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Indonesia, maritim country
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university student
Improving talents, Forcing myself to study hard for the final test!
Anime Fan Since
2004-when I watched Inuyasha
Favorite Anime
BLOOD+ , XXXHolic,Hell Girl BLEACH, CardcaptorSakura, FruitsBasket, Nodame Cantabile
Making amusing greeting cards,be good friend for many otakus in this world, my artworks are appreciated by anime and manga fans. Be a professional illustrator. Be a good christian.
reading,browsing,drawing, singing,playing badminton and basketball, watching J-dorama and anime!
be a good comentator , singing and drawing (average)
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Friday, July 20, 2007
beautiful day
 Hosted By
Hello, I miss you all (again) ! XD I'm so happy today, coz my lost friends are back! *LoL* I'm very excited to meet them. too bad DarkXBlood is not online now ~_~ sigh... some of my friends seem very busy. maybe they have many homeworks or upcoming exams. hope they're just fine.
Here's a simple Japanese
Konnichiwa = good afternoon
Moshi moshi = hello
Sayonara = good bye
mata ne = see you again
arigatou = thank you
hai = yes
iye / iya = no
jyaa / ja = bye bye
Let's meet again sometime,
Mata itsuka aimashou
ai mashou = let's meet ai = meet
Take care -> ki o tsukete kudasai
I've got this nice quote, "Always be the 1st class of your own version, than 2nd of other version". Very inspiring, isn't it?
Since I'm very bored, let's answer my question ^._.^
* have you ever won the 1st place in any kind of competition? please tell me your story
hope to see you guys again soon. take care. have freakin' nice week!
img sorce = HanaKimi manga by Hisaya Nakajo
>Best Friend in Againts The World ! 
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Sunday, July 15, 2007
miss my friends,but...
Hello, I miss you all! But I don't have much time. So I just drop by to say hi. I'm sos sorry for not visiting any friends T_T *sob sob*
I heard that DarkXBlood has many problems, I hope they will be solved soon.
My PC was broken down. I'm using my dad's now,only for an hour coz I have to sleep soon (it's almost 11 pm here).
I made new sketch, I would be very grateful if you check it on my portfolio ^._.^ I need comments. Thank you very much for your attention.! hope to see you guys again soon. take care. have nice week!
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Tuesday, June 5, 2007
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Monday, June 4, 2007
Say It With Flower!
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Saturday, June 2, 2007
Good Day! I've got good friends!
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Friday, June 1, 2007
WARNING!!! more emo post
Himitsu (SECRET)
Hello, friends! ^._.^ happy to meet you again! I miss you guys! (really!). too bad the situation didn't cooperate ~~_~~ *sigh* Someone don't let me use the internet as much as I can
Thank you very much for the responses for the previous post. I'm so grateful ^._.^ All of you have good opinion! My new avatar is Satoshi from DNAngel! He's very cool and smart. I wosh I had same personalities like him ^_^ Today's topic is a secret. Well, I have a secret which I'll share with you guys. Even Christian can hate some personalities in someone. I'm so emoooo ~~_~~ *sigh*
And I'm not a nice girl like Tohru from FruitsBasket. Nobody's perfect. I'll tell you
I hate but I love my female siblings who tend to: ~~ Look down on others. ~~ Never think about other's feelings. ~~ Reactive, easy to be angry ~~ Judge someone, without having deep knowledge about the object. ~~ Think they know it all. ~~ Talk with high voice to older person. ~~ Never really want to hear other's problem. ~~ They are my close siblings ~~_~~ poor me
Too bad we can change people before we change ourself. Do you think this kind of people is annoying? If you don't mind,Please tell me what you think. you can call me suck ^_^
One more,since these girl and woman are popular and always called by someone, they won't understand how does it feels when nobody wants to talk to you.Beauties won't really understand how does it feels to be ordinary. I'm very thankful for those friends who want to hear my problems.
Thank you very much for your attention. I'm just sick of my aunt. she saidI'm "stupid but pretending to be smart" indirectly.This person misjudged me totally. I've never deceived her. I only hides my comics from her, coz this person hates comic ~~_~~ adult can be very annoying too, right? I'll try to forgive and forget ^_^
Have Nice Day!
~~You reap what you have sowed~~ image : XXXHolic by CLAMP
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Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Emo Girl is here
Gisei (The Sacrifice)
Nice to meet you,friends! \(^O^)/
O genki desu ka?How are you?
I'm very very sorry for not visiting you (my friends) for a very very long time (according to my statement).
I've made a big mistake. It's all because of my careless-ness. I was in a hurry and didn't notice the modem cable was in front of me. And I stumbled and I couldn't connect to the internet. I couldn't 'meet' my friends for days (T-T) I've just fixed the modem and
change the cable. Thanks God, it works! (^._.^) I'm very excited to say "Hi" to my friends now!
Sorry again, but I haven't complete the flowers meanings note. I'll post it later. Do you know? My friends,DarkXBlood and Hikari Animeangel are writing stories! (read : wonderful fiction!) Please PM them if you're intersted! I read "Wind of Faith" by DarkXBlood and "Kensho P.S" by Hikari Animeangel.
Talking about sacrifice, do you think it's worth to sacrifice your own happiness for others? For example, would you let person you love to fall in love with person he/she loves? How far would you go?
Ok then, see ya later, I want to visit my friends now!
Have Wonderful Day, DeAr COoL friends! Ki o tsukete Kudasai (Take Care,please!) mata kondo no jikan! (see you next time)
image source : Chobits/CLAMP >littlesan.animeru web
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Monday, May 21, 2007
No more School Exams!
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Sunday, May 13, 2007
School Final Judgement
Gakkou no Saigo no Shiken
Tomorrow will be my 1st part of my biggest bloody war. I'm having Physic test. Eventhough, I'm not expert on Physics, I'll try my BEST! I'm going to do my final revise for tomorrow ^._.^ I just want to say Hi to my dear friends on Myo. How are you guys? \(^O^)/ DarkXBlood is still writing her phantasy,Wind of Faith, QT Ryou XX is making special offer on her Myo ^._.^ Good Job! Well,as you can see from the title, I'm having School final test week. It will be a long bloody tiring war for me... I'm bad on calculating things... Your support is urgently needed! I appreciate your support! ^._.^ or else, I'll messed up my class like in this picture!!! and haunted you in your dream! *LoL* just kidding!
I was tagged by my super artist friend, mink2 I'm so confuse *LoL*. She told me to mention 6 facts about me.
So, here are the 6 things about me. you can skip it if you're not interested on knowing my bads...
1. I'm not good on talking, I'm active only in writing and typing ^._.^
2. I have 'special' interest in bloody and mysterious anime like BLOOD+
3. I'm looking for Japanese friends ^._.^ (I got 1 from Friendster
4. I'm the quitest girl in my class. I'm short, only 152cm. I'm wearing thick framed eyeglasses and brackets for teeth. You can see my true face in Friendster. My FS username is MarselaYukirou.
5. I only sleep 5 and a half hours a day. From 12.00am until 5.30am. and I'm not taking any nap unless I'm very depressed.
6. I'm collecting cosplayers photos I love collecting pictures! I want to be a photographer someday!
Guess I'll give more unimportant facts about me ^._.^ *evil smile*
7. I like boyish style. My friend told me, if I had tall boyish body, she would take me with her to show off in front of her friends. She would be very proud to have cool and nice boyfriend like me *LoL*
8. atashi wa wasureppoi no hito. (I'm very forgetful)Meet me face to face, tell me your name,and I'll only remember your face and voice.
9. For people I like, I can be very annoying and very silent to them.
10. I think I'm in love with ?????? since I was on 6th grade. It's quite long huh? He's still hasn't responded my love until this second. I'm still waiting for his respon. For Love is Waiting.
Well, i think it's more than enough, i'm so stubborn, heh? *LoL*
The lucky friends will be tagged by me soon! ^O^ atashi wo matte iru kudasai (please wait for me) I'll be absent here for 5 days. I'll be here on Friday night (which is my birthday!) to meet my dear cool lovely friends! I can't wait!
HaVe WoNDerFuL WeEK, DeAr COoL friends! Ki o tsukete Kudasai (Take Care,please!) mata kondo no jikan! (see you next time) |
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Friday, May 4, 2007

Fun Facts about Blood Type
COMMON TRAITS B : laid back, easy going, free, enjoying life. O : big heart, egoist, hate details. AB : Unique, creative, double personalities.
Most Being Late To Appointments B : too laid back~{`.`.~}AB: easily change schedule. O : flamboyant.~{`.`.~}
A : failing on discipline
Most Trustful A (consistent) -O - B - AB (moody) The Most tasty blood is the O blood type. This type is sweet! Mosquitoes love it very much!
Most Powerful Memory O - AB - A - B
Most Easily Go To Bed B : Very Sleepy.Even sleeping while standing is possible O : Sleeps when has nothing to do. AB: Depends on mood A : Depeds on the rule.
Fastest To Be Hairless O - B - A-AB
Hardest To Get Up B : Keep snoring even Tsunami strikes your house! AB: Sleeping is everything if in the mood A : Sleeping 8 hours a day is a must! O : Sleep when needed
source : Hanalala vol. 8 2006
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