Avi of the day

My beloved missed Orange Wuffy is here!!!! This avi of course made by Ishi.. well not of course it's obvious I made it cause it has major flaw and stuff.. oh well... well if you haven't known me for long, that's Kurosaki Ichigo my first beloved bishie and umm where I got my name to be Kurosaki something... and I call him "Orange Wuffy" Don't ask why.. it's a long story anyhow... because me busy with Soysause I didn't get to play with him much... aww poor Wuffy... *hugs him*
Soiree - AHHH!!! Ishi is a flirt!!!!
Ishi - oppsies busted hix hix... hey! You are the major flirt not me!!!!
Soiree - how can you prove it Ishi?
Ishi - cause I saw you winking at girls and doing some lady's man business stuff.. wahhh.. I thought you were tough cool guy then I saw videos of you and my imagination was all broken!!!
Soiree - tsk tsk! don't judge book by it's cover..
Ishi - Yes I guess...
Soiree - you look like a nerd, but you don't study...
Ishi - O__________o Nani?! *in the corner*
Soiree - yay!!! I shall type rest of your post...*LOL*
Ishi - nuuu.. move from the chair you... *Soi trips Ishi* wahhh.. *on the ground* You might be call "twilight angel", but now you are devil!!!!
Soiree - *sticks tongue out* blehhh....
Ishi - I shall ask ppl who is the older one you or me...
Soiree - pshhh... definitely me silly...
Ishi - nu uhh...
Soiree - anyhow *starts typing next part of the post*
Broken Promise
Haha, like above I'm typing for lil depressed Ishi... It's true she might have bi-whatever disorder thingy, but today she has a good reason to be down. Ishi made promised with her parents that she is going to get all A's this semester, but her promise was broken today since she got her Calc final back... She didn't do so well, so she got a C in the class... I would have gotten worse grade cause those symbols and whatnot made me go @________________@. Anyhow, oh yeah, she says sorry she didn't visit people... she was just emotionally sick too much. Awww poor Ishi.. *goes to hug her but accidently stepped on Ishi on the ground* oppsies...O.O Nuuuu~~~ Ishi... T____________T *hugs her tightly* She is dead... nuuu... my poor lil Ishi... (Ishi - ummm.. I'm not your object silly...>.>)
anyhow I'll let Ishi type now... *puts Ishi on her chair*
Woohoo!!! Ishi is back anyhow, yes sorry I didn't visit any of you because I broke a huge promise and I might be dragged back to Korea to live with them forever... well we'll see how they react to such shame.. I might not be able to talk to you guys again too... and it's sooo sad how that simple promise is broken so easily... anyhow, I'm sorry again and I'm studying for psych final now so I won't be visiting you guys for awhile again until this final is over...
Weee~~~ New layout!
Crystal-chan or aka Inuyasha311-san, changed layout of my Fanlisting... and she did a great job with it.. and you guys should all check it out!!!!! XD Well you guys will know why I'm so hyper after seeing the layout..
anyhow, ttyl!
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