Go Corea!!!
Hey hey hey!!!
Are you guys enjoy watching World Cup???

well I guess Kurosaki-kun isn't watching...LOL
anyhow, sadly Japan lost to Austrailia.. it was expected.. Corea's former coach became Aussie's coach and you know Korea was 4th place on 2002, so it was basically expected^^ anyhow.. Korea won on the 13th against Togo, its a country in Africa... Anyhow... well Ishi got mad because the opposite team kept on attacking Ishi's fav. player and try to injure him and make him go out of the game so they could win us easily, but we had more secret players other than him.. anyhow.. so who is Ishi's favorite Character? Fine you boy-crazed freaks reading this post, I'll post this picture right now!!!!!

Ji-Sung Park!!! He was number 7 yes isn't he lucky!!! Number 7!!! Woot! He sure is one lucky player kept on getting attacked but didn't get injured badly. Woot! Go him!!! He didn't shoot any goals, but who cares everyone still loves him^^ If you ask Korean their fav. player, probably he is one of them.. isn't it scary that he is one year odler than Ishi in Korea? Wow, Ishi feel so old...XD no one back in Korea believes that Ishi is 20 years old... hahaha... anyhow..
Big News with Chainoffaith DOT com
Nothing big, I added graphic section and got rid of photoshop lesson cause no one hardly looks at it. Also I created a comic series with my Ragnarok character... I got the first chapter done so I'm going to make a website for it... I have the url, but I'll post it later when it is totally done. Also I'm almost done with new layout of chain of faith. Last thing, Marriage FC is gone cause no one except sesslover18 joined.. I was waiting and waiting, but no one joined.. I know it's sad..
Anyhow that's it for me today...
oh here are some questions about Ishi so yeah...
just have fun guessing...XP
Questions about Ishi
1. Why do you think Ishi <3 Ichigo? (if you don't know who Ichigo is the guy on Ishi's avi and on the layout...XD)
2. Ishi's Favorite Subject?
3. Ishi's Favorite Number?
4. Ishi's Nickname? (dunt have answer haha you guys get to answer this free)
5. Ishi is _____________. (Another freebe, fill in the blank..XD)
anyways... hav a great friday..
I know I missed you all!!!!
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