haha long post prepare to get tortured...
Guess what?
Like the topic says guess what guys??? (you guys:*silent*) arggg.. it's a week before I go to Korea for 2 weeks how happy is that woot!!!!!! Anyhow, yes I'm happy and I can't wait to see my dad and my grandma.. it will be the happiest 2 weeks of all cause I'm off to college and it will be the last time seeing my dad in one year I guess since he won't be visiting me much since I will be busy with college.... *Ishi wants to cry* Yes, living apart from your dad is such a hard thing to do in your life
Ichi: I wish I could live away from my crazy dad
Ishi: Don't say that! He is your dad after all!
Ichi: But he wakes me up weirdly in the morning
Ishi: arggg.. that's because he loves you
Ichi: no he doesn't love me
Ishi: But I love you^^
Ichi: Really?
Ishi: yup yup yup^^ *huggles*
Ichi: but I saw you with another guy...
Ishi: awww.. what's wrong with me loving multiple anime guys???
Ichi: hurts me...T.T
Ishi: awww me sorry...^^;;
speaking of another anime guy...lol
Ishi's yet another obsession
Oh yay! My first video game that I got obsessed with released its OVA.... oh yeah, and Ishi's Fav. Character was in it for sec, which hurt me. Also they had this another guy that I've never seen in the game before. Woot! Anyhow, yes Ishi got obsessed with it and keep on watching over and over again even though those OVAs are 10 minute long.... T..T Why can't it be a little longer....LOL anyhow... I got some screen capturing done so here are 1 pic for each guy...lol well I found my fav. character looks different from the game.
Before I dig into pictures, my first video game obsession was KOF, King of Fighters, on Gameboy. I always played it with my cousin. My cousin and I liked the same character which you'll be seeing later. Forgot his last name, but his name is Terry. Yes ever since then, Ishi's Blonde obsession got started. Blonde obsession? After that I started to like Matt from Digimon and Joey from YGO and Ichi, well he isn't blonde but still bright hair color^^ My sister still plays the game on the computer, but since Ishi is busy with something else, I just watch her play. Well enough with me talking picture time woot.

Yup he is Terry. He wore some other uniform and had longer hair on the version I played. It was hard to recognize that it is him since his outfit changed, but I figured out by his Lazy personality. He normally wears red short sleeve jacket, white T-shirt, Blue Jeans, and red and white cap. According to my sister, this OVA is based on KOF 2003, which I never tried in my life. I had 97 or 96 so of course the character is a lot more grown up then the previous games. Still, he looks soo hot. Well sorry, but some people call me "broken eye" for being a weirdo..^^ moving onto #2.

He is the new guy that I've never seen in game. My sister told me that he is not in any other versions as well. I'm guessing he is the new character that is about to get added in the new upcoming game. His name is Soiree, sounds like Korean or Chinese. What I like about him? Let's see, first of all, I'm the owner of the Silver Haired Bishie Fan Clique, how could I not like him. Also he is well hot...^^ He isn't wearing a shirt so that definitely grabbed my attention cause well you know Ishi is a perv. He is really caring too. There is this one girl who follows him around, he saves her from the fire injuring himself. I was moved by it^_^
Anyhow, sorrie for the long post...^^
I'll see you guys around...
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