it') born from blood or something. I want to make it cool and something orginal. Something everyone will go 'thats weird and taboo' hmmm. My juices need to be flowing...
Ya'lls ideas would be much appriciated.
sorry for all the mistakes. It's hard to type on a laptop. Oh yeah my mom got a laptop. It's funny, she has enough money to go blow on a laptop but not enough to get me a decent birthday present. My birthday at my mom's house was a big let down. I didn't get anything I asked for (I got the FMA movie combo set, but I didn't really ask for it) I asked for a button maker or a camera. I got neither. I don't even want an expensive camera. I want one of the Minolta's from about twenty years ago. They arn't that expensive I saw one on Ebay for five dollars. It's frustrating. My dad got me Dirge of Cerebus...that made me happy. But then I got stuck on the game. I'm on Silent Edge and the snipers keep killing me. x.x Kevin of course, got me the best presents ever. Lots of manga and another doujinshi. Its a Saiyuki one and he got it for a $1.50!! It was at the used book store in the foriegn language section. Thats way cool.
I love him.
Pictures of my kitties. I have two more, I just don't have digital pictures of them.

Thats my cat Bacon, She's so fluffy

Thats my cat Spudd in my mess that I call my room

Spudd again. He's sleeping. Look at his fat hang over the drawing table. I love m cat! ^^
irrelevant to my cats. A life size Chii dollfie that was on ebay for 5,000 odd dollars.
-kuronekosama |
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Sunday, September 24, 2006
I should be asleep right now, but I must watch Trinity Blood and Bleach... it's hypnotizing
I get to spend time with my daddy later. I would spend more time with him but Kathy (my stepmonster) is such a bitch. That's why I need to sleep so I can be fully awake when he gets me...but Trinity Blood...
Ebony asked what my doujin were. They're all Rurouni Kenshin. There's one where Kenshin is a Geisha type character. I love it. Then there is a gag-ish yaoi chibi one. It's adorable.

Thats the ebay photo. They were only 21.00 I luv them...
Trinity's on. See ya laters.
ITS MUH BIRTHDAY!!! Wooooooooooooo!! I'm seventeen! XD
NOTE: Posted at 12:01 AM |
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