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myOtaku.com: Kurt Zisa

Saturday, September 13, 2003

   Hola Amigos.
Hello there, it's little old me. Yes, the Na'dou has returned, and she is now known as Kurt Zisa. Don't ask me why I'm infatuated with him; it's something about the way he acts...

Uhh, anyway...School's been pretty much a mix between boring and fun so far. What was going through my head at age 8 when I said that I loved school? Now, I look back and wonder about that. My favorite parts about school are JROTC and English. Intro to Spanish is okay, but I kinda get sleepy in that class... I think it's because of the air conditioning. Also, so far we've had plenty of fights. The last one I remember was on Monday. There were two of them in the lunch room by the same kids, and then they started up again in the office. Too bad I never found out who won. Oh well.

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