
Yuppers! I know cause of my depressing story, not a lot of you answered.. hix hix.. but that guy on the avatar... you guys won't believe who he is... Wanna know??? Well then promise me something... promise what? Don't kill me after me telling you the answer kay??? That's ummm... SOIREE!!! *runs off to hide from the viewers*
Thank you So much!
Thank you guys so much about the words! I want to get recover as soon as possible too!! I'm going to seek help from second semester! and I hope things will get settled and stuff pretty quickly. I guess my mom knew about it and kept on punishing me for all my life to fix my behavior. Now I know what she mean by hide my emotions and don't act dramatically. Since she took psychology in college she might have know about bi-polar disorder. Well at least I'm at the early stage not a serious stage, I guess it can be recovered quickly compare to others. Anyhow, thank you guys again! It made my stressful calc final day through smoothly!!!
I just felt like posting this...
Alba Vs. Soiree
How Soiree and his Twin brother Alba show their love for each other... kinda ummm sad...^^;; Well incase you missed my long intro of Soiree, he is from this game call KOF, which stands for King of Fighters. I used to love this game until I was banned from games...T_T I can't believe I can't play the game with Soiree!!!! I would drool with tissue box next to me and you know do all the fangirl stuff.. well I would cry if I have to fight against him.. mehhh...T_________________T This video is uploaded by Alba Nii-chan, one of my loving online brother...^^ Yup! It's awesome that he adopted the name from Soiree's twin brother....XD Someday I should post Soiree's dying scene.. hmmm anyone wanna see that? Trust me.. rated PG^^; All you hear is his screaming in pain which made Ishi cry forever...oh well poor Soi-chan who sacrificed everything even his life for his older brother... may he rest in peace, but I resurrected him using pheonix down so he is with meh... and on my bed right now try to roll on my bed, but too small for him... haha..
opps! I made this post long... anyhow! Umm Since Calc final is done I can visit you all!!! Woohoo!!! Anyhow, ummm thanks for reading!!!!
Catcha guys lator!!!!
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