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Joen H. Chang
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Bleach, Tsubasa Chronicle
| Kurosaki Ishimaru
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Friday, June 9, 2006

Graduation Time
Yes, unfortunatly today(the 9th) is Ishi's graduation *background music = Pomp and Circumstances* Anyhow, yes Ishi got her graduation dress woot! I'll post the pictures probably on Sunday (you'll see why). Anyhow woohoo! Ishi graduating and yeah.. lots of presents and lots of flowers and holly molly Grad night party from 10 PM through 5:30 AM?! Woosh, how would Ishi survive this long party... The rules are very strict too... No bag, no cellphone, no leaving early (aka you are stuck there till 5:30 no matter what) Anyhow, no bag only Yearbooks allowed sort of sad cause I was trying to do my PSP all night long so I won't go to sleep. I have a bad feeling that I would fall asleep and my guy friends will grew somethings on it...haha..
Yearbook signing
It was yesterday and I don't know how many funny comments I've got.. okay here are some comments I know you guys won't know them but enjoy!!!! They are part of the comment so don't be shocked...
1. "The fourth grader, just kidding" -Danny-
2. "Hi! You are finally gone!!!!" -Chris L-
3. "Hi! I'm not a sponge" -Derrick aka da sponge-
4. "You are crazy crazy cool!" -Arjun-
5. "I remember when you were obsessed with Joey. LOL" (yes all you my old myo friends you know her point) -Elana-
Yeah... I know those aren't that funny but made Ishi's day... and also here is the most sweetest comment from Ishi's Secret Crush.. well not gonna type the whole thing but here is what he wrote..
"I shall always remember you! You were the first person to befriend me in a place when I had none, and for that I am eternally grateful..." -Chris S.- and it goes on for couple more sentences.
It is true, he transferred from Hong Kong and he knew no one so I talked to him and invited him over to our lunch buddies. I'm glad that he enjoyed his senior year being with us!!!!!
That's it for today...
Ishi goes bye bye I won't visit anyone cuase of the grad night party till 5:30 AM on Sat...XD
take care guys!!!!! Comments
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Sunday, June 4, 2006

Dinner party
Oh yeah! guess where Ishichan just came from... yes dinner party with my whoe family... wohoo family reunion woot!!!! And Ishi learned how to drink Sake from my dad's sibling. Yes, they are achoholic freaks. Haha it was fun drinking it with them. No, Ishi not drunk don't sorrie I had some sip but not gulp the whole thing. Its a traditional Japanese Sake and it soothe all those buttery feelings down. One of my uncle owns a Japanese Restaurant. We ate for free today because of me. This dinner is for my graduation thing woot! I was so happy.. free food I mean who hates free food ne?
Ichi: *in the corner*
Ishi: What?
Ichi: Ishi drunk, Ishi's daddy drunk. Me scared...
Ishi: Com'on!!! You are tall super buff guy scared of short azn girl drunk?
Ichi: *nod nod*
Ishi: I'm not even drunk silly.
Kensei: I totally want to see you drunk Ishi.
Ishi: Oh you don't want to see it hahaha.. I want to see Ichigo drunk..
Kensei: Oh you definitely don't want to see that, who knows what would happen, maybe his Hollow will appear and cut your throat, but before that happens I'll kick his @$$
Ishi: Kensei watch your mouth!
Ichi: hehe.. hehehe...
Ishi: Hmm... where is the sake bottle with the leftover...
Ichi: @_@
Interesting stuff
Okay myo first time ever, Ishi is trying to host one of those exchange thingies on myotaku so many people could interact with each other. Ishi was trying to set up today, but today she went out to buy her second labtop so uhh.. I didn't had time. Wow why was I typing in third person. So if it gets set up successfully I'll let you guys know and let you all join and have some fun with it! If you are interested in joining please leave me comment so I'll continue with the learning process alright?
The secret of this layout
Why purple? People asked. Well this is for my best friend at school name Claudia or she calls herself Clawdia. Funny huh? Anyhow, she totally loves purple. When I first met her, she called herself "Purple godess or purple princess" I don't remember which one. Her first AIM screen name was purplesky...XP So yeah, after this month we get seperated so I decided to use purple to represent our friendship. I showed the layout to her today, and she was pretty impressed with it. She really liked the purple stuffs and yes Constance-chan I got the butterflies... hehe... So yeah, if you are wondering why purple this is why.
Anyhow, have a great Sunday..
see you all later!!!!! Comments
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Friday, June 2, 2006

[edit]By the way, I submitted my latest wallpaper. please check it out!!!! PLZ!!!!!!
New Theme
well its the same layout as's layout.. I'm too lazy to make seperate layout for them also I don't have as much time as others so I just use the same layout wooot! Anyhow, I know it is not good cause Ishi sucks at Graphic, but I don't care this is all I got and I tried my best. Don't expect me to be like others around here alright?
Mini Recital
My aunt came all the way from Virginia to visit my grandma who is coming all the way from South Corea. (what's up with the C? Too bad you missed the argument haha). So yeah, they want to hear my play a little bit of Clarinet and Saxophone, so I'm posting late today. I just finished the recital and came back upstairs. They really enjoyed it. Let's see I played Mozart Clarinet Concerto, How Deep is your love, Reflections (Mulan), Rose Etude #1, and one Saxophone song (don't know the title), and obviously In the Mood. Oh yeah! Love that song! Who hates that song anyways? It's like my fav. Swing song...^^
Ichigo: You rocked Ishi!! I love when you played the second song on your Clarinet.
Ishi: How deep is your love?
Ichigo: Yes... me don't know that song but it was pretty
Ishi: You don't know that song???
Ichigo: I'm from Katakura town in Japan, what do you expect...TOT
Ishi: Oh I see, you with your super power friends
Kensei: What about me?
Ichigo: She didn't say anything about you stupid!
Kensei: I heard something about super power
Ishi: Oh I said Ichigo has a lot of super power friends
Kensei: Yeah I'm one of them aren't I? We are buddies right Strawberry?
Ichigo: Hey! Will ya stop it!!!!!!
Ishi: Mehhh... someone help me!!!!!!
Need your Help (URGENT)
I need help how to deal with the problem I have. I entered Crystal-chan's SOTM contest and nobody voted for me. I even put the link on my website but my affiliates didn't care about me. So I lost my 15th SOTM contest of my freakin life. It makes me really wanna quit Website, but I really love doing website and I really really really want to win at least one SOTM contest... well I did win, but it was with other site with site builders so obviously I won. Seriuosly guys... do I quit it or not? If I have to keep my website how do I win those freakin contest!!!!
I know you guys don't visit me site at all because I don't see any messages on the taggie board *sigh* I understand everyonez busy including myself... but seriuosly I really want to be popular like Crystal-chan... She told me her secrets and I tried couple of them... it doesn't work... is it because my graphic sucks? Or is it because visitors hate Ichigo-kun? I don't know...TOT I don't know what to do... somebody help me!!!! I'm drowning in the pool of depression again...
That's enough for today...
enjoy your friday!!!!! Comments
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Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Today is portfolio day!!!!
Senior English Speech date!!!!
Since I'm a senior I'll be doing my speech as well.. woot! And it is about Kurosaki Ichigo-kun. I'm not joking it is about him. Well sort of. My topic is about how traveling through different world changes character throughout the story. I decided to use Ichigo and Alice from Alice in Wonderland. Isn't that awesome! My teacher actually loved those examples. He told me that he cannot wait to see how I present anime character in my portfolio. He told me that I was the very first one to make connection between literature and Anime. HAHA...
Welcome back Jenny
Who is Jenny? My younger sister, she went to Korea to take placement exam over the memorial weekend. Guess what she got for me? She got Volume 19 of Bleach with the ubber sexy cover!!! Kya!!!! *hugs the manga and spins around* Anyways, my fav. volume ever because it has Ichigo's number one obsessed... Well actually his Hollow Form is my number one obsession, who cares!!! Also she got me a T-shirt for the upcoming world cup!!! Woo hoo!!! Corean Pride!!!!! Oh yeah, Corea is spelled this way!! Not with the "K". I don't wanna offend everyone but Stupid Japanese people saying that Corea should be spelled with a "K" to come after them!!!! Don't wanna be mean or racist, but Screw you all for being so bossy!!!!!!! So yeah, from now on... Corea is with the C!!!!!!
I feel very lonely these days. On AIM or MSN but no one ever dares to talk to me. I even got yahoo messanger account, but still no one talks to me. How sad... I feel lonely around everywhere, myo, my website at shchool at home. I don't know guess I'm deserve to be lonely anyways. *sigh* Oh well...
anyhow have a great Tuesday... Comments
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Saturday, May 27, 2006

The 2nd Senior Prank
hahaha it was the most hilarious day!!!!
I was suppose to go to school @ 4:30 AM, but well I failed..TOT but the senior prank went really well..
alright at the enterance of the school, bunch of guys with super soakers start squirting at people even teachers... haha... also at the townsquare we had tents set up and we had grills and radio and stuff so that other people would think we slept over and stuff. What else???? Yeah that was about it... oh yeah! We also block the parking lot in a weird way so we kinda pissed the parents off..haha... Oh yeah, since I overslepted the seniors squirted even me...^^ Also some guys accidently poured whole bucket of water at Ishi...
and Ishi was little sick this morning and it wasn't very pleasant getting a whole bucket of water being dumped^^
Last Highschool day of my life!
Yes it's over.. Ishi's highschool life is totally over!! Ishi really sad because she and her secret crush has to be far away for the rest of the life.. well Ishi loves doing Origami and I have collection of my stars. I got a bottle a heart shaped one and filled with the stars. And I gave it to him. I know so many people were telling me to say "I love you" to him, but once again Ishi was too shy to say it in front of everyone surrounding them. Oh well, Ishi'll have a chance during summer!!!!!
Ichi: No! Don't dare tell him *holding the kitchen knife*
Ishi: *@_@* why?
Ichi: Cause you are my property!
Ishi: WHAT? Since when?
Ichi: From now on!
Ishi: Wha I mean, hey! I'm 3 years older than you! Surrender to the senior!
Ichi: Nope! I'm taller than you! You are 4th grader compare to me^^
Ishi: You are same as Danny and others!! Mehh!!!! *goes and cries*
Ichi: *o_O* Uhh, Ishi I didn't mean to make you cry... Ishi... *huggles*
Ishi: garrr.. get away from me!
Ichi: *big puppy eyes*
Ishi: not today
Ichi: *wagging invisible tail*
Ishi: I told you not today
Ichi: *Wha~~~~*
Ouran Highschool Host Club
I got obsessed with it, thanks to my sister. So funny I just can't stop laughing. Oh yeah! This is where the BGM came from. Isn't it cute? I love this song!!! *singing along* Anyhow, you guys should check it out, funny romance anime. Lots of guys^^ I know I watch bleach because of the guys not because of story plot... yeah... I'm getting real tired of the filler episodes!!! I want the manga part right now!!! I'm obsessed with new character in manga and need lots of his pictures badly!!!! Anyhow check the anime out!!!!!
That's it for today!!!
Have a great Saturday^^ Comments
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Wednesday, May 24, 2006

New layout!!!
you guys are like what? This layout isn't new.. No, I'm talking about I got a new layout up... it's made by Crystal-chan and I'm totally lovin it!!!! Anyhow if you have time please check it out and lemme know on the taggie board... also if you have a website and wanna be affies read the rules and email it to me!!! I know I'm excited to get some new affies and siblings^^
Ishi scaring lower classmans
Okay.. here are some chat I had with people yesterday and made them scared...
1) The binder talk
* = Ishi's binder has This picture on
Will: Who the hell is this guy? *read the words* oh Bleach...
Ishi: No, he is my boyfriend! Gotta problem with that? huh? huh?
Will: *walks away*
Chris (Ishi's crush): *LOL*
Ishi: did I scared him away?
Chris: awww poopy... he makes me jealous
Ishi: who? Will?
Chris: no, your boyfriend...
Ishi: I have a boyfriend, since when?
Chris: you just said he *points the binder* is your boyfriend
Ishi: oh, that was a joke.. haha haha got it.. joke
Everyone: "..."
2) Ishi's Nightmare chat
Ishi: Ichigo's Hollow form rush towards me and bit my knee.. than I started to grow bigger and bigger and became hydralisk in Starcraft and (it goes on and on and on)
Nick (Ishi's Bleach fan friend): o_O
Derrick: uhhh...
Ishi: and I went to derrick's house and he had a machine gun..
Derrick: *evil smile*
Ishi: then he shoot me like this *poses*
Brian (d's younger brother): I could totally see my brother having a machine gun...
Ishi: then I died happily by my enemy!!!!!
Derrick: Oh great I'm your enemy now
Ishi: I wish I could turn like that and go GRGKAJGAFLDAJFDA?! (making noise)
Derrick: uhhhh okay...
Chris (the same guy): Then we must run for it everyone run!! Evil Joen (real name) is going to kill us all!!!!
Brian: all we need is a machine gun...
3) Reunion Chat
Ishi: too bad you'll be in massachussetts.
Chris: yeah.. far away..
Ishi: don't worrie, while I stay in California, I'll get a hot, buff, beach volleyball player as my boyfriend and be happy^^
Chris: *o_O* oooookay... you think you can do it?
Ishi: well if I go to the beach?
Chris: oh well, guess I have to find someone too...
Ishi: we all going to marry someone right?
Chris: unless we marry one another..
Ishi: *blush**lookin down* how is that possible..
Chris: anything is possible
Ishi: giant kitchen knife? (referring to Ichigo's Zanpakutou)
Chris: no not that...
Ishi: Cthulhu?
Chris: no Cthulhu...
Ishi: awwww...
Chris: hehehhehehehehehe....
Ad time
Oh yeah, those of you who still haven't joined by marriage FC the link is on my website... click on the fancy animation button labled "cof" and you'll find the link to the marriage FC... Still sesslover18 is the only member (thank you, I love you girl for joining!!!!!) Anyhow... that's it for tonight people...
Q of the day
Q: Which chat from above is your fav? Why?
A: I like them all because I'm a freaky person!!!! Comments
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Monday, May 22, 2006
Really upset!!!!

I thought everyone wanted to know the concert result so I posted up but sadly no one even dare to read it so I won't tell you guys how it went because it was all on Friday's post and I don't want to type it all out again!!!!! If you really really want to know PM individually cause I don't know who wants to know and who doesn't
**Chain of Faith** Remodeling done!!
As you guys know, **Chain of Faith** is my website title. I took sometime to remodel the whole website and well organize things using the subdomain. You want to see it? Well the link is on the right with the button labeled "COF" If you go there, there will be a link to the main website, shrine for Ichigo, Marriage FC, and SHB clique. So yeah, finally got to post up the link of the Marriage FC!!! so take some time to look over the remodel!!! I know you want to....^^
About MFC
Sesslover18 advertised my fanclub yesterday, but unfortunately she didn't link to the website which really made me sort of upset, cause I didn't had a link up on myo and probably made some visitors mad. I was sort of surprised that I got 5 visit but 0 comments people are so careless about my life especially the concert result garr!!! Anyhow the link is now up so I think people could visit!!!!
In the future please please link back to "" not myotaku site alright?????
Weekend with Ichi
Yes, I didn't go to the prom and I decided not to go to my chinese concert today too because I was really tired. So I was at home with Ichi doing english homework and remodeling the website. It was fun^^
Ichi: It isn't fun. You know how much I hate the name "Strawberry" and you used it on my shrine.
Ishi: it's cute. I love your name!!! I hate my name!
Ichi: which one? You have like 5 different name!!!
Ishi: my Korean one and English name.
Ichi: awww... English name are so cool though, I wish I have American name.
Ishi: @_@ Your name sounds like one.
Ichi: aww, but I want one^^
Ishi: I don't know. Eric? Chris? Nick? David? Kevin?
Ichi: uhhh... hmmm I don't know, I guess anything is fine.
Ishi: I personally like the name Nick and Chris.
Ichi: I see, wait, isn't Chris that guy's name?
Ishi: *@///@* Yes, it is his name...
Ichi: I'm so jealous of him.
Ishi: Why? Why would you be jealous of him?
Ichi: cause Ishi <3 him.
Ishi: What? I love you too Ichi, opps!
Ichi: really? Aww.. Ishi... *hugs*
Ishi: *^////^* I love getting hugged by your buff body. So not squishy.
Ichi: That just sounds wrong.
Ishi: hehehe... Sorrie
Ichi: it's okay.
Ishi: Chris never hugs me, he runs away from me...TTOTT
Ichi: well he better hug you before he goes to Messachussetts. He goes faraway from Ishi.
Ishi: I know... he told me that I should get a hot well built beach volleyball player as my boyfriend since I'm staying in California.
Ichi: Aren't I one? Well, I don't play volleyball...
Ishi: Yes you are Shinigami^^
Ichi: But I'm hot and well built^^
Ishi: uhh... true.. but...
Ichi: what is it?
Ishi: those well built beach volleyball players will hate me cause I'm..
Ichi: *covers Ishi's mouth* no negative things about yourself like 'oh I'm so ugly or I'm so fat!!'
Ishi: but I am!!!!!!
Ichi: Who cares about the outside!!!
Ishi: everyone does care about outside!!!
Ichi: well I don't *hugs* don't worrie...^^
Ishi: awwww... thanks... you are making my day!!!
Me off now... see you!!!!!!
make sure to look around my website and join Marriage FC since I got the link up!!!!! Comments
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Saturday, May 20, 2006
Concert over!!!!!

The dialogue continues (will be the whole post so enjoy reading...LOL)
*After Concert*
Ishi: garrr... I made 30 something mistake!!!!
Kensei: haha... I told you Wuffy!
Ichi: But Ishi, you did alright, everyone isn't perfect right? I'm not perfect, I have stupid alter ego inside trying to take over me.
Ishi: well I guess I gave my best shot even though it sounded like crap!
Ichi: *hugs Ishi* no, don't say that word. You are making me sad.
Ishi: awww... thanks... *go packs her stuff up, grabs two boque of flowers she got from teacher and her friends*
Ichi: *@_@* uhh... wait here! *runs outside*
Ishi: What da? I was about to ask him to carry stuff...
Kensei: *change his mood* here, I'll carry your clarinet.
Ishi: awww.. you are sweet thanks!!
Ichi: *comes back with a bouque of Roses* Here, congrats on your last highschool concert!
Ishi: *O_O* Roses!!! I've never gotten this much roses before!!! Awww... Ichi... what am I going to do with you!!!!!
Ichi: *grins* You can do anything with me.
Kensei: Oh really? Even strip him?
Ichi: Well, if she wants she could...*TT_TT*
Kensei: haha that would be something fun to watch.
Ishi: nope, how about you take off that shirt of yours and put it in the laundry?
Kensei: *@_@* my shirt...
Ishi: yes, your shirt really stinks.
Ichi: haha...
Ishi: you too Wuffy!!!!!
Ichi: *@_@*
Ishi: guys don't be dirty we should wash and be all clean^^
Ichi: my alter ego doesnt like being clean.
Ishi: well then tell him to listen to me!!!!
Ichi: uhhh... I'll try...^^
********************Back at Home*******************
Ishi: Alright guys, remember my words...
Ichi&Kensei: Okay... *takes off their shirts inside the bathroom**put them in the laundry basket*
Ishi: *@,,@* Good... now uhh excuse me... *clean her nose*
Kensei: you pervert you wanted to see it huh?
Ichi: no, today is just laundry day right Ishi? Ishi?
Ishi: heh..heh..heh... I'm alright, yes it's laundry day...
Ichi: I told you...
Kensei: yea whatever...
Ichi: *sigh* anyhow Ishi, I'm changing into my jams.
Ishi: okay...^^ Me go laundry time!!!!
Prom is today (20th) but unfortunately Ishi is not going cause she is kinda sick. I got a lip infection due to tremendous amount of stress and sleepless. I'm going to rest at my house peacefully tomorrow with Wuffy. What's the point of going to Prom without a date anyways right? Being with Wuffy is more fun^^ Anyways, uhh... that's it for me..
Have a wonderful Saturday!!!! Comments
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Friday, May 19, 2006

# of Comment
wow it did incrase a lot... I normally get 1 or 2 but yesterday excluding mine I got like 4 woot!!! I'm getting there!! wootie woot!!!!!
Concert tomorrow!!!
It's Concert time!!!!
May 19th the biggest night of my life!!!
I'm performing Mozart Clarinet Concerto Movement number 1 (you should all listen to it... so cool!!!) anyhow Ishi is performing this 12 minute long solo... yes 12 minute... yes!! non-stop? no I need time to breathe...LOL anyhow.. wish me good luck I know most of you can't be there anyhow wish me good luck!!!!!!!
Random Chat
Ichi: *reads Ishi's Question of the day answer* you want to ditch and go to beach with me just to stare at my body?
Ishi: heh.. heh.. wha?
Ichi: fine, on that day I should wear a shirt over my bathing suit
Ishi: *puppy eye*
Ichi: No I cannot allow you to become a pervert!
Ishi: Pervert? I'm not gonna follow you to the locker room stare at you naked. It's just a beach.
Ichi: are you sure about that?
Ishi: Fine! we should go to the arcades then. We can play DDR together.
Ichi: DDR? What is that? Killing stuff?
Ishi: nope, it's a dancing game...
Ichi: @_@ There is no way I can play that game..
Ishi: oh come on! I saw how fast your Bankai level was. It's just pressing on arrows.
Ichi: *on the DDR pad at Ishi's house* uhh.. which arrow I can't see
Ishi: I haven't started the game yet.
Ichi: Oh!!!
Ishi: Oh here we go... *press random easy song*
Ichi: x_________________X
Ishi: @_@
Ichi: that game is harder than being a Shinigami
Ishi: it's easy
Ichi: Just because you played it before..
Ishi: true I'm sorrie...
Ichi: Would you wanna try being a Shinigami? *hands Ishi giant Kitchen knife*
Ishi: Help! *falls on the ground squashed by kitchen knife*
Ichi: see?
Ishi: Com'on!!! You are growing guy, have a six pack, super buff for freshman!! I'm just a musical senior with no muscle!!!!
Ichi: oh! HAHA I don't like weak girls..they are boring
Ishi: what? Strong buff guys are boring
Ichi: What? Hey take that back!!!
Ishi: you take that back first!!!!
Ichi: arggg.....
Ishi: argggg....
-To be continue-
Thanks Sesslover18
She is the first member of the Marriage FC woot!!!
still waiting on people to join wootie woot!!!
I have to work on my MC speaking of which...
see you guys later...
have a wonderful friday and wish me good luck!!!! Comments
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Thursday, May 18, 2006

Marriage FC[again]
for the people who missed my yesterday's post...
here is the link to the Marriage FC!!!!!
Derrick's Prank
Those of you who knew me before know that Derrick or some guy's name starts with a D used to be my secret crush before Chris appear...LOL anyhow.. his birthday was yesterday, but he never told me!!!! Anyhow, he disguised as someone else in the restaurent and do that phone thing from horror movies. Everyone freaked out whenever someone's phone was reading. He said he is in the restaurant somewhere, but we couldn't find him until his 3rd trip to the bathroom. Here is the funny comment we said to him "Happy Birthday Derrick, you know you are suppose to gain one age instead of gain like negative 5 right? You are 18 right instead of 13?" Anyhow... I just wanna say Happy Belated Birthday to him^^
The result of the Senior Ditch Day
Yes, for the people who read my post yesterday.. it was senior ditch day... we went to eat breakfast and bowling!!! I was the last place in bowling unfortunately... well Ishi never learned how to bowl right and we decided to play at the arcade inside the bowling area.. woot!! DDR!!! I was trying to ask my guy friends to play with me, but they were busy playing shooting games... garrr shame on them!!!!!! Anyhow it was really really fun . too bad I forgot to take pictures TOT. I was the official driver of Derrick. I gave him ride to Irvine Spectrum and to his house. It was fun riding with him. ^////^ kinda exciting for Ishi too.. haha...
Ichi: Ishi you left me on my leash and you went out with some guy?
Kensei: Why do you have a leash on you again?
Ichi: One of Ishi's myo friend gave to her for her 18th birthday
Kensei: haha... *bleh*
Ishi: do you need one too Muguruma-kun?
Kensei: uhh.. no thanks.. I'm good..
Ichi: Kensei would actually break it cause he is one BIG meanie
Kensei: WHAT!!! Aren't you a meanie too?
Ichi: Well I'm not breaking the leash, I'm her loyal Wuffy.
Kensei: aww how cute Wuffy..
Ichi: Garr... don't call me that!! Only Ishi gets to call me Wuffy!!!
Ishi: ummm first of all, Derrick is my friend not my boyfriend. he is just my guyfriend and second of all "I" get to call Ichigo "Wuffy"
Kensei: oh...
Ishi: I'm sorrie Wuffy!! I'll take you next time *huggles*
that's it for today!!!!
I hope you guys have wonderful Thursday
oh wait! Before I go... question of the day!!!!
Question of the day
Q: If you have a ditch day with your fav. anime character, what would you do?
Ishi's A: With Wuffy (Ichigo) I would go to the beach just to stare at his hot body with six packs and all that good stuff...>////< LOL Comments
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