What I wanna do now

Yup yup!!! That's what I wanna do what now....x3 lying on the sports car with my leg half way out the window just like how Soiree is doing, except I'm short so I would have hard time doing it...XD Anyhow, yes! I just wanna fool around and do stuff right now, but I have finals garrrrr!!!!!!!
New layout on COF
I got new layout on my website COF....^^; my website buddies voted for the next layout out of the choice so yay I got it up!!!! So if you want, go check it out and leave comments please!!!!! XD It's a layout of Orihime from Bleach. OMG!!! She rocks right??? (to the Bleach fan of course!!!) She totally rocks!!! And I'm so upset with what the author did with her in the latest manga... arggg I just can't stand it... I'm not gonna spoil so if you wanna know PM me please...XP
Bizzarre Day
I slept for 12 hours today and yeah that scared me first of all... And one of my website hostee was having trouble with her site decided to fix the problem for her.. OMG!!! all of her coding got messed up so yeah it's going to be pain in the butt, but well I took the job so no complain right??? And I talked with one of my online Nii-chan who Role play as Soiree's twin brother on myspace and had interesting conversation...LOL one of the item he wants to get is a usb flash drive that shaped like sushi...XD so I told him I have a pen that is shaped like sushi.. so we went talking about food... and lol yeah went off topic... cause we were talking about website then sushi.. yeah big leap....X3 Weird huh? I'm obsessed with Soiree and have interesting conversation with a guy rp-ing as his twin brother...XD well apparently the guy RP-ing as Soiree is busy with his myspace girlfriend...^___________^ Awwwww... yup yup they are such cute couple...^_^; Trust me the girl isn't me... am I upset? Heck no.. he is RP-ing as Soiree so it really doesn't matter to me as long as he is happy I guess...XP
sorry for long post... I gotta go study for finals now... sorry if I'm not visiting you ppl...T_T
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