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| Kurosaki Ishimaru
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Friday, August 11, 2006

Nothing much
I'm basically really bored these days. Nothing happens here, nothing good happens online. Well it's the same old life except the location is different *sigh* guess I can't help anything huh? What to expect... I expect so much, but my expectation always come hunt my self esteem down. I feel miserable and worthless once again since I can't do much these days. My graphic skills are going down as well... I made wallpapers but I'm not happy with them... hehe guess everything is going in the negative direction again.
I want to thank Krista and Sammy-chan for reading my fanfic yesterday. It helped me a lot!! I wanted more people to read it, but guess I posted on a wrong date. *yawn* I think I should just leave for good. What's the point of having site where 2 people visit only...^^;; I think its a waste of webspace. Well I felt like that with my site at the beginning, but now I get some hits that make me happy. Now I'm hoping for more comments, but it won't happen since my site isn't that great also I'm not that great of a person...T.T
Anyhow I must shut up and keep playing PSP
Chao!!! Comments
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Thursday, August 10, 2006

New Ava&New Song
Notice something different? Yes! Avatar changed wootie woot. I know that translation isn't same as the official Japanese characters, but it means the same thing. That's Soiree's nickname. No it doesn't say Soysause^^ His nickname is The Twilight Angel. Thats so cool, I totally love his nickname. And new music too woohoo!!!! I know this music is too cute to fit Soiree, but Ishi got obsessed with this song. It's by her favorite Korean band, S#arp. So yeah! Enjoy the new song...
Sneak Preview of "Miracle Happens"
Yes! I'm writing new fanfiction with Soiree in it and its called "Miracle Happens." I know you guys don't like reading my long boring post, but I hope you guys take some time to read this. It's a sneak preview^^ It'll be up on my fanfiction site as soon as I go back to America...^^ Anyhow this is my favorite spot of all....^_~ btw, Aqua here is an Angel so she can use magic of any kind.
I walked outside and sat down on the sidewalk. Then I heard someone walking towards where I was sitting down. I didn't look back because I wanted to be alone. That person sat next to me and put his arm around me. It was Soiree wearing his pajama pants and a long sleeve jacket unzipped. He was shirtless once again and that made me blush again.
"Can't go to sleep?" Soiree asked.
"Yeah, for some reason," I said. "You?"
"Same." He answered while yawning.
"The city is really pretty. I love the night view." I said.
"Really? I'm glad that you like it." Soiree said putting his jacket on my shoulders.
"Huh?" I looked up.
"You are shivering. I thought you might need it more than me." Soiree smiled again.
"What about you? Aren't you cold not wearing any top?" I asked.
"Don't worry about me." Soiree said. "I'm strong for this kind of weather."
I looked up to the sky and saw stars. They were blinking in and out every second. When a shooting star passed by, I saw Soiree closing his eyes to make a wish. I suddenly felt sleepy so I leaned on Soiree and closed my eyes slowly. With surprised face, Soiree looked at me and smiled gently. He carried me with his left arm to his room. His room was small, but had many things. He had a huge bed, bright green colored couch, old style FM/AM radio, and a small closit, which had couple clothings. He laid me on his bed and put the blanket over me to keep me warm. Since I was sleeping on his bed, he decided to sleep on the couch. About an hour later, I woke up and looked around. I saw Soiree sleeping on his couch, which was small for him to lay down. I came down from his bed and used levitation spell to lay him on his bed. Basically, I decided to swap our spots cause Soiree was snoring, which indicated that he is uncomfortable. In the morning, Soiree woke up earlier than me.
I hope you guys enjoyed it^^
Also I submitted two wallpapers that I made for my sister. I hope you guys check it out, it's not the best one, but it made my sister happy....^_~ Comments
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Tuesday, August 8, 2006

At Korea
Hiya, Ishi is falling asleep so I, Soiree is posting. (Ishi: haha, Soysause!!! Soiree: I'm not a Soysause!!!!)
It's 10:32 PM here and let's see, what did Ishi did so far after she arrived to Korea. Oh yeah! The plane ride was uhh, fun^^ (Ishi: fun for you silly!!!!). Ishi almost got a heart attack. The plane was shaking too much that it dropped couple of feet all of a sudden and Ishi thought we were crashing. We were like in the air for couple of seconds too and Ishi's mom was in the bathroom so she was in the air brushing teeth. (Ishi: not funny, stop giggling alright?). So I had to calm Ishi down cause her heart is very weak and it gets shocked pretty much over anything.
Also, Ishi was listening to too much Korean music that she started like humming the songs while in line for immigration. She also listened to classical music. I can't stand classical music, but Ishi loves it. Also Ishi's sister found KOF maximum impact official Korean site. Ishi was laughing while reading my profile in Korean. She told me that it totally fits me. Mehhh...T.T Ishi is mean and she calls me "Soysause" or "Soybean" I don't know why... (Cause Soi = Soy..LOL).
Anyhow, Ishi and I have to go to bed now. (Ishi: That sounds wrong you know that??? Soiree: Really???). So Tata, bye!!!!
Profile laugh...XD
Yeah, me and my sister were laughing hard on Soiree's profile written in Korean. I went to the Japanese site and always wondered what it says, but now I know haha. Well hmm.. here are some translation I did so enjoy wootie woot...
Name: Soiree Meira
Bday: June 6th
Height: 183cm (about 6foot)
Weight: 70kg
Blood type: O
Birth place: German (really?!)
Hobby: making silver accessories (aww, cute^^)
Personal Treasure: His twin brother, Alba. (awww that's sweet)
Likes: His brother and Hamburgers (guys with food...-_-)
Dislikes: Rat (O.O)
Good at: Dancing and Dart (Woot! Soi-kun can play DDR with Ishi...LOL)
Soiree always thinks that his brother is the best in the world. His personaly is very cheerful and generous, but he is quick to anger. Because his innocent smiles are considered cute, he is popular among girls (ack! Ishi has competition!!!!), however he has immature side. He strongly believes that the new boss of South City should be his older twin brother.
I know I did bad translation...^_~
even though you guys can't read, here is the credit of where this infos are from since not crediting will be BAD...XD
KOF Maximum Impact Official Korean site
Anyhow, good night (since it's bed time here) chaoz!!!! I hope you guys enjoyed the info that I kinda translated half asleep....^^;;
~Kurosaki Ishimaru Comments
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Saturday, August 5, 2006

Randomness again
So Ishi is packing with Soiree (the guy on my layout incase you missed out before) and Ichigo was sent to Crystal-chan or 311-chan's lair. It was sad, but 311-chan promised Ishi that she will take care of Ichi for her while she is gone to Korea. Who knows what she might due to Shinigami dude.
Soiree - So uhh, where is Korea?
Ishi - Are you kidding me?
Soiree - I've never been to Asia^^
Ishi - Uhhh, Korea is located between Japan and China. It's a really small country. *points at the map*
Soiree - I see. So what language do they speak back there?
Ishi - Korean of course^^
Soiree - *O.O* I don't know how to speak it
Ishi - Dunt worry, I'm here for you to translate^^
Soiree - awww, Ishi... why did I meet such a sweet person soo late!!!
Ishi - why? am I too old to be your girlfriend?
Soiree - No I think I'm old...^^;;
Ishi - *try to smack Soiree, but can't reach* You aren't old!!!
Soiree - How so?
Ishi - You are mid 20s and think you are old??? *grabs the mic* "WHO THINKS A PERSON WHO IS IN HIS MID 20S IS OLD??? RAISE YOUR HAND!!!!!"
Soiree - prolly a lot of people will raise their hand
Ishi - *darn it! I can't smack his head!!!* No!!! Don't think negatively.. how come you are so different from your twin brother
Soiree - cause he is cool and I idolize him for that
Ishi - awww, so do you love your twin brother?
Soiree - of course I love him, he is my only family member...
Ishi - (darn it I forgot about his history) hehe, and you have me too, well if I don't suit to be your girlfriend, I'll be your younger sis...^^;;
Soiree - how funny, a German guy having an azn younger sis....^^
Ishi - hehe, adoption....XP
Soiree - Okay! So me all packed and ready to go, anything else???
Ishi - okay lemme check... what about your underwear???
Soiree - Opps! In the luandry!!!!
Ishi - heh, I knew you were forgetting something^^
Soiree - thanks Ishi, you are so caring *huggles*
Ishi - *blush like an apple**happy to death*
Soiree - Ahhh!!! Ishi has a fever!!!!! *runs to the kitchen*
Ishi - *sigh* even though he is old, he doesn't know about some things^^
Going to Korea
Yes! I'm leaving in the morning 9:30 from home and will be on the plane for 13 hours. Whoosh, what am I going to do on the plane. Now I'm converting anime like crazy to put it in my ipod and charging my PSP so I can play game like an Otaku. Anyhow, it won't be that boring since I have new gears like ipod and PSP with games woot!!! I hope they play some interesting movies so I could watch them. It would be a blast if they play Pirates of the Caribean 2, but it's impossible since it's in the theaters now. Anyhow, I'll tell you guys about it when I arrive.. woohoo... love you all!!!!!
~Kurosaki Ishimaru Comments
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Friday, August 4, 2006
One day till I go?

Okay so I just want to do this cause I'm bored...^^ Its a little fanfiction with Ichi (Kurosaki Ichigo from Bleach), Ishi (myself), and Soiree-kun(from KOF , and the guy on this layout...^^;;) It all began when Ishi was watching the ending of King of Fighters: Maximum Impact 2.
Ishi - NOOO!!! Soiree-kun dies!!!!
Ichi - yay!!!!!
Soiree - What? I'm still hear Ishi
Ishi - but you die right there? See? see? *showing him the movie*
Soiree - *?* What da?
Ichi - Ishi, you are spoiling his future!
Ishi - uhh....^^;;
Soiree - Oh this! *smacks Ishi's head* This was the movie that I was in recently. I'm not dead^^;;
Ishi&Ichi - Oooooo...
Ishi - okay! Enough with Soi-kun dying in pain. Let's watch Ichi in pain^^
Soiree - Sounds like a plan
Ichi - me? pain? Wha?
*watching Bleach episode 91*
Ichi - what da?
Soiree&Ishi - WooooooooooW
Ichi - When did this happen? Who is that guy? Why am I in Bankai form? Isn't that my quincy friend Ishida?
Soiree - Quincy friend?
Ishi - yeah, Ichi's world is filled with weirdness like Shinigami and Hollow and Allankar and Vizards and.. place call Soul Society..
Soiree - *O.O* Ishi... you are OTAKU!!!!!
Ishi - I am? Oh! I know your birthday Soi-kun^^ I know Ichi-kun's birthday too...
Soiree&Ichi - *O.o*
Ichi - When is your birthday again?
Ishi - *O.o* I told you before...
Soiree - you never toldme so...^^;;
Ishi - you are okay Soi-kun since I just met you^^ Now Wuffy, when is my bday again?
Ichi - uhhh.... uhhh... uhh... December 22nd?
Ishi - Good wuffy!!!
Soiree - *writes down on his lil book*
*Some moment later, Ishi watching Korean program*
Soiree&Ichi - Can you understand that?
Ishi - yeah!!
Ichi - Wow, how do they dance like that?
Soiree - I'm a dancer too.. woot! *does his lil break dance*
Ishi - Soi-kun, I really love when you dance^^
Ichi - garrrrrrrrr
Ishi - awww, don't be mad, Ichi. You have tonz of girls out there... *yells outside* "Alright How many of you otakunians love Ichi?????"
Ichi - prolly none..
Soiree - prolly tons...*T.T*
Ishi - Awww, Gomen Soi-kun.... *hugs him tightly and never lets it go*
Ichi - Awww, how cute bla bla bla..
Ishi - Wuffy wants huggy too???
Ichi - NO!!!! DAME!!!!!
Soiree - are you saying that cause your too shy??
Ichi - NO! NO! NO!!!!!
Ishi - *sigh* oh well, I wanted to hug you, but nevermind...
Soiree - awww, hey! Look what have you done to my Ishi.
Ichi - Your Ishi? Excuse me I had her first!
Soiree - really?
Ichi - Really?
Ishi - Yes, me no object
Soiree&Ichi - awww....-_-
Ishi - hehe.....^_^
I know couple of you saw the new layout...^_~ Thanks for comments Constance-chan and Krista-chan...^^ It really meant a lot to me cause I was scared of releasing this layout cause you know... I'm a girl and the layout sort of looks like guy's layout... LOL anyhow.. well have a great Friday wootie woot. Me have to go pack for the Korea trip wootie woot!!!!! Comments
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Thursday, August 3, 2006
New Theme wootie!!!!

New Theme
I know I told Sammy-chan or Sesslover18 that I will use BoA's song as BGM, but sorry, I changed my mind I think this music suits more in the theme. I just felt like changing it before I go to Korea since I can't change it back there. Anyhow, I know you guys are like "Who the heck?" or "Isn't that guy from Advent Children?" or "Ewww he looks ugly" or well it'll go on and on, but hey! Better than on going Ichi themes right???? I'm just trying something new.^_^ Notice the background music has Chinese on the title, but it's actually a Korean music so don't get confused!!!!!
Ishi's on-going emotional days
Well it's not about being depressed, most of the media Ishi has been watching all so sad. First of all the newest chapter of Bleach so sad that Ishi couldn't hold her tears and she end up crying and screaming and yelling. Yes, it was that depressing of a Chapter. And today before I went to my college orientation, my sister showed me the ending of KOF: Maximum Impact 2. So what's so emotional about that? Isn't KOF fighting game??? Well it does have a story plot and my newly favorite character Soiree Meira (the guy on the layout woot!) DIES!!!!! Ishi was so sad!!!! I mean he just came out on Maximum Impact 1 and dies at 2. So sad!!! I mean why does Ishi's fav. Video game character all have the same faith... (Zax from FFVII(?), Axel (Kingdom Hearts), and now Soi-kun...T.T) Anyhow, yes Ishi is dealing with major sadness and stress from some other things these days.
Anyhow that's all for today...
Have a great Thursday and wish me luck cause me have final exam on my online course tomorrow...
*looks back and sees Ichi cursing Ishi*
arrggg... that evil Shinigami, if Soi-kun is alive he would totally beat him up...^_~
anyways... I'm off now..
~Kuro Ishi~ Comments
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Tuesday, August 1, 2006

I feel lonely these days. I'm on AIM, MSN, and Yahoo and there are people online, but they don't or never talk to me. Isn't that weird that people add me, but never talk to me? Why do they even add me if they aren't going to talk to me? It's a strange world. I think my chatting buddies are getting tired of me and I'm sure you guys are tired of me too. Something is telling me that I should leave myotaku again and never come back.
I tried this before with my previous account you know, to be famous, but I already gave that up because there is no way that stupid dream will come true because there is always someone is better than me and I'm on the ground when the others are flying on the sky. Isn't that weird how everyone around me has the life I want and I never get to that level? It's so weird how the thing I desire the most never comes and only the worse comes to get me.
Anyhow, just letting you all know that I'm down again not as bad as cutting myself, but I should do something about this cause I won't feel any better unless I do somethig. Now what should I do??? *goes to the secret basement and never comes back up* Comments
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Monday, July 31, 2006
I'm alright I guess...
Ishi is way way obsessed

yeah I could tell that I'm obsessed with Bishies and I should stop it somehow before I enter college which will be in less than a month hope this will stop for good so Ishi can focus on studies. Anyways yay!!!! 311-chan does awesome job with graphics... I wish I could make like that....^^ Anyhow thank you 311-chan!!!!!!
311-chan has her FL as well^^
Inuyasha311 or Crystal-chan has her own fanlist as well^^ it's own by me so here is the link.. please join if you are a fan of her. If you are anti crystal-chan fan, I'll seriously kick you out of it since I DO have that power^^ Anyhow here is the linkie!!!!
That's it for today....^^
good night guys^^ Comments
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Saturday, July 29, 2006
Guess what????

haha long post prepare to get tortured...
Guess what?
Like the topic says guess what guys??? (you guys:*silent*) arggg.. it's a week before I go to Korea for 2 weeks how happy is that woot!!!!!! Anyhow, yes I'm happy and I can't wait to see my dad and my grandma.. it will be the happiest 2 weeks of all cause I'm off to college and it will be the last time seeing my dad in one year I guess since he won't be visiting me much since I will be busy with college.... *Ishi wants to cry* Yes, living apart from your dad is such a hard thing to do in your life
Ichi: I wish I could live away from my crazy dad
Ishi: Don't say that! He is your dad after all!
Ichi: But he wakes me up weirdly in the morning
Ishi: arggg.. that's because he loves you
Ichi: no he doesn't love me
Ishi: But I love you^^
Ichi: Really?
Ishi: yup yup yup^^ *huggles*
Ichi: but I saw you with another guy...
Ishi: awww.. what's wrong with me loving multiple anime guys???
Ichi: hurts me...T.T
Ishi: awww me sorry...^^;;
speaking of another anime
Ishi's yet another obsession
Oh yay! My first video game that I got obsessed with released its OVA.... oh yeah, and Ishi's Fav. Character was in it for sec, which hurt me. Also they had this another guy that I've never seen in the game before. Woot! Anyhow, yes Ishi got obsessed with it and keep on watching over and over again even though those OVAs are 10 minute long.... T..T Why can't it be a little longer....LOL anyhow... I got some screen capturing done so here are 1 pic for each well I found my fav. character looks different from the game.
Before I dig into pictures, my first video game obsession was KOF, King of Fighters, on Gameboy. I always played it with my cousin. My cousin and I liked the same character which you'll be seeing later. Forgot his last name, but his name is Terry. Yes ever since then, Ishi's Blonde obsession got started. Blonde obsession? After that I started to like Matt from Digimon and Joey from YGO and Ichi, well he isn't blonde but still bright hair color^^ My sister still plays the game on the computer, but since Ishi is busy with something else, I just watch her play. Well enough with me talking picture time woot.

Yup he is Terry. He wore some other uniform and had longer hair on the version I played. It was hard to recognize that it is him since his outfit changed, but I figured out by his Lazy personality. He normally wears red short sleeve jacket, white T-shirt, Blue Jeans, and red and white cap. According to my sister, this OVA is based on KOF 2003, which I never tried in my life. I had 97 or 96 so of course the character is a lot more grown up then the previous games. Still, he looks soo hot. Well sorry, but some people call me "broken eye" for being a weirdo..^^ moving onto #2.

He is the new guy that I've never seen in game. My sister told me that he is not in any other versions as well. I'm guessing he is the new character that is about to get added in the new upcoming game. His name is Soiree, sounds like Korean or Chinese. What I like about him? Let's see, first of all, I'm the owner of the Silver Haired Bishie Fan Clique, how could I not like him. Also he is well hot...^^ He isn't wearing a shirt so that definitely grabbed my attention cause well you know Ishi is a perv. He is really caring too. There is this one girl who follows him around, he saves her from the fire injuring himself. I was moved by it^_^
Anyhow, sorrie for the long post...^^
I'll see you guys around... Comments
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Monday, July 24, 2006

Seriously it's my comp!!!!
what's up with the topic? well too bad you guys weren't here yesterday. You see Wuffy is keep on playing with my computer and he said he wants to post for me again. Stupid Wuffy, if you say something bad about me I'm summonning the leash. *Ichigo in the corner*
**K.I. Off the comp**
Hey Hey! It's me again posting for Ishi...XD let's see, yesterday her sister's friend had a sleepover so she was their driver haha. Ishichan drive too fast that she almost gave me a heart attack (Ishi: lier! I was driving at 50 miles per hour!) and she was listening to me singing. Yup I love my voice, but she sister turned the song which made me mad, maybe I should give up being a Shinigami and become a singer, I'll gain more popularity through that. (Ishi: yea right, go to American Idol see if you win^^)
Also Ishi got my shrine layout up, and I look damn hot in the layout woot. I'm sure it'll grab lots of girls and it'll be popular cause Ishi is awesome making a little space just for me. I bet she will never do that to her boyfriend, wait I'm her boyfriend^^ (Ishi: you aren't a real person and you expect me to date you? What is love buddy?)
Ichi: What is love? This is what I call love...
Ishi: Here we go again *sigh*
Ichi: Aww, com'on Ishi, you don't want huggle from me?
Ishi: you hugged me over 2 times and you want more hugs?
Ichi: Cause you are very huggable..
Ishi: you know that sounds very wrong
Ichi: awww...
Ishi: fine you are very pettable!
Ichi: *O.O* am I?
Ishi: yes, fluffy puppy hair woot!
Ichi: am I huggable too?
Ishi: no your abs are too buff that my arms doesn't go around you...^^ me have short arms..
Ichi: no you are kidding, your hands were touching before when you hugged me.
Ishi: you've gotten taller and buffer Ichigo because of all those training
Ichi: really? Yay!! Soon, I'll be able to beat up all the people bothering Ishi.
Ishi: Alright, can you beat yourself up then?
Ichi: Why? Am I bothering you?
Ishi: sometimes...
Ichi: Alright Bring it on Shirosaki! (His alter Ego or Hollow form. Looks just like him, but has bright orange eyes and white skin and white hair and wearing white robe) How dare you bother Ishi!!!
Shiro: (...)*sleepin*
Ishi: are you nuts? He is inside of you. How are you going to... *O.O*
Ichi: Old man (he calls his Zanpakutou spirit old man), teleport me there so I could beat Shirosaki.
Ishi: Ano, who are you talking to???
Ichi: Mehhh, me turn to emo mode... *find happy place, find happy place*
-Stay tune for next part of this dialogue- Comments
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