It's Time...

<- Exactly how I feel right now!!!! (Awww Soiree, you are so good at expressing my feelings...XD; yes that's Soiree's anime form...xD)
Sorry I didn't visit any of you for the past couple of days! I've been sick!!! Had a stomach flu so wasn't feeling good at all!!! Also finals are coming and you know what that means... I actually have music written final tomorrow and I get to do composing and all sort of fun(?) stuff... So if you comment and I don't visit you I'm terribly sorry!!! I'll try my VERY best to stop by sites!!!!
New Wallie
I got a new wallie up so if you have time please go to my portfolio to check it out!!! I made it just this morning for fun and I dunno rather I did a good job or not... oh well at least it's pretty and at least I like it!!!! Anyhow go check it out and leave comment if you want!!!
What else...
nothing much lately... just FINALS!!!!! XD well updating my site quiet a bit and making avatars weee... and still loving and daydreaming about my husband... (J/k Soiree isn't my husband...LOL just my obsessed bishie) =(. Dang! I wish he were real so I can like travel around the world like Carman San Diego to chase him down!!! Have you ever played that game? Carman San Diego? That was like one of the computer programs I learned English from. Oh man! It's been 5 years since learned English and still crappy!!!! Oh my gosh, my Korean is becoming crappy as well. My mom laughs till she is drop dead reading my emails written in Korean. Even my sister laughs at me. Speaking of my sis, she calls me blindster because she thinks Soiree isn't good looking and since I wuv him so much, she calls me blind looking at guys. so shorten that it becamse blindster!!!! Whatever.. my sister is weird at times... oh well...
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