I'm back who cares?
Yes I'm back and does anyone care is my question... I guess no one would...>_> you guys will be like "who the heck is Ishi?" sorry for my attitude, currently pissed off so I'm like this... anyhow... I'm back woohoo... *party party!!!!*
New layout!
Yup yup I got new layout folks!!!! I know very purple.. I like purple.. started to like it...T_T And of course you guys know my layout always features a guy...X3 it's sad!!! he appears on one episode and dies in that episode. WTF!!! Is what I want to say... And he lost to a girl too... garrrr... *cursin Rukia* There aren't any real reason why I like him except he's male version of myself.... kinda cool that we share so many similiarities... no, sadly he isn't a musician and I don't think he is Korean...lol Anyhow... hope you guys like the new layout!!!
So how's Ishi's life
Can I say good and bad? Well you all know I'm living alone at my house and going to school. Things have been worse. I am lonelier than ever and sleeping too much. People are corrupting me to be a pervert.. you name it. Failing in English class. Seeing online people hating me and ignoring me big time. It's a shock for sure. I hope people have understandings that I need people to chat with and stuff like that to get out of my loneliness... Even you guys, but I don't mind since you all busy with "your friends". Another bad thing my website... my website has been dying... no visitors.. affiliates not commenting and visiting me... kinda shocking... I think the world is against me that things are starting to fall apart.. I think the dead people above are calling me to join them.... or something like that? I mean why should I exist if things are going down? I can't take this anymore you know... I don't know what to do...
anyhow that's just my rant... I'm not being suicidal or anything so don't worry^^ those days are over, just stressed cause nothing is going to way I wanted... I wish things could change...
have a good day guys!!!!
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