My New Art (17 July 07)
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Last 15 July is my mother B-day. And next 20 July is my father's ^^. Ahahaha I'm 10, my mom 15 and my father 20. lol Too bad my sis not 5 July but 7 May (5-7 not 7-5) ^^
Woops... stop that non sense talk. I want to offer U something. Since I have a little bit free time, few days ago I try new code for MyOtaku site. And I almost done.
I'm not really good at web layout. I just want to sharing my knowledge, and I also give U the code for free. I still learning new method to make site so I will not use KarumiChan code. If I have my own code, I can sharing without worrying anything right?
But since I'm still trying, maybe It took several days. Hope U can be patient. Before that, I just want to make sure that there is people that I want to help. ^^
Video of the Post
Its so sad.... It has tragic ending (This is AMV)
Kamen Rider 555 (Faiz)