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myOtaku.com: Kurt Zisa

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Happy Halloween!
Happy Hollow's 'een. Yes, I said Hollow's 'een since that's one of the names it use to be know as. The story of Holloween may be commonly unknown, or maybe not. But here's what I will share with you.

Long ago, there came a day when the witches were afoot, and the ghost were not at rest. All beings of the night ventured out in search of human prey; (They were either after souls or lives, but either way...). Humans, of course, feared for their lives. So something had to be done about the spooky matter. Thus, some genius came up with the idea of dressing up for protection. If the wicked could not see them, then they could not be taken. And you know what, it worked. When All Hallow's Eve came, the wicked set out for their yearly hunt, but much to their dismay they found no prey. All they found were others like themselves. Now, they probably knew that the humans were in costume, but they couldn't tell who was who. Therefore, they'd try again next year.

From that point on, people like you and I dressed up on All Hallow's Eve to protect their souls from the wickedly wicked, and it's been that way ever since.

Of course, nowadays, the meaning of Halloween is unknown or forgotten. But I am here to remind or enlighten you on it's true meaning. So the next time you say "I'm too old to dress up," think again. You never know who's gonna.....

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