Kurosaki Ishimaru
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Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Boo ya!!!!

I'm back who cares?
Yes I'm back and does anyone care is my question... I guess no one would...>_> you guys will be like "who the heck is Ishi?" sorry for my attitude, currently pissed off so I'm like this... anyhow... I'm back woohoo... *party party!!!!*
New layout!
Yup yup I got new layout folks!!!! I know very purple.. I like purple.. started to like it...T_T And of course you guys know my layout always features a guy...X3 it's sad!!! he appears on one episode and dies in that episode. WTF!!! Is what I want to say... And he lost to a girl too... garrrr... *cursin Rukia* There aren't any real reason why I like him except he's male version of myself.... kinda cool that we share so many similiarities... no, sadly he isn't a musician and I don't think he is Anyhow... hope you guys like the new layout!!!
So how's Ishi's life
Can I say good and bad? Well you all know I'm living alone at my house and going to school. Things have been worse. I am lonelier than ever and sleeping too much. People are corrupting me to be a pervert.. you name it. Failing in English class. Seeing online people hating me and ignoring me big time. It's a shock for sure. I hope people have understandings that I need people to chat with and stuff like that to get out of my loneliness... Even you guys, but I don't mind since you all busy with "your friends". Another bad thing my website... my website has been dying... no visitors.. affiliates not commenting and visiting me... kinda shocking... I think the world is against me that things are starting to fall apart.. I think the dead people above are calling me to join them.... or something like that? I mean why should I exist if things are going down? I can't take this anymore you know... I don't know what to do...
anyhow that's just my rant... I'm not being suicidal or anything so don't worry^^ those days are over, just stressed cause nothing is going to way I wanted... I wish things could change...
have a good day guys!!!! Comments
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Monday, January 15, 2007
I'm Alive?!
I'm Alive?!
Yes I'm alive!!!!! short post since I have nothing to do...XD
visit this link if you want to see pics I'm taking during vacation!!!
Ishi's Winter 06/07
how is Ishi these days... into Bleach... yes Orange wuffy still rocks but so many hot guys are going to come out animated now!!! Yay!!! Finally I get to screencap their pics and make layout of them...^_^;; or I can introduce them to you...XD I'm sure Soi and Wuffy will be sad, but hey! They will have new family members..XD
Oh! Speaking of which, I made new wallpaper with my new obsession so if you could, go comment it please!!!! Well I showed to Tito-kun and he liked it...XD
nothing else I'm off now...XD Comments
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Saturday, December 23, 2006
Indeed it was my bday today and I'm posting this late cause I'm in a different country...hixhix... yeah this post is going to be pretty short so you guys dunt have to read much..
I arrived Korea safely... met my family and all happy and all. I had lunch with my family today and well it's currently 4:10PM so I'm going to have dinner with my cousins later on!! Yay!!!! I'll post pictures on my site so I'll give you guys a linkie after I posted some kay??? I also going to have videos wootie woot!!!! I still have to make xmas giffy to all of you...*sobs**opens the photoshop* lol...X3
Also I want to give a HUGE hug to Inuyasha311-chan for this awesome bday giffy she made me with Soiree.....X3

I lov you 311-chan so muchy!!!! *hugs her*
anyhow... I'll talk to you guys later!!! Comments
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Thursday, December 21, 2006
I'm gone!!!

Avi of the Day
 Yes!!! Another Orange Wuffy one made by me.. yes you are the best Wuffy-chan now hand me over your Soul Slayer so you won't injure Soysause with it^^;;
Soiree - Ishi are you saying that cause I don't have weapon?
Ishi - no just he is crazy with that sword
Soiree - oh really????
Ishi - yes.. you don't wanna mess with him
Ichi (Wuffy-chan) - hell yeah! Bring it on buddy!!!!
Soiree - oh really...
Ishi - first hand me your sword^^
Ichi - Noooo...
Ishi - then this isn't fair.. well unless that Soiree is the one from my fanfiction^^;;
Ichi - why is that?
Ishi - cause Soiree in my fanfiction has the power of all mighty twilight angel and he is about 60ft tall when he releases his true form...^^
Ichi - holy *beep*
Soiree - what if I am Ishi???
Ishi - nooo don't do it you'll destroy the house and go crazy like Alex (destinyssweetman) told you million times wiht Megumi...
Soiree - awwww no fun...T__________T
Ishi - why do guys want to fight each other and prove someone's stronger so badly?
To My Home!
Well Ishi is busy packing so I'll type for her again wootie woot.. (Ishi - I as in Soysause...^_^;; Soi - hey!!!!) So Ishi is off to Korea for a month tomorrow morning (21st!) and sad stuck in a plane for 12 hours on the day before her 19th bday. So she is saying sorry that she won't be able to visit you guys until she arrives there and sets her labtop up with the internet there. She is hoping they have wireless network, but if not she can always use the cable so it doesn't matter to her much. And she is sending me away to Crystal-chan's castle... mehhhh... (Ishi - I never said that silly! I said I'll take you to Korea with me and you told me you dunt wanna go there... and why did you announce my bday.. garr wanted to keep it secret!!!) Oh yeah, Ishi changed layout of my fanlisting page with my 2nd form. She added red wings on me...O.O (Ishi - cause the website is called 'twilight angel' and you are an angel^^) Anyhow, she wants you all to check out her work that she did while her guyfriends around were distracting her with chainsaw noise... (Ishi - yes they were killing aliens with it!!! crazy boys! Soi - that's so cool!!!) oh! here is the address...
Also in the future she will be posting pictures that she took so if you haven't seen Ishi's real life picture you will now... and see how creepy she looks (Ishi - hey!!! not nice there!!!) Nah, I think she is cute.. *pinches Ishi's cheeks* (Ishi - ahhh someone save me...x.x)
Anyhow, Ishi and I are off to pack more bags woohooo see you guys later... Comments
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Friday, December 15, 2006

Avi of the day
 My beloved missed Orange Wuffy is here!!!! This avi of course made by Ishi.. well not of course it's obvious I made it cause it has major flaw and stuff.. oh well... well if you haven't known me for long, that's Kurosaki Ichigo my first beloved bishie and umm where I got my name to be Kurosaki something... and I call him "Orange Wuffy" Don't ask why.. it's a long story anyhow... because me busy with Soysause I didn't get to play with him much... aww poor Wuffy... *hugs him*
Soiree - AHHH!!! Ishi is a flirt!!!!
Ishi - oppsies busted hix hix... hey! You are the major flirt not me!!!!
Soiree - how can you prove it Ishi?
Ishi - cause I saw you winking at girls and doing some lady's man business stuff.. wahhh.. I thought you were tough cool guy then I saw videos of you and my imagination was all broken!!!
Soiree - tsk tsk! don't judge book by it's cover..
Ishi - Yes I guess...
Soiree - you look like a nerd, but you don't study...
Ishi - O__________o Nani?! *in the corner*
Soiree - yay!!! I shall type rest of your post...*LOL*
Ishi - nuuu.. move from the chair you... *Soi trips Ishi* wahhh.. *on the ground* You might be call "twilight angel", but now you are devil!!!!
Soiree - *sticks tongue out* blehhh....
Ishi - I shall ask ppl who is the older one you or me...
Soiree - pshhh... definitely me silly...
Ishi - nu uhh...
Soiree - anyhow *starts typing next part of the post*
Broken Promise
Haha, like above I'm typing for lil depressed Ishi... It's true she might have bi-whatever disorder thingy, but today she has a good reason to be down. Ishi made promised with her parents that she is going to get all A's this semester, but her promise was broken today since she got her Calc final back... She didn't do so well, so she got a C in the class... I would have gotten worse grade cause those symbols and whatnot made me go @________________@. Anyhow, oh yeah, she says sorry she didn't visit people... she was just emotionally sick too much. Awww poor Ishi.. *goes to hug her but accidently stepped on Ishi on the ground* oppsies...O.O Nuuuu~~~ Ishi... T____________T *hugs her tightly* She is dead... nuuu... my poor lil Ishi... (Ishi - ummm.. I'm not your object silly...>.>)
anyhow I'll let Ishi type now... *puts Ishi on her chair*
Woohoo!!! Ishi is back anyhow, yes sorry I didn't visit any of you because I broke a huge promise and I might be dragged back to Korea to live with them forever... well we'll see how they react to such shame.. I might not be able to talk to you guys again too... and it's sooo sad how that simple promise is broken so easily... anyhow, I'm sorry again and I'm studying for psych final now so I won't be visiting you guys for awhile again until this final is over...
Weee~~~ New layout!
Crystal-chan or aka Inuyasha311-san, changed layout of my Fanlisting... and she did a great job with it.. and you guys should all check it out!!!!! XD Well you guys will know why I'm so hyper after seeing the layout..
anyhow, ttyl! Comments
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Wednesday, December 13, 2006

 Yuppers! I know cause of my depressing story, not a lot of you answered.. hix hix.. but that guy on the avatar... you guys won't believe who he is... Wanna know??? Well then promise me something... promise what? Don't kill me after me telling you the answer kay??? That's ummm... SOIREE!!! *runs off to hide from the viewers*
Thank you So much!
Thank you guys so much about the words! I want to get recover as soon as possible too!! I'm going to seek help from second semester! and I hope things will get settled and stuff pretty quickly. I guess my mom knew about it and kept on punishing me for all my life to fix my behavior. Now I know what she mean by hide my emotions and don't act dramatically. Since she took psychology in college she might have know about bi-polar disorder. Well at least I'm at the early stage not a serious stage, I guess it can be recovered quickly compare to others. Anyhow, thank you guys again! It made my stressful calc final day through smoothly!!!
I just felt like posting this...
Alba Vs. Soiree
How Soiree and his Twin brother Alba show their love for each other... kinda ummm sad...^^;; Well incase you missed my long intro of Soiree, he is from this game call KOF, which stands for King of Fighters. I used to love this game until I was banned from games...T_T I can't believe I can't play the game with Soiree!!!! I would drool with tissue box next to me and you know do all the fangirl stuff.. well I would cry if I have to fight against him.. mehhh...T_________________T This video is uploaded by Alba Nii-chan, one of my loving online brother...^^ Yup! It's awesome that he adopted the name from Soiree's twin brother....XD Someday I should post Soiree's dying scene.. hmmm anyone wanna see that? Trust me.. rated PG^^; All you hear is his screaming in pain which made Ishi cry forever...oh well poor Soi-chan who sacrificed everything even his life for his older brother... may he rest in peace, but I resurrected him using pheonix down so he is with meh... and on my bed right now try to roll on my bed, but too small for him... haha..
opps! I made this post long... anyhow! Umm Since Calc final is done I can visit you all!!! Woohoo!!! Anyhow, ummm thanks for reading!!!!
Catcha guys lator!!!! Comments
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Monday, December 11, 2006
2 days till Calc Final!!!!
Latest update of Ishi
 <- who is this guy? LOL guess...X3 I know Alex (destinyssweetman) knows and I dunno who else knows who he is....XD
Been worrying
What do you guys think about bi-polar disorder??? I went to screening test for disorder couple of monthes ago and the psychologist told me that I have early symptoms of it... I know this is bad, but oh well I have to deal with it.. I've been worrying forever with it you know.. having personality disorder... *sigh* now I'm really discouraged living with the fact that I have a disorder... I don't think I'll be able to get a boyfriend with it too! oh well... I just wanna tell you guys that Ishi isn't normal...T__________T
I promise I'll start visiting you guys again after the stupid Calc final is over on this Tuesday until then.. please don't get mad at me that I don't visit you guys... pretty please????? If you are mad that's fine!! I know I'm a bad friend of yours...
anyhow see you... Comments
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Saturday, December 9, 2006

What I wanna do now
 Yup yup!!! That's what I wanna do what now....x3 lying on the sports car with my leg half way out the window just like how Soiree is doing, except I'm short so I would have hard time doing it...XD Anyhow, yes! I just wanna fool around and do stuff right now, but I have finals garrrrr!!!!!!!
New layout on COF
I got new layout on my website COF....^^; my website buddies voted for the next layout out of the choice so yay I got it up!!!! So if you want, go check it out and leave comments please!!!!! XD It's a layout of Orihime from Bleach. OMG!!! She rocks right??? (to the Bleach fan of course!!!) She totally rocks!!! And I'm so upset with what the author did with her in the latest manga... arggg I just can't stand it... I'm not gonna spoil so if you wanna know PM me please...XP
Bizzarre Day
I slept for 12 hours today and yeah that scared me first of all... And one of my website hostee was having trouble with her site decided to fix the problem for her.. OMG!!! all of her coding got messed up so yeah it's going to be pain in the butt, but well I took the job so no complain right??? And I talked with one of my online Nii-chan who Role play as Soiree's twin brother on myspace and had interesting conversation...LOL one of the item he wants to get is a usb flash drive that shaped like sushi...XD so I told him I have a pen that is shaped like sushi.. so we went talking about food... and lol yeah went off topic... cause we were talking about website then sushi.. yeah big leap....X3 Weird huh? I'm obsessed with Soiree and have interesting conversation with a guy rp-ing as his twin brother...XD well apparently the guy RP-ing as Soiree is busy with his myspace girlfriend...^___________^ Awwwww... yup yup they are such cute couple...^_^; Trust me the girl isn't me... am I upset? Heck no.. he is RP-ing as Soiree so it really doesn't matter to me as long as he is happy I guess...XP
sorry for long post... I gotta go study for finals now... sorry if I'm not visiting you ppl...T_T Comments
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Thursday, December 7, 2006

New BGM!
 <- What kinda facial expression is that?! But I still wuv him!!!! *huggles*
I got new BGM up... Well I love the other song but recently got into this song. It's from KOF Maximum Impact yes where Soiree is from. One of the stage in the game is call "Live House Stage".
you guys: But Ishi, what does that have to do with your theme...
Well lemme explain... since I'm banned from game, I can't play the game, but I saw this hilarious video with Soiree. Basically the Live House Stage is you fighting against Soiree. So if you fight him, this is the music you hear. Kinda makes sense... Mr. Dancer hanging out in such place. Live house stage looks like a dance floor. Yup perfect place for him to hang out! I would totally go hang out and dance with him. But I can't dance.. all I can do is DDR...T_T oh yeah! Soiree will pwn me in DDR...XP
Boring as Hell... stupid final!! Well at least music finals are over!!! And guess everyone's busy I'm online, but no one freakin talks to me!!! Oh well guess I should not go online for awhile to make them worry hahahaha like they would worry about such person like me. Even here too... only few people welcomes me, but that's better than 0 people....*sigh* I miss my old account when I got like 10 comments a day and so... nowadays 1 comment a day.. or even 0 comment... myo is getting way boring these days!!! Myspace too... and everything even website is boring these days!! Only popular people have fun opening their comments, messages, and whatever the heck it is... *sigh* I should chill out.. ARRGGG!!!! Anyhow I'm off today... Comments
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Wednesday, December 6, 2006

It's Time...
 <- Exactly how I feel right now!!!! (Awww Soiree, you are so good at expressing my feelings...XD; yes that's Soiree's anime form...xD)
Sorry I didn't visit any of you for the past couple of days! I've been sick!!! Had a stomach flu so wasn't feeling good at all!!! Also finals are coming and you know what that means... I actually have music written final tomorrow and I get to do composing and all sort of fun(?) stuff... So if you comment and I don't visit you I'm terribly sorry!!! I'll try my VERY best to stop by sites!!!!
New Wallie
I got a new wallie up so if you have time please go to my portfolio to check it out!!! I made it just this morning for fun and I dunno rather I did a good job or not... oh well at least it's pretty and at least I like it!!!! Anyhow go check it out and leave comment if you want!!!
What else...
nothing much lately... just FINALS!!!!! XD well updating my site quiet a bit and making avatars weee... and still loving and daydreaming about my husband... (J/k Soiree isn't my husband...LOL just my obsessed bishie) =(. Dang! I wish he were real so I can like travel around the world like Carman San Diego to chase him down!!! Have you ever played that game? Carman San Diego? That was like one of the computer programs I learned English from. Oh man! It's been 5 years since learned English and still crappy!!!! Oh my gosh, my Korean is becoming crappy as well. My mom laughs till she is drop dead reading my emails written in Korean. Even my sister laughs at me. Speaking of my sis, she calls me blindster because she thinks Soiree isn't good looking and since I wuv him so much, she calls me blind looking at guys. so shorten that it becamse blindster!!!! Whatever.. my sister is weird at times... oh well... Comments
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