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myOtaku.com: Kurt Zisa

Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.

Saturday, October 23, 2004

   La La La....
Ahh, what a wonderful day. I'm in a great mood today. I might actually finish writing my story or the first book any way. I'm thinking the regular trilogy/prelude. Yes, that's right, the trilogy is merely a prelude to another story.

But take note, all ideas are subject to change, and I'm very bad about changing things.

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Saturday, July 17, 2004

I'm kinda bored today... And I'm completely paranoid about this spider that keeps hanging out outside my window. Oh well...
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Tuesday, July 6, 2004

Cool sites!
Hey, I've seen some pretty cool sites out there! I would like to commend everyone on their site, even if I don't know you. Let's just say that I don't have much to talk about...


Long ago, there was a witch, and this witch...she had some serious issues with her cat. He talked all night and slept all day. When the witch wanted to sleep...he wanted to play, and she just couldn't make hime wake up during the day.

Her nights were too rough, and her health was poor; but she didn't just want to boot her cat straight up and out the door. So here's what she decided to do. After years of torture, here's what she decided to do. She took the cat and made him into stew, and she gave him to the Old Lady in the Shoe. Her children had a meal, a big meal you see; so somebody got a prize out of this deal to me.

As for the witch, she went home for some rest. But she did not do her house the best, for when she opened the door there were mice on the floor, and now she has a problem with pest.
Now that the cat's voice was gone, and this is no jest, the mice feared not to stray away from their nest. They thought nothing of the witch; she was just an old hag with teeth all gone and a face that sagged.

Not tolerating this, here's what she decided to do. The mice were loud like a gossipy crowd; so here's what the witch decided to do. She sent all the mice to Winnie the Pooh, to the Hundred Acre Wood where they were free to be yappy. And the witch home where she could be happy.

But the witch did not do her house the best, for she ended up having a bigger problem with pest. With no mice around scurrying or chattering, the roaches came in a manner not flattering. They raided her food and almost covered the floor; so the witch headed straight out the door, and she went away to the Von Drake store. Do you know what the witch decided to do? Well, I don't really know; I haven't the slightest clue.

But here's what I do know, and this will end the show. If a person goes strolling past the old witches house during the day, they will hear loud snoring. So what can I say? At night here house creates noise that wakes the town. So you tell me; what do you think went down?

I don't know.

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Monday, July 5, 2004

I bought Seph!
Okay, so I didn't buy the character. Too bad. But I did, however, just make the purchase of a collectable Sephiroth Statue from eBay. If anybody else wants one, go check it out, but I only advise those who can use paypal...

Just forget it. I apologize. I guess that's considered as gloating. Maybe, but I don't mean it. I'm just a little happy. It's not even garanteed that I'll get it since anything can go wrong. Of course I pray that they don't.

I forgot to say this yesterday, but...


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Friday, July 2, 2004

Hey, can we all agree that summer ends too soon? I've done just about everything, and I might even buy a collectable; but I'm not telling who it is. :) Let's just say I've done everything on Kingdom Hearts, and I'm just about to be FF7.
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Sunday, November 23, 2003

My Site
Howdy, long time no write. School....It gets me to where I'm real lazy about getting on the computer.

Speaking of which, I was wondering if you OBer's out there would be interested in helping me with my site. See, school gets me out of the mood of working on a lot of things, so I was wondering if My OB pals could help me finish my site. If it's not possible, that's okay. I didn't see any harm in asking....

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Saturday, September 27, 2003

Site updates.
I have decided this time that I won't put my site up until it's completely finished, so in the mean time I'll just talk about it. That way, you peepers can stay interested. When I get home, I'll give you the whole scoop. I'm teaching a class right now.
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Monday, September 15, 2003

   And then there was light
The sun beamed down on my head, and I have come to realize that it's hot in Alabama. Even with fall coming soon, it still feels like summer. I think I lost a few pounds from sweating in the sun... I like walking in the rain (with soggy, wet pants) better than walking with a cheap, heavy bookbag, up a hill, in the hot sun....
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Sunday, September 14, 2003

   Ahh, my writing career...
So far, so good on my story folks. I don't have the desire to stop with it yet, and that's good considering I always stop around page 50 or so. Hehe, guess you can say I have a very easily changed mind.

So far, I measure that I've battled Kurt Zisa over about 50 times, and it's probably higher than that. I also drew another picture of him, and I'll be displaying it in a while. With the right timing, I can have my pic completely colored within a week. Isn't that great?

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Saturday, September 13, 2003

   Hola Amigos.
Hello there, it's little old me. Yes, the Na'dou has returned, and she is now known as Kurt Zisa. Don't ask me why I'm infatuated with him; it's something about the way he acts...

Uhh, anyway...School's been pretty much a mix between boring and fun so far. What was going through my head at age 8 when I said that I loved school? Now, I look back and wonder about that. My favorite parts about school are JROTC and English. Intro to Spanish is okay, but I kinda get sleepy in that class... I think it's because of the air conditioning. Also, so far we've had plenty of fights. The last one I remember was on Monday. There were two of them in the lunch room by the same kids, and then they started up again in the office. Too bad I never found out who won. Oh well.

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