New BGM!

<- What kinda facial expression is that?! But I still wuv him!!!! *huggles*
I got new BGM up... Well I love the other song but recently got into this song. It's from KOF Maximum Impact yes where Soiree is from. One of the stage in the game is call "Live House Stage".
you guys: But Ishi, what does that have to do with your theme...
Well lemme explain... since I'm banned from game, I can't play the game, but I saw this hilarious video with Soiree. Basically the Live House Stage is you fighting against Soiree. So if you fight him, this is the music you hear. Kinda makes sense... Mr. Dancer hanging out in such place. Live house stage looks like a dance floor. Yup perfect place for him to hang out! I would totally go hang out and dance with him. But I can't dance.. all I can do is DDR...T_T oh yeah! Soiree will pwn me in DDR...XP
Boring as Hell... stupid final!! Well at least music finals are over!!! And guess everyone's busy I'm online, but no one freakin talks to me!!! Oh well guess I should not go online for awhile to make them worry hahahaha like they would worry about such person like me. Even here too... only few people welcomes me, but that's better than 0 people....*sigh* I miss my old account when I got like 10 comments a day and so... nowadays 1 comment a day.. or even 0 comment... myo is getting way boring these days!!! Myspace too... and everything even website is boring these days!! Only popular people have fun opening their comments, messages, and whatever the heck it is... *sigh* I should chill out.. ARRGGG!!!! Anyhow I'm off today...
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