Avi of the Day

Yes!!! Another Orange Wuffy one made by me.. yes you are the best Wuffy-chan now hand me over your Soul Slayer so you won't injure Soysause with it^^;;
Soiree - Ishi are you saying that cause I don't have weapon?
Ishi - no just he is crazy with that sword
Soiree - oh really????
Ishi - yes.. you don't wanna mess with him
Ichi (Wuffy-chan) - hell yeah! Bring it on buddy!!!!
Soiree - oh really...
Ishi - first hand me your sword^^
Ichi - Noooo...
Ishi - then this isn't fair.. well unless that Soiree is the one from my fanfiction^^;;
Ichi - why is that?
Ishi - cause Soiree in my fanfiction has the power of all mighty twilight angel and he is about 60ft tall when he releases his true form...^^
Ichi - holy *beep*
Soiree - what if I am Ishi???
Ishi - nooo don't do it you'll destroy the house and go crazy like Alex (destinyssweetman) told you million times wiht Megumi...
Soiree - awwww no fun...T__________T
Ishi - why do guys want to fight each other and prove someone's stronger so badly?
To My Home!
Well Ishi is busy packing so I'll type for her again wootie woot.. (Ishi - I as in Soysause...^_^;; Soi - hey!!!!) So Ishi is off to Korea for a month tomorrow morning (21st!) and sad stuck in a plane for 12 hours on the day before her 19th bday. So she is saying sorry that she won't be able to visit you guys until she arrives there and sets her labtop up with the internet there. She is hoping they have wireless network, but if not she can always use the cable so it doesn't matter to her much. And she is sending me away to Crystal-chan's castle... mehhhh... (Ishi - I never said that silly! I said I'll take you to Korea with me and you told me you dunt wanna go there... and why did you announce my bday.. garr wanted to keep it secret!!!) Oh yeah, Ishi changed layout of my fanlisting page with my 2nd form. She added red wings on me...O.O (Ishi - cause the website is called 'twilight angel' and you are an angel^^) Anyhow, she wants you all to check out her work that she did while her guyfriends around were distracting her with chainsaw noise... (Ishi - yes they were killing aliens with it!!! crazy boys! Soi - that's so cool!!!) oh! here is the address...
Also in the future she will be posting pictures that she took so if you haven't seen Ishi's real life picture you will now... and see how creepy she looks (Ishi - hey!!! not nice there!!!) Nah, I think she is cute.. *pinches Ishi's cheeks* (Ishi - ahhh someone save me...x.x)
Anyhow, Ishi and I are off to pack more bags woohooo see you guys later...
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